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Introduction to Algebra Gwendolyn Vestal

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1 Introduction to Algebra Gwendolyn Vestal
Math Website Rankings Introduction to Algebra Gwendolyn Vestal

2 5 Sites About Math That I have Chosen To Evaluate
Mathletics IXL Cool Khan academy

3 How They Will be Graded 10% Keeping the person Motivated Use the Website 10% Website Safety do you have a password? 10% Explaining the Concept 20% Giving you work to help you learn the concept 10% Examples 20% Actually Educational 10% Choice in what you learn/letting the person move on when finished learning the basic concept 10% Presentation

4 Letter Grade System Every one of the things that I have claimed important will get a mark out of 10. That number will be transferred to a percentage. That percentage will count for the percentage that that area is accounted for. Then, Depending on the overall percentage the Site will be Letter Graded.


6 Opening In this part of the presentation I will be covering notes I took about this site, writing about what marks I gave the site and why, writing a report on the site with an opening (this is the opening) a body and a conclusion, determining how, when and why I would use this site, what features of the site make it stand out and if it has a cost and if it is worth the cost.

7 Mathletics (Keeping the Person Motivated to use the website)
Mathletics has many ways to keep the person motivated to use the website. There are many fun games that they have. As well as that, when you answer questions you will get points that you can trade in for “Money” You can spend this Money on designing your profile picture and backgrounds and other interesting things. You also get a bronze certificate if you get 1000 points in a week. When you get a certain number of those you get a silver certificate and then a golden certificate. You also get to choose these little avatars that help you. However one of the criteria does say that there must be games that are “fun”. All of the games on Mathletics are not very fun so unfortunately in this area Mathletics is an A A

8 Mathletics (Website Safety)
Mathletics requires an address but does not spam. It has strict access rules on who can access the information. All the address is for is to notify you on how well you are doing on the website. For teachers, how much the student did and how well they did. There is a username and password that you get, it is given to you, you don’t get to choose it, but it is better and there are ways you can recover your username and password my entering your . A+

9 Mathletics (Explaining the Concept)
Mathletics fully explains any concept that you are learning so that it is easy for the learner to understand. The explanations make sense and are clearly written. There are many different examples of explanations all different some leveled “easy”, some “medium” and some “hard”. A+

10 Mathletics (Work to help you learn the concept)
Mahtletics gives the perfect amount of work. Enough to understand the concept and learn how to put the concept into action, but not so much that it is boring. If you want to do the questions again you can, but the questions are always different! The questions are age appropriate and quality questions. To move on the next grade level in the mathematical area you have to take a test, if you get a passing mark, you move on. A+

11 Mathletics (Examples)
Gives the perfect amount of examples. Enough to understand the concept and learn how to put the concept into action, but not so much that it is boring and unnecessary. If you want to see the examples again you can. The examples match the basic idea of the ones in the questions. There are multiple examples all explained in different ways. A+

12 Mathletics (Educational)
Mathletics is extremely educational. There are fun parts that keep you intrigued but there is nothing that has nothing to do with education. A+

13 Mathletics (Choice in what you learn/letting the person move on when finished learning the basic concept) You have a lot of choice in what you learn. If you want to, you can excel yourself in certain areas. You can choose anything that you want to do from 7 main areas, each having easy, medium and hard sections in them and each of those have up to 20 topics in them that are covered fully with examples. A+

14 Mathletics (Presentation)
Has awesome presentation. The site is not Crowded with things everywhere. There are not adds everywhere that distract you. There is colour and things that are interesting to look at so it is not boring. There are ways for you to change the background for fun. A+

15 Mathletics (Notes) Has password and username security
You can create your own avatar and you have lots of motivation. Everything has something to do with education. You can move up to 12 grade levels up. You can theme the whole site to your choice. There are no adds. You can play mathematical games against other people but you can not talk to them or contact them. Some of your personal information has to be given (example: your ) but nothing is used for spamming purposes and all or your information is 100% safe from other users.

