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Complications Of Postpartum

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1 Complications Of Postpartum

2 Postpartum Hemorrhage

3 Postpartum Hemorrhage
Early Occurs when blood loss is greater than 500 ml. in the first 24 hours after a vaginal delivery or greater than 1000 ml after a cesarean birth *Normal blood loss is about ml.) Late Hemorrhage that occurs after the first 24 hours 1. There are various ways to describe postpartum hemorrhage. a. Differentiate between early and late postpartal hemorrhage. b. The traditional definition of postpartal hemorrhage has been a loss of more than _____ ml. of blood following a vaginal birth and more than _______ml. after a cesarean birth. 2

4 Postpartum Hemorrhage
Other definitions: A decrease in the hematocrit of 10 points between time of admission and time postbirth Need for fluid replacement following childbirth c. This definition is currently being questioned. What other factors could be used to define postpartal hemorrhage?

5 Main Causes of Early Hemorrhage are:
Uterine Atony Lacerations Retained Placental Fragments Inversion of the Uterus Placenta Accreta 3

6 vessels of the placental site.
Uterine Atony The myometrium fails to contract and the uterus fills with blood because of the lack of pressure on the open blood vessels of the placental site. 4

7 Uterine Atony Predisposing Factors
Prolonged labor Overdistention of the Uterus Trauma due to Obstetrical Procedures Grandmultiparity Intrapartum Stimulation with Pitocin What are the predisposing / contributing factors leading to uterine atony? (Be able to explain why) See Box 28-1 on page 697 for additional predisposing factors. Excessive use of Analgesia / Anesthesia 5

8 Uterine Atony Most common cause of Hemorrhage
Key to successful management is: PREVENTION! Nurse many times can predict which women are at risk for hemorrhaging.

9 Uterine Atony Signs A boggy uterus that does not respond to massage
Abnormal Clots Signs and Symptoms Excessive or Bright Red Bleeding Unusual pelvic discomfort or backache 6

10 Nursing Care Assess and Document Bleeding
Fundal massage and express clots Bimanual Compression Assess Vital Signs (shock) 3. What treatment and nursing care measures are utilized in restoring health for the client with uterine atony? 7

11 (May inject the medications directly
Nursing Care Give medications Pitocin Methergine Carboprost Tromethamine (Hemabate) (May inject the medications directly into the uterus) Replace blood / fluids D & C, Hysterectomy

12 Trauma

13 Post Partum Hemorrhage *Lacerations*
PREDISPOSING FACTORS 1. Spontaneous or Precipitous delivery 2. Size, Presentation, and Position of baby 3. Contracted Pelvis 4. Vulvar, perineal, and vaginal varices Signs and Symptoms 1. Bright red bleeding where there is a steady trickle of blood and the uterus remains firm. 2. Hypovolemia 4. What are the signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing care for the client with lacerations? 8

Treatment and Nursing Care 1. Meticulous inspection of the entire lower birth canal 2. Suture any bleeders 3. Vaginal pack-- nurse may remove and assess bleeding after removal 4. Blood replacement 4. What are the signs and symptoms, treatment and nursing care for the client with lacerations? 9

15 Test Yourself ! You are assigned to Mrs. B. who delivered vaginally. As you do your post-partum assessment, you notice that she has a large amount of lochia rubra. What would be the first measure to determine if it is related to uterine atony or a laceration? Answer: feel the fundus- if firm 5. During assessment of a postpartum client, the nurse finds the woman lying in a pool of blood. How would the nurse determine if it is due to uterine atony or lacerations? 10

16 Hematoma *A unit or more of blood may
Bleeding into the soft tissues surrounding the episiotomy or laceration. May follow forceps or vacuum extraction *A unit or more of blood may be in the hematoma 19

17 Hematoma Major Symptom: PAIN- deep, severe, unrelieved, feelings of pressure Many times bleeding is concealed. Major symptom is rectal pain and tachycardia. Treatment: May have to be incised and drained. 8. What is the most distinguishing symptom of a hematoma? How many ml. can be in a hematoma? 9. How is a hematoma treated?

18 Inversion of the Uterus
The uterus inverts or turns inside out after delivery. Complete inversion - a large red rounded mass protrudes from the vagina Incomplete inversion - uterus can not be seen, but felt Predisposing Factors: Traction applied on the cord before the placenta has separated. **Don’t pull on the cord unless the placenta has separated. Incorrect traction / pressure applied to the fundus, when the uterus is flaccid **Don’t use the fundus to “push the placenta out” 10. What is the contributing factor leading to the uterus inverting after delivery? (What is the normal amount of time for the placenta to detach from the uterine wall?) 12

19 Inversion of the Uterus
Placenta Uterus Uterus continues to be pulled and inverted Traction on the cord starts the uterus to invert 13

