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Caesarean section : The cow

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1 Caesarean section : The cow
Indication physical immaturity of the mother Failure of the uterine cervix fully to dilate Irreducible uterine torsion Preparturient recumbency acute reticuloperitonitis or pericarditis Shistosoma reflexus gross oversize of the fetus Pregnancy toxaemia gross swelling of the vagina and vulva Irreducible mal-presentation hydroallantois , hydrammnios mummified foetus Others diseases and complication

2 Position of the cow and operative site
Left paralumbar or Upper left flank approaches Upper right flank laparotomy Ventral midline approach or paramedian approach Ventrolateral oblique approach




6 Caesarean section Left flank Standing No omentum, intestine
Reduce shock Good healing Disadvantage More assistants Recumbency Fetal Delivery

7 Caesarean section Right flank Oversize fatal Standing Small incision
One assitant Disadvantage Omentum & intestinal Restraint & infection

8 Caesarean section Ventral midline or paramedian Emphysema fetal
Easy to find uterine horn Abnormally uterine content Disadvantage Intestine Lateral recumbency

9 Caesarean section Ventrolateral oblique approach lateral recumbency
Vessels Disadvantage Long incision Hernia


11 Fetotomy

12 Fetotomy Embryotomy Dividing foetus into small pieces Dead feotus
Common in cattle Techniques Percutaneous Subcutaneoues

13 Indications Fetal maldisposition Fetopelvic disproportion
Obstruction by hip-lock Caesarean section Fetotomny only in feotal dead Caesarean section in foetal alive

14 Fetotomy equipment Tubular embryotome Fetotomy wire Handles for wire
Handle for embryotome Screw to tighten handle Introducer Threader Cleaning brush


16 Fetotomy Partial or complete Assistant Restraint Skills Technique
Anterior presentation Head-> forelegs-> thorax-> pelvis-> Posterior presentation Hind limbs -> body -> forelegs



19 Partial fetotomy Deviation of the neck Shoulder flexion
Bilateral hip flexion (Breech presentation) Hock flexion Fetal monsters

20 Hip flexion

21 Hock flexion

22 Dystocia in the mare Incidence less than cattle 4 % in Thoroughbred
Common in Shetland ponies Causes of dystocia - Anterior presentation - Posterior presentation - Transverse presentation

23 Specific causes of equine dyctocia
Uterine inertia Bony tissue obstruction Soft tissue obstruction Uterine torsion Downward deviation of the uterus Fetal monster Malpresentation Malposition Malposture


25 Dorsotransverse position



28 Dystocia in the sow Incidence 0.25-1.0 % Gilts or old sows
Welsh gilts -> small pelvis Large white -> uterine inertia

29 Causes of dystocia Uterine inertia 37 %
Obstruction of the birth canal 13 % Deviation of the uterus % Maternal excitement 3 % Fetal maldisposition % Fetopelvic disproportion 4 %

30 Uterine inertia Primary uterine inertia 20 %
stillborn Secondary uterine inertia 49 % Idiopathic uterine inertia 31 % Fat sows Calcium Treatments : oxytocin

31 Obstruction of the birth canal
Bony tissue abnormality Soft tissue abnormality Distension of the urinary bladder Vulval abnormalities Persistent hymen Non-dilation of the cervix Obstruction of the uterine lumen Downward deviation of the uterus



34 Maternal excitement Gilts Delay or inhibit the farrowing process
Late movement Innate nervousness Treatments : azaperone IM 2 mg/kg oxytocin 20 IU

35 Signs of dyctocia Discharge and placenta at the vulva
Signs of imminent but no farrowing Straining but no piglets Premature cessation of labour Prolonged farrowing >½-4 hrs. (2.5 hrs.) Placenta





40 Dystocia in the dog and cat
Incidence cat lower than dog Exotic breed Causes Uterine inertia 36 % Fetopelvic disproportion 22 % Fetal maldisposition 11 % Abnormalities of birth canal 9 % Other causes 22 %

41 Failure of the expulsive forces
Primary uterine inertia Scottish terrier Single pup syndrome and single kitten Hysteria  Cocker spaniels Secondary uterine inertia Abdominal muscle tone -> old or fat animals

42 Obstruction of the birth canal
Bony abnormalities - pelvic fracture -> accidents - Scottish terrier - Brachycephalic toy breeds Soft tissue abnormalities Deviation of uterus  Boxer Torsion of uterus

43 Fetal maldisposition Posterior presentation Deviation of the head
normal whelping 40 % Bilateral hip flexion Deviation of the head Long neck  Collies Long head  Sealyham and Scottish terrier

44 Fetopelvic disproportion
Small breed Low litter size Yorkshire terrier Fetal monster - hydrocephalus - Anasarca - Conjoined twins

45 Diagnosis Examination of genital system Inspection of vulva
Vaginal examination Abdominal palpation Abdominal auscultation/ Ultrasound X-rays





50 Treatment of dystocia Ecbolic therapy Assisted delivery of the fetus
oxytocin 2-5 IU IM minutes Calcium borogluconate 10% 5-15 ml slow IV Assisted delivery of the fetus Episiotomy Manual delivery Forceps delivery




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