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Day 1-3. Variable Selection and GIS Processing 1.Discuss V mapping goals, targeted system (what is vulnerable?), framework 2.Choose data layers (criteria:

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Presentation on theme: "Day 1-3. Variable Selection and GIS Processing 1.Discuss V mapping goals, targeted system (what is vulnerable?), framework 2.Choose data layers (criteria:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 1-3. Variable Selection and GIS Processing 1.Discuss V mapping goals, targeted system (what is vulnerable?), framework 2.Choose data layers (criteria: resolution, timeliness, robustness & accuracy of the data) 3.Convert all data layers to grid (raster) format with consistent resolution 4.Convert all raster layers to CSV text files Day 4-5. Data exploration in R Statistics 1.Import all CSV into R data frames 2.Use data exploratory tools to identify the statistical distribution of each indicator 3.Use winsorize and / or rescale techniques to calculate the indicators on a 0-100 scale Day 4-5. Data exploration in R Statistics 1.Import all CSV into R data frames 2.Use data exploratory tools to identify the statistical distribution of each indicator 3.Use winsorize and / or rescale techniques to calculate the indicators on a 0-100 scale Day 6. Create Regional Vulnerability Map 1.Calculate the sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and exposure components and vulnerability index in R 2.Import R vulnerability index to GIS 3.Create regional vulnerability map 4.Discuss regional vulnerability map Day 6. Create Regional Vulnerability Map 1.Calculate the sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and exposure components and vulnerability index in R 2.Import R vulnerability index to GIS 3.Create regional vulnerability map 4.Discuss regional vulnerability map Day 7. Regional Map Normalize by country 1.Discuss normalizing the Regional Vulnerability map by country methodology 2.Generate normalized country vulnerability maps from the Regional Vulnerability Map 3.Compile Normalized Regional Vulnerability Map Day 7. Regional Map Normalize by country 1.Discuss normalizing the Regional Vulnerability map by country methodology 2.Generate normalized country vulnerability maps from the Regional Vulnerability Map 3.Compile Normalized Regional Vulnerability Map Country and Sector Mapping Day 8. Country / Sector level Vulnerability Mapping 1.Discuss available country data sets 2.Identify processing methods for each country 3.Begin variable processing in GIS Day 8. Country / Sector level Vulnerability Mapping 1.Discuss available country data sets 2.Identify processing methods for each country 3.Begin variable processing in GIS Day 9. Create Country / Sector level Vulnerability Maps 1.Complete Variable Processing in GIS 2.Import CSV files into R 3.Process Vulnerability components and Indices in R Day 9. Create Country / Sector level Vulnerability Maps 1.Complete Variable Processing in GIS 2.Import CSV files into R 3.Process Vulnerability components and Indices in R Day 10. Discussion of Vulnerability Mapping Process 1.Regional and normalized country vulnerability maps 2.Country / Sector vulnerability maps Day 10. Discussion of Vulnerability Mapping Process 1.Regional and normalized country vulnerability maps 2.Country / Sector vulnerability maps Regional Mapping

2 Daily plan of activities Before Nairobi – Variable selection and collection Day 1 – Introduce Vulnerability hotspot mapping – Discuss variable selection and collection process – Start variable synthesis & harmonization discussion Day 2 – Conclude variable synthesis and harmonization Day 3 – Process variables in GIS Day 4 -5 – Data exploration and processing in R for regional Vulnerability map Day 6 – Component creation in R (regional map) – Mapping components in GIS Day 7 – Normalize regional map by country Day 8 -9 – Country and thematic vulnerability mapping Day 10 – Sensitivity Analysis and Evaluation

3 Variable Selection and harmonization Day 1&2 Discuss VA mapping goals & process Create preliminary list of candidate variables Assess suitability of candidate variables – Spatial and temporal coverage – Thematic relevance – Availability and access Synthesize and harmonize of country data sets to create regional input layers

4 Synthesis and harmonizing datasets steps: TBD

5 GIS Processing of variables Day 3 GIS processing of each input variable – Processing steps vary with input layer (see next slide) – Each layer is processed to a 0.1deg raster Convert rasters to CSV tables

6 Is data point Interpolate Emp. Bayesian Is data polygon Convert to Raster Is data Raster No Yes cell size > 1km? Yes No Resample cell size <1km? Yes Aggregate & Resample Data RASTER 0.1deg RASTER 0.1deg Is it GCS? Yes Project Raster & Resample No

7 Data Processing in R Statistics Day 4 &5 Import CSV files into R Statistics Explore variables stats and define processing methods – Generate exploratory statistics – Create histograms and charts – Discussion to define R processing methods Process variables and create vulnerability components – Scale and Winsorize variables as needed – Combine variables to create components – Combine components to create vulnerability Index

8 Create Regional Vulnerability Map Day 6 Create components of vulnerability Index – EXPOSURE = sum(all exposure input variables) – SENSITIVITY = sum(all sensitivity variables) – ADAPTIVE CAPACITY = sum( all adaptive capacity variables) Calculate Vulnerability Index – VULNERABILITY = EXPOSURE + SENSITIVITY + ADAPTIVE CAPACITY – Import and map components and Index in ArcGIS

9 Regional map normalize by country Day 7 Discuss the normalize by country – Goal of the normalization process – Mechanics of the normalization process Extract regional Vulnerability map using country masks Apply normalization function to country rasters – (grid_value – country_min)/(country_max – country_min)*100 – Function results in all min=0 and all max = 100 Combine country rasters to create a normalized regional Vulnerability map (This will create a Vulnerability map with 0 being the least vulnerable in a any country and 100 the most vulnerable)

10 Country and/or sector Vulnerability mapping (Day 8 & 9) Work on prepping each country specific data will begin on day 3 of the workshop. – We will meet with individual countries separately to help identify processing methods for their data. – Countries will be encouraged to start GIS processing during week 1 and over the weekend – During the week 1 there will be evening sessions to give direct support to those in need Variable selection and GIS processing – Discussion to select variables – Processing in GIS according to preset methods – Export processed files CSV files Create components of vulnerability in R. – Exploratory statistics in R – Process variables and create components in R – Map components in ArcGIS

11 Sensitivity Analysis and Evaluate Results (Day 10) Sensitivity analysis – Explore methods used in sensitivity analysis – Perform sensitivity analysis for Regional Map Discussions and evaluation of results – Discuss on vulnerability mapping results (Regional and country maps) – Workshop evaluation

12 Sensitivity Analysis methods

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