20 Inversion of the Uterus
Manually pushed back into place Vagina Vagina Uterus Inverted 14

21 Treatment and Nursing Care
Replace the uterus--manually replace and pack uterus Combat shock, which is usually out of proportion to the blood loss Blood and Fluid replacement Give Oxytocin Initiate broad spectrum antibiotics May need to insert a Nasogastric tube to minimize a paralytic ileus Notify the Recovery Nurse what has occurred! Care must be taken when massaging 11. How is uterine inversion treated? 12. What is one of the most important things to convey following treatment for an inverted uterus? 15

22 Placenta Accreta All or part of the decidua basalis is absent and the Placenta grows directly into the uterine muscle. 13. What is placenta accreta? How is this diagnosed? 16

23 Placenta Accreta Signs:
During the third stage of labor, the placenta does not want to separate. Attempts to remove the placenta in the usual manner are unsuccessful, and lacerations or perforation of the uterus may occur Treatment Removal of the uterus Hysterectomy 13.How is placenta accreta diagnosed? 17

24 If large portion is attached--a Hysterectomy is necessary!
Treatment If it is only small portions that are attached, then these may be removed manually If large portion is attached--a Hysterectomy is necessary! 18

25 Late Postpartum Hemorrhage

26 Late Postpartum Hemorrhage
Most common cause is Retained Placental fragments Sub involution Treatment D & C Methergine 20

27 Retained Placental Fragments
This occurs when there is incomplete separation of the placenta and fragments of placental tissue retained. Signs Boggy , relaxed uterus Dark red bleeding Treatment D & C Administration of Oxytocins Administration of Prophylactic antibiotics 6. What are the signs and symptoms of retained placental fragments?  7. What is the treatment and nursing care for retained placental fragments? 11

28 Are these Early, Late, or Both ?
Uterine Atony Retained placental fragments Lacerations Inversion of the uterus Placenta accreta Hematoma _________________ 21

29 Review Early Signs of Hemorrhage
An uncontracted uterus – boggy Large gush, steady trickle, oozing, or seeping of blood from the vagina Saturation of more than one pad in 15 minutes Severe unrelieved perineal or rectal pain Tachycardia

30 Review Hypovolemic Shock
Signs Tachycardia Drop in B/P Narrowing of pulse pressure Tachypnea Skin becomes pale and cool and can progress to cold and clammy Becomes anxious  confused lethargic Urinary output decreases Treatment Blood/Fluid replacements, oxygen, surgery

31 Thromboembolic Disorder
Predisposing Factors Slowing of blood in the legs Trauma to the veins Hypercoagulation Signs and Symptoms Sudden onset of pain Tenderness of the calf Reddness and an increase in skin temperature Positive Homan’s Sign 31.In the past, you have learned that thromboembolic disorders were mainly due to immobility. Since the postpartum woman is not immobile, what are the causes of a thromboembolic disorder? 39

32 Thromboembolic Disease
Treatment Heparin --it does not cross into breast milk Antidote: protamine sulfate Teach patient to report any unusual bleeding, or petchiae, bleeding gums, hematuria, epistasis, etc. Complication Pulmonary Emboli 32. What is the treatment and nursing care for the woman with a thromboembolic disease?

33 When a postpartum patient Complains of chest pain or severe dyspnea
Respond quickly Usually sign of Pulmonary Emboli

34 Puerperal Infection

35 Puerperal Infections Definition Infection of the genital tract that occurs within 28 days after abortion or delivery Causes Streptococcus Groups A and B Clostridium, E. Coli 22

36 Puerperal Infections Predisposing Factors 1. Trauma 2. Hemorrhage
3. Prolonged labor 4. Urinary Tract Infections 5. Anemia and Hematomas 6. Excessive vaginal exams 7. P R O M 23

37 Critical to Remember Signs and Symptoms of Puerperal Infection
1.Temperature increase of or higher on any 2 consecutive days of the first 10 days post-partum, not including the first 24 hours. 2. Foul smelling lochia, discharge 3. Malaise, Anorexia, Tachycardia, chills 4. Pelvic Pain 5. Elevated WBC 16. The main causative organism for a puerperal infection is _____________________. 17. The classic definition for a puerperal infection established by the Joint Committee on Maternal Welfare is a temperature of ______0F or higher, with the temperature occurring on any ____ of the first ____ postpartum days, exclusive of the first ___ hours . 24

Administer Broad Spectrum Antibiotics Provide with warm sitz baths Promote drainage--have pt. lie in HIGH fowlers position Force fluids and hydrate with IV’s cc. / day Keep uterus contracted, give methergine Provide analgesics for alleviation of pain Nasogastric suction if peritonitis develops 19. What are additional signs and symptoms of a puerperal infection / endometritis?  20.Describe the treatment and nursing care for the woman with a puerperal infection. 25

39 Test Yourself ! What is the classic sign of a Puerperal