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Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in All Schools

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1 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in All Schools
Making it a Reality…. Rajasthan Council of Elementary Education, Jaipur

2 Total Govt. Schools : 79149 (Classes 1 to 8 )
Rajasthan Total Govt. Schools : (Classes 1 to 8 ) By Area: Rural : (93.06 %) Urban : (6.94%) Largest state in the country. Western state. Having different geographical conditions hills, ravines, sandunes, canal area plane area, scattered population, By Level : Primary (1-5) : 44985(56.83 %) Upper Primary (1-8,5-8) : (30.28 %) Sec. & Sr. Secondary (9-10/12,1-10/12) : ( 12.89%) Source : DISE -2011

3 WASH in school … The RTE-2009 Requires that all schools have
Separate toilets for girls and boys. Safe and adequate drinking water facilities for all children. The RTE-2009 Requires that all schools have It is imperative that all schools must provide toilet facilities. Denial of DWF & Toilets facilities clearly violates the ruling of Sec 2 under RTE. Apex Court of India ruled in Dec that

4 WASH in school provisions…
Schemes Norms SSA Boys and Girls Toilet for Govt. PS & UPS of Urban schools and Girls Toilet for Govt. PS & UPS of Rural Schools. Operation and Maintenance of toilet block using School Maintenance Grant. SFG for cleaning of toilets etc. Teachers training on SWSHE WASH monitoring in school DWF in Urban Schools TSC Boys and Girls Toilet for Govt. PS to Sr. Secondary Schools of Rural schools. NRDWP Potable and permanent Drinking Water Facility in Rural Schools.

5 Coverage of WASH in School-Rajasthan
Source : DISE -2011

6 Coverage Trend- toilets
RCEE monitoring data

7 Coverage Trend- drinking water
Due to the depletion of ground water. Facilities are proivided in schools, become non functional. Source : DISE 10

8 Gaps (To cover 100 % Schools)
TOILET 11020 2789 DWF RCEE monitoring data

9 WASH Package in Schools
Access to adequate and safe water: Drinking Hand-washing Flushing toilet Toilet facilities that are: Separate for boys and Girls As per technical norms and adequate in number Child-friendly, gender-specific, universal & inclusive Incinerator attached to girls’ toilet Private, well located for low maintenance.

10 Model Schools on WASH

11 WASH Package in Schools - conti….
Personal hygiene materials Water, soap, Menstrual pads, nail, cutter, comb, bucket, mug, mirror etc Hygiene education Curriculum, Supplementary reading material, teachers training on WASH, Celebration of Global Hand washing day(GHD). Student cabinet for day to day activities of WASH in schools. GHD incorporated in State Educational Calendar De-worming campaign merged with GHD

12 Enabling Factors…. Education department co-opted as a member of State Water and Sanitation Mission. A dedicated SWSHE Cell established within SPO with UNICEF support. Using TSC resources, District SWSHE Coordinators placed in all districts. Joint planning and Reviews in State Apex and Executive Committee to guide the programme and sort out operational problems. Joint orientations of TSC , SWSHE Coordinators, A.En. & J.En. SSA and Officials of Zila Parishad to ensure a proper linkage at district. Capacity building of teachers on WASH within SSA trainings GHD mobilised for WASH including soap availability. GHD institutionalised in school calendar.

13 Capacity building of Teachers and Children
A 3-day teachers training module cum reference book. 78,108 Teachers trained on SWSHE using SSA funds, so far (appx. 80% schools) A two days students cabinet and SMC training module. Formation and training to a group of children called students cabinet is a regular activity.

14 Improved personal hygiene for adolescent girls
Sharing simple facts on menstrual hygiene management Promote use of sanitary napkins Incinerators with girls toilet for disposal of used sanitary napkins The major objectives of the programme are as shown in this slide. Besides, the aim is also to promote a joyful learning environment to the school-going children and enhancing life-skills .

15 Capacity building of Engineers

16 Hygiene promotion through regular classroom transactions – Teaching Learning Materials
Hamara Swasthya (Class 1-5) Teachers using these books twice in a week or as and when required. Hamara Swasthya for class 6-8. Additional supplementary reading material on Hygiene and Sanitation. Activity based graded learning guidebooks for teachers to facilitate WASH transition in joyful and child friendly

17 Innovation s- WASH in schools

18 Roof Top Rain Water Harvesting Surface Run Off

19 Hand-pump Attached Force & Lift Pump
To lift the water in the tank on roof. Optimize use of hand-pump water. Ensure water availability up to toilet, drinking purpose and hand washing through tap. No electricity 1500 Schools in the state having F&L. 19

20 Handpump attached play pumps to lift water
Water Facility Handpump attached play pumps to lift water See-Saw Pump

21 Multi tap Hand Pump

22 Toilets for Children with Special needs

23 Few results- rapid appraisal of WASH in schools

24 Action Plan 2012 Support 400 Models school on WASH in schools with effective operation and maintenance system with UNICEF support : Training of Hand Pump Mechanics, Fabricators and J.En. of three districts on installation of force and lift pump. Training of of PRI's in two blocks. Separate review of WASH in school activities in four districts. Two days Capacity building of all district's SSA engineers, District Coordinators on developing of model schools based on experience of three districts.

25 Action Plan 2012 Enhanced Capacity of key stakeholders by providing technical support on WASH package. Support to RCEE for teachers training on WASH. Technical support to RCEE for incorporating WASH activities in training module of SMC's members under SSA Increased knowledge and practice of school children and teachers on hand washing practices. Impact Assessment of Sanitation Fortnight. Celebration of Global hand washing in October 2012, School Based Deworming Programme One day training of teachers of all govt. Schools. To administer deworming tablets to all school children on 15th Oct.

26 Challenges.. Convergence between several departments.
Ensuring fund releases under TSC for school toilet in stimulated time period. Ensuring Drinking water facility in schools through PHED in time bound manner. Irregular/ no supply of water in toilets. Depletion of ground water and water quality in the State. Sensitization and behavioral change to use the facilities. There is gap of 24 % between availability and usage of toilet ASER data

27 Priorities Separate toilet for boys and girls and Drinking water facility in all schools Teachers capacity and enhanced engagement on WASH and supporting children Focus shift to toilet usage and functionality Scaling up of model schools on WASH Mainstream WASH monitoring (key indicators) in SSA Continue convergence with sectors and programmes to leverage resources – CCE, BALA, SMCs, 13th Finance Commission, Rural Development Schemes. Build on opportunity of GHD to enhance scope- deworming campaign, dedicated resources for WASH

28 Thank you all, Sirs, for a very patient listening.

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