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General Overview of the Functions and Responsibilities Traffic Engineering & Permits Division.

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Presentation on theme: "General Overview of the Functions and Responsibilities Traffic Engineering & Permits Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 General Overview of the Functions and Responsibilities Traffic Engineering & Permits Division

2 Permit Issuance and Inspection Residential and Commercial Drive Approaches Construction work not under contract with GCRC – includes drain commission projects, utilities, etc. Building moves, oversize / overweight loads Landscaping Parades Any other work within the road right-of-way

3 Traffic Engineering Staff performs various traffic engineering studies Intersection studies for Traffic Signals & Signal Timing Crash Analysis Speed Studies No Parking Zone Studies Traffic Control Recommendation for Signs – Stop & Yields; Various Warning Signs

4 Traffic Engineering – Cont. Traffic Signal Design Traffic Counts Conduct 48 hour counts on most primary roads annually Conducts 24 hour counts on local roads if personnel available or as requested Website where counts are posted: GCMPC.MS2SOFT.COM

5 Signs & Signals Shop Traffic Signal Installation & Maintenance County Road System MDOT Trunklines and Interstate Ramps Small Cities

6 Signs & Signals Shop – cont. Sign Installation & Maintenance County Road System MDOT Trunklines and Interstate (maintain only) Pavement Markings & Legends Freeway Lighting Maintenance for MDOT

7 Cost Sharing Policy on Electrical Traffic Control Devices Stop & Go Traffic Lights & Appurtenances GCRC will pay for 100% of all costs if all legs are primary roads, including operation & maintenance Twp. will pay for 100% of all costs if all legs are local roads, including operation & maintenance. For intersections with both, the costs will be shared proportionally between the GCRC and Twp. Preliminary Engineering will be provided by the GCRC

8 Cost Sharing Policy on Electrical Traffic Control Devices Flashing Beacons at Intersections Intersections having streets or road legs under county jurisdiction- Installation costs will be split equally between the GCRC and Township Maintenance will be provided by GCRC Electricity required to operate will be paid for by the Township

9 Special Assessment Districts for Paving Subdivision Streets GCRC no longer providing petition preparation, verification, public hearings and preparation of assessments for the tax rolls for residents under P.A. 246 (GCRC Roads & Bridges, April 6, 2006) GCRC will provide engineering services and inspection for SAD’s administered under P.A. 188. (Township Law)

10 House Numbers GCRC provides this service for free for homes on public roads Consumers Energy provides house numbers on private roads

11 New Subdivision & Condominium Developments Review & Approve Preliminary Plat / Site Plans Review & Approve Proposed Construction Plans Prepare Project Administrative Documents Performance Agreements Resolution and Adoption into County Road System

12 Abandonment of Public Right of Way GCRC prepares and verifies petitions Schedules and conducts necessary public hearings Prepares and enacts on abandonment resolutions and legal notifications

13 Administrative Responsibilities Preparation of the ACT 51 Highway Certification Maps and Associated Reports Maintain Right-of-Way Documents and Records







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