16 Mathletics (What makes the site stand out/pay)
There is a pay $99 for one kid, $179 for two. I believe that the price is worth it though. Because it is an “A+” site in every way except for one part of the criteria that says that the site has to have games that are “fun”. All games are completely math based which is good, but they can be kind of boring, not fun making the site a A in that area. Still though 7 “A+” s and only one “A” is very good. Making the site an “A+” There are many things that make Mathletics stand out among other site. Some of them may include: Mathletics is very motivational and makes you want to play come and be on the site. There is 12 grade levels so you can always excel yourself in any area that is mathematical. The presentation is awesome, there are no advertisements. I truly believe that advertisements take a lot away from a site.

17 When, where and why will I use this site?
When: I would use this site all the time! It is great! Just about any time I need some real practice on a math topic. They will have questions on the topic and explanations. The topics are limited though. I would not use Mathletics if I wanted to have something explain to me how to do a certain thing, only if I wanted to practice the common Mahamatical skills. Where: At home, at school, at any public place, as long as you can get internet. Why: I would use this website because there are many ways to motivate you. It is fun and provides excellent practice at the things that you need.

18 Conclusion In conclusion Mathletics is absolutely awesome! It is an A+ site. It gives amazing examples, all you have to do is press a huge “?” button and it explains the concept in many different levels with multiple different explanations. Mathletics has good motivation, you get point and avatars and much more. It is covers hundreds of topics and it does a great job of covering the topics.


20 Opening In this part of the presentation I will be covering notes I took about this site, writing about what marks I gave the site and why, writing a report on the site with an opening (this is the opening) a body and a conclusion, determining how, when and why I would use this site, what features of the site make it stand out and if it has a cost and if it is worth the cost.

21 Khan Academy (Keeping the Person Motivated to use the website)
The Khan Academy has Energy points that you can earn. You also get an avatar and you can earn badges. I motivates you and makes a big difference. However there are no games so the grade has been drastically lowered. B+

22 Khan Academy (Website Safety)
The Khan Academy requires an address but does not spam. It has strict access rules on who can access the information. All the address is for is to notify you on how well you are doing on the website. For teachers, how much the student did and how well they did. There is a username and password that you get, it is given to you, you don’t get to choose it, but it is better and there are ways you can recover your username and password my entering your . A+

23 Khan Academy (Explaining the Concept)
The Khan Academy fully explains the concept so that it is easy for the learner to understand. The explanations make sense and are clearly written. On every subject there are videos explaining the concept and other written explanations. A+

24 Khan Academy (Work to help you learn the concept)
The Khan Academy gives the perfect amount of work. Enough to understand the concept and learn how to put the concept into action, but not so much that it is boring. If you want to do the questions again you can, but the questions are always different! The questions are age appropriate and quality questions. They will give you work and explain how to do something until you can get 100% on the questions without using the explanations. A+

25 Khan Academy (Examples)
The Khan Academy gives the perfect amount of examples. Enough to understand the concept and learn how to put the concept into action, but not so much that it is boring and un-nessicary. If you want to see the examples again you can. The examples match the basic idea of the ones in the questions. There are multiple examples all explained in different ways. Until tests there is always shortcuts that you can take while answering a question to videos explaining the concept and written explanations, making it easy for both visual and vocal learners. A+

26 Khan Academy (Educational)
The Khan Academy is extremely educational. There are fun parts that keep you intrigued but there is nothing that has nothing to do with education. At the start they will have you take a test to see how good you are at specific areas and then they will recommend things for you to study. A+

27 Khan Academy (Choice in what you learn/letting the person move on when finished learning the basic concept) You have a lot of choice in what you learn. If you want to, you can excel yourself in certain areas. You can basically learn anything that you want to as long as it has something to do with math or science. Certain areas or math are recommended for you when you start so they give you a good starting point. Almost anything you type into the search bar they will have a lesson for. A+

28 Khan Academy (Presentation)
Has awesome presentation. It is not crowded with things everywhere. There are no adds, making it much easier for you to focus. There is colour and things that are interesting to look at so it is not boring. There are ways for you to change the background for fun. A+

29 Khan Academy (Notes) When you first start they ask if you want to take a short test to see what areas they think you need improvement on. Until tests there is always shortcuts that you can take while answering a question to videos explaining the concept and written explanations, making it easy for both visual and vocal learners. There are points you can earn to motivate you and you can earn avatars.

