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MAASTO Region Scott Marion. What is new or proposed for the states of the MAASTO region?

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Presentation on theme: "MAASTO Region Scott Marion. What is new or proposed for the states of the MAASTO region?"— Presentation transcript:

1 MAASTO Region Scott Marion

2 What is new or proposed for the states of the MAASTO region?

3 Minnesota Cross-border coordination with WI and D on 200+ wind towers moving from Manitowoc to Mandan Working with MN County Engineers Association to consider coordinating State and local permitting – consultant study Will no longer accept permit applications by Fax – July 2014 MN/WI permit portal – soft launch in progress

4 Minnesota Continued No self-routing on annual permit trips – must use permit system to provide routing Consultant helping with permit efficiency study and enhancements to our OSOW Freight Network Trucker’s Page added to MN511 web site Pilot escort driver training and certification program implemented January 1, 2014.

5 Wisconsin Changes awaiting final approval to administrative laws governing single trip and non-divisible multiple trip permits will: eliminate Sunday and Friday evening permit restriction in 67 of 72 counties and reduce time length of restriction in remaining 5. expand Saturday and holiday travel hours for many vehicles. increase size of vehicles that may travel on the Milwaukee Expressway from 11’ to 14’ wide; from 13’06” to 14’06” high, and from 100’ to 150’ long.

6 Michigan MiTRIP Michigan Transport Routing and Internet Permitting (MiTRIP) will allow applicants to order oversize/overweight single trip and extended permits using a credit/debit card or electronic fund transfer (e- Check, business check) with bank accounts in the United States. All oversize/overweight transport permit applications are submitted and purchased through the Michigan Business OneStop online service.Michigan Business OneStop

7 Iowa Iowa implemented new automated permitting (IAPS) on December 30, 2013. IOWA Changed front escort with height pole from 14’4” to 14’6”- allowed electronic device for permit. AASHTO Harmonization update within your Region (Phase I and II)- in the works to change our Administrative rules.

8 Illinois Illinois Transportation Automated Permits (ITAP) Phase I was launched January 28 th 2013. This allowed the automatic issuance of all LCO, routine and superload permits that do not exceed practical maximum weights, 16-00 wide, 17-00 high or 200-00 long. ITAP Phase II will be launched sometime in 2014. This will allow the automatic issuance of superload permits that weigh 249,999 lbs. or less that do not exceed 16-00 wide, 17-00 high or 200-00 long. As of January 28 th, 2013 all permits must be ordered online at and can be paid for using a visa, master card, electronic funds transfer or using an escrow account.

9 Illinois Continued No policy or rule changes of any significance have been made. AASHTO Harmonization update within your Region (Phase I and II) Upcoming Fall Regional meeting plans? IDOT has been approved for travel Several new laws went into effect January 1 st, 2014 (Interstate speed limit increased but permit loads still must comply with OPER 993; Cell phone use limited to hands free devices only; etc…)

10 Indiana EFFECTIVE June 1, 2013 Indiana has added a new permit type called the Overweight Commodity Permit (single trip) which consist of: - “Agricultural commodities” means agricultural output products (such as corn, beans, wheat, oats, and bulk milk) being transported in their most basic, original form from the farm or from storage to market or for processing. The term does not include processed items no longer in original form (such as corn syrup, oils, or flour) and input materials used in the production of agriculture products (such as fertilizer or seed).

11 Indiana Continued - “Metal commodities” means output products from metal producing industries (such as metal coils, rods, plates, or raw metal products) being transported in their most basic, original form from a mill or from storage to market for processing. The term does not include manufactured parts being transported from a manufacturer or a supplier to another customer and input materials used in the production of metal commodities (such as ore or scrap metal). EFFECTIVE February 1, 2014 Indiana has added a Multi-Trip Overweight Commodity Permit (Annual). You may visit our Oversize/weight permit Handbook at for more information and fees.

12 Ohio Log-in users will be able to print a valid copy of an issued permit from the log-in page. Estimated Trips has its own field, the estimates will no longer be accepted in the comment field. Credit cards will be accepted for Public Projects. Axles that weigh less than 10,000 lbs. will be allowed, but only for vehicles with 13 or more axles. There is a blanket permit for Boats. There are two permit types for International Sealed Containers, a 45 day permit and 90 day permit which are now available.

13 Kansas Kansas has new permit system K-TRIPS It is a web base application go to k-trips home page as of January 1 2014

14 Missouri Insurance is now part of the permit credential - streamlining the insurance requirement process - eliminating contact with insurance carriers and agents – reducing phone calls and allowing for paperless processes. Saved MoDOT the equivalent of 1 FTE On-Line 24/7 automated permitting system allows permits to be auto issued within seconds. OSOW Electronic Permits – can be viewed on tablets, i- pads, smartphones, etc. Paper is not required by enforcement as of July 2013.

15 Missouri Continued OSOW New feature when routing that shows when the construction starts and ends. Streamlines the process of issuing and/or denying permits. You do not have to look at the restriction map with this feature as far as construction goes. Testing Phase I of multiple browser compatibility for the MCE electronic permitting system.

16 Kentucky Currently performing acceptance testing for a new software program with the goal of implementing automated routing in the future. Now, accepting permit applications greater than 15’6” high with a route survey regardless of the origin or destination.

17 MAASTO is working as a team with AASHTO and the other regions to move forward with the harmonization efforts of Phase I and Phase II. Working to identify which states will need to make changes to conform with Phase I. Outreaching to obtain data from the states for Phase II.

18 Questions?

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