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Important Battles of The Civil War

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1 Important Battles of The Civil War

2 Fort Sumter (1861) A Confederate victory!
Considered the 1st battle of the Civil War Confederates attack a Federal Fort in South Carolina Union troops surrender due to lack of supplies

3 1st Battle of Bull Run (1861) A Confederate victory!
Also called “First Battle of Manassas” Both sides expect a short war Citizens picnicked at this battle Confederates stood firm, led by Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson (C)

4 Confederate soldiers in Richmond, VA (1861)

5 Shiloh (1862) A Confederate victory!
The 1st day is a HUGE defeat for Grant (U) Union reinforcements come, but Confederates still win

6 Confederate soldiers at the Battle of Shiloh

7 Commanding Generals of the Civil War
Ulysses S. Grant Robert E. Lee

8 Antietam (1862) A Union victory!
Union finds Lee’s (C) plans but, McClellan (U) fails to react quickly & Lincoln fires him Lincoln uses this victory to announce his Emancipation Proclamation Highest number of American deaths in 1 day

9 President Lincoln at Antietam

10 Freed slaves could now join the Union Army & Navy
Their bravery helped to convince whites that black men would make good soldiers Officers of the 54th were wealthy, white abolitionists

11 Fredericksburg (1863) A Confederate victory!
Burnside (U) begins with a much larger army, but . . . After the Union army charges the Rebels TIMES, it becomes one of the Union’s worst defeats

12 Chancellorsville (1863) A Confederate victory!
The good news: Lee’s (C) skill as a general produces a big win for the South The bad news: Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson (C) is shot & killed by his own men

13 After the Battle of Chancellorsville, VA

14 Gettysburg (1863) A Union victory!
Lasting 3 days, the most memorable battle in North The South had 3 Goals: Get supplies Cut off Northern railroad transport Gain a win in the North

15 Gettysburg (Cont.) Perhaps the biggest mistake of Lee’s career: Lee (C) sends Pickett (C) on a suicide mission to the center of the Union troops - known as “Pickett’s Charge”

16 (From Ohio’s 23rd Regiment) of the Battle of Gettysburg
Union survivors of the Battle of Gettysburg (From Ohio’s 23rd Regiment) of the Battle of Gettysburg

17 The Gettysburg Address
Lincoln’s most famous speech Its purpose: to honor the dead soldiers of both North & South

18 William Tecumseh Sherman
“Total War” strategy: Attack both military & civilian resources in the South Ruin Southern economy by destroying railroads & industries Union army’s “March to the Sea” left a path of destruction 250 miles long.

19 Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S
Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse April 9, 1865

20 Union Soldiers

21 Confederate Soldiers

22 Women Improve Medical Care for Soldiers

23 Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell Dorothea Dix
First woman to earn a medical license Formed U.S. Sanitary Commission to provide bandages, medicine & food Volunteer leader of over 3,000 paid nurses Provided health care in Union army hospitals

24 Andersonville Prison Georgia camp for Union prisoners of war
Worst conditions of any military prison Soldiers died daily of starvation & disease

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