30 Khan Academy (What makes the site stand out/pay)
The site stands out because of how educational it is. Basically no matter what you want to learn, if it has to do with math, they have it and they have videos explaining it, questions on it, ways to earn energy points and written examples! The khan Academy got one B+ and seven A+ so it is pretty awesome There is no pay for the Khan Academy, but even if there was, it would be worth it!

31 When, where and why will I use this site?
When: I would use this site all the time! It is great! Just about any time I need some real practice on a math topic. They will have questions on the topic and explanations with videos if you are an auditory learner. There is no site that could do a better job that the Khan Academy for free! Where: At home, at school, at any public place, as long as you can get internet. Why: I would use this website because it covers almost every mathematical topic you could imagine in great detail. There are many ways to motivate you.

32 Conclusion In conclusion The Khan Academy is absoloutly awesome! It is an A+ site. It gives amazing examples, after every question, if you get it wrong and there are videos that explain the topic on the site that are not on You Tube. The Khan Academy has good motivation, you get point and avatars and much more. It is cover hundreds of topics and it does a great job of covering the topics.

33 IXL A

34 Opening In this part of the presentation I will be covering notes I took about this site, writing about what marks I gave the site and why, writing a report on the site with an opening (this is the opening) a body and a conclusion, determining how, when and why I would use this site, what features of the site make it stand out and if it has a cost and if it is worth the cost.

35 Khan Academy (Keeping the Person Motivated to use the website)
The IXL has a big puzzle and to get all of the pieces you have to finish a certain piece of math work. You can get medals and prizes. However there are no games so the grade has been drastically lowered. You are also not represented my an avatar or able to change anything to make the site more “fun”. C

36 A+ IXL (Website Safety)
You don’t have to enter any personal information, except your address if you want the “fancy” version. A+

37 IXL (Explaining the Concept)
IXL fully explains the concept so that it is easy for the learner to understand. The explanations make sense and are clearly written. On every subject there is an explaining the concept. A+

38 IXL (Work to help you learn the concept)
IXL gives the perfect amount of work. Enough to understand the concept and learn how to put the concept into action, but not so much that it is boring. If you want to do the questions again you can the questions will be the same though. The questions are age appropriate and quality questions. They will give you work and explain how to do something until you can get 100% on the questions without using the explanations. A+

39 IXL (Examples) IXL gives an example on how to do something every time you get a question wrong. There is an example for every question in case you get it wrong that show you how you should have done the question. If you want to see the examples again you can. The examples match the basic idea of the ones in the questions. A+

40 IXL (Educational) IXL is extremely educational. There are fun parts that keep you intrigued but there is nothing that has nothing to do with education. A+

41 IXL (Choice in what you learn/letting the person move on when finished learning the basic concept)
You have a lot of choice in what you learn. If you want to, you can excel yourself in certain areas. There are 12 grade levels to it is easy to excel yourself. You can basically learn anything that you want to as long as it has something to do with math. Almost anything you type into the search bar they will have a lesson for. A+

42 IXL (Presentation) Has awesome presentation. It is not crowded with things everywhere. There are no adds, making it much easier for you to focus. There is colour and things that are interesting to look at so it is not boring. There are not ways for you to change the background or anything for that matter for fun. A

43 IXL (Notes) Unless you get the “fancy version” there is about no ways to motivate you. There is an individual explanation for every single question which there are thousands of! There is 12 grade levels that you can choose from. Each with up to 250 topics each, each topic with about 15 questions. You get timed and they count how many questions you attempted. They give “”awards” if you but the “fancy” version. There are no adds

44 IXL (What makes the site stand out/pay)
The site stands out because of how educational it is. Basically no matter what you want to learn, if it has to do with math, they have it and they have questions on it and written examples. IXL got one C and six A+ and one A so it is pretty good. You can go on for free unless you want the “fancy” version. In which case there is a fee. However you can request a 30 day trial which is free.

45 When, where and why will I use this site?
When: I would use this site all the time! It is great! Just about any time I need some real practice on a math topic. They will have questions on the topic and explanations. However if I really don’t understand the topic I would still go to the Khan Academy because they have videos explaining the topic and better explanations. Where: At home, at school, at any public place, as long as you can get internet. Why: I would use this website because it covers almost every mathematical topic you could imagine in great detail. There are some ways to motivate you.

46 Conclusion In conclusion IXL is pretty awesome! It is an A site. It gives good examples, after every question, if you get it wrong, that is. IXL has some motivation, there is not a ton though. It is covers about as many topics as the Khan Academy and it does a great job of covering the topics.

47 Math. Com B-

48 Opening In this part of the presentation I will be covering notes I took about this site, writing about what marks I gave the site and why, writing a report on the site with an opening (this is the opening) a body and a conclusion, determining how, when and why I would use this site, what features of the site make it stand out and if it has a cost and if it is worth the cost.

49 (Keeping the Person Motivated to use the website) has just about no motivation. There are no games, you are also not represented my an avatar or able to change anything to make the site more “fun”. There are no awards or “money/points”. There is not even a “score” that you get. F

50 (Website Safety)
You don’t have to enter any personal information at all. Not your or even your name! A+

51 (Explaining the Concept) fully explains the concept so that it is easy for the learner to understand. The explanations make sense and are clearly written. On every subject there is an explaining the concept. A+

52 (Work to help you learn the concept) gives the perfect amount of work. Enough to understand the concept and learn how to put the concept into action, but not so much that it is boring. If you want to do the questions again you can the questions will be the same though. The questions are age appropriate and quality questions. They will give you work and explain how to do something until you can get 100% on the questions without using the explanations. A+

53 (Examples) gives an example on how to do something right before you start answering the questions. If you want to see the examples again you can. The examples match the basic idea of the ones in the questions. A+

54 (Educational) is all about the education. Everything on there has to do with education. A+

55 (Choice in what you learn/letting the person move on when finished learning the basic concept) You have some choice in what you learn, is limited though. If you want to, you can excel yourself in certain areas, but it is very limited. C

56 (Presentation)
Cool has good presentation. The site may be a little crowded with buttons everywhere. There are one or two adds but they are not very distracting. There is colour and things that are interesting to look at so it is not boring. B+

57 (Notes) There are 2-4 adds on the site, they are slightly distracting making it hard to focus. There is nothing to motivate you.

58 (What makes the site stand out/pay)
The site does not really stand out in any way. got one C, one F, one B+ and six 5 A+ so it did not do to well. I would not recommend this site if you are a person that needs motivation because there is absolutely none. You can go on for free, with no need for any personal information.

59 When, where and why will I use this site?
When: I wouldn’t use this site, there are too many better ones that will do twice as good a job teaching you the all that you need to know in math. Where: At home, at school, at any public place, as long as you can get internet. Why: Why won’t I use this site? Good question, It covers very little topics, and does not cover them in detail. There is no motivation whatsoever so it is extremely hard to focus.

60 Conclusion In conclusion is ok. It is an B- site. It gives good examples, but sometimes glitches when giving answers to the questions that it asks you. has no motivation whatsoever motivation and is not all that fun to use, so I would not recommend it for any people that have a hard time focusing on work. It is does not cover and many topics as the Khan Academy and it doesn’t do as good a job of covering the topics that is does cover.

61 Cool Math. Com B+

62 Opening In this part of the presentation I will be covering notes I took about this site, writing about what marks I gave the site and why, writing a report on the site with an opening (this is the opening) a body and a conclusion, determining how, when and why I would use this site, what features of the site make it stand out and if it has a cost and if it is worth the cost.

63 Cool (Keeping the Person Motivated to use the website)
Cool has awesome motivation. There are tons of fun games. You don’t get a score or points or awards but the games are so good that it cancels that all out! The screen is colorful and you get this little wave of colors that follows your mouse around. A+

64 Cool (Website Safety)
You don’t have to enter any personal information at all. Not your or even your name! A+

65 Cool (Explaining the Concept) fully explains the concept so that it is easy for the learner to understand. The explanations make sense and are clearly written. On every subject there is an explanation on the concept. However sometimes they don’t get the main point across. A

66 Cool (Work to help you learn the concept)
Cool gives the perfect amount of work. Enough to understand the concept and learn how to put the concept into action, but not so much that it is boring. If you want to do the questions again you can the questions will be the same though. The questions are age appropriate and quality questions. However they don’t answer the questions or let you enter an answer. B

67 Cool (Examples)
Cool gives an example on how to do something as they give the lesson. If you want to see the examples again you can. The examples match the basic idea of the ones in the questions. A+

68 Cool (Educational) is very educational, when you are doing work. If you decide to play the games though, it is not! The games however, have nothing at all to do with anything educational. B+

69 Cool (Choice in what you learn/letting the person move on when finished learning the basic concept) You have lots of choice in what you learn, and you have the opportunity to excel yourself. There are 12 grade levels and helpful math in all of them. A

70 Cool (Presentation)
Has good presentation. The site is crowded with buttons everywhere. There are no adds that are distracting. There is colour and the side is fun to look at. A+

71 When, where and why will I use this site?
When: I would use this site when I can’t focus anymore and I need something that grabs my attention and educated me at the same time! Where: At home, I would not use it at school because the site looks almost identical to “cool Math games” which has nothing to do with math whatsoever and I don’t want to get “framed”. Why: I would use this site because they give explanations that are written in words that I understand. Some sites use all of these big fancy words that only they understand. Cool tries to take it from the kids perspective, they show the meaning of the big fancy words, but also explain it in “English”.

72 Cool (Notes) Has no answer for the questions it asks you.
There are no adds. The site is a little crowded but fairly simple. Has an extremely good privacy policy. There is nothing educational about any of the games that you can play.

73 Cool (What makes the site stand out/pay)
The main thing that makes Cool stand out is the “fun and ease” in the sites atmosphere. They don’t use extremely long words that don’t make any sense to kids my age. They try to explain things as if they were taking the kid’s point of view. got two As, one B, one B+ and three A+ so they did pretty well. You can go on for free, with no need for any personal information.

74 Conclusion In conclusion Cool is pretty good. It is an B+ site. It gives good examples, but doesn’t give answers to the questions that it asks you. Cool is quite a good website, I believe, it has awesome motivation and is fun to use, so I would highly recommend it for any people that have a hard time focusing on work. However it is does not cover and many topics as the Khan Academy and it doesn’t do as good a job of covering the topics that is does cover.

75 What I learned! To test all of the sites I want decided to try to learn what a polynomial is, I had not heard of a polynomial before so I just tried to find it on all of these five sites and see how they could manage to explain to me something that I didn’t know. I started with cool math!

76 What I learned! Cool Math: Gave an explanation. They show how to add, subtract, multiply and substitute polynomials. I fully understand what a polynomial is as well as I binomial. They gave me questions to try so that I could try to do things myself.

77 What I learned! IXL: Came up with about 35 different topics that they could teach me about when I typed in “polynomials”. Gave multiple explanations. They show how to add, subtract, multiply and substitute polynomials and much, much more. I fully understand what a polynomial is as well as I binomial and a trinomial. They gave me questions to try so that I could try to do things myself and responded, if I got something wrong, with full explanations.

78 What I learned! Mathletics: I had signed up for a grd.7 account and could not find a way to change that. I could find nothing on Polynomials, because the site limits you very much to your grade level unless you want to change grade levels, which costs money.

79 What I learned! Khan Academy: Comes up with one article, 123 videos explaining polynomials, 17 exercises and 20 topics. I learned a ton from the videos which provided excellent explanations. The exercises allowed me to test myself on how well I understood the topic and have a go. The Khan academy let me advance my knowledge of graphing polynomials and multiplying and dividing much more than any other website! By far the best for this topic.

80 What I learned! When I found a button that said polynomials, they sent me to google and whatever would come up if you typed “polynomials” in to the search bar on google is what came up. In the end I would have learned the idea that way, but the website itself did not provide answers.

81 Comparing the Sites I believe the Khan Academy is the best. In terms of grading it is tied for first with Mathletics, but the Khan Academy is free and gives you access to more topics. is by far the worst of the 5, there is no motivation at all, and sends you to Google for everything you type in the search bar. Cool is pretty good, however when they give you questions, the questions that they give you don’t get answered so you never know if you did the questions wrong or right. On all of the other sites they answer the questions and if you get them wrong they show you how you were supposed to do them. Mathletics and IXL demand a pay, however IXL gives you an 30 day trial while Mathletics doesn’t. IXL has the second worst motivation. There are no games, all they have is medals and a “puzzle” that you unlock the pieces to ever time you complete a Math concept. Mathletics is awesome but does not cover everything in math, sometimes there are things that end up uncovered.

82 Mathletics (URL) Mathletics: Khan Academy: Cool Math. Com: IXL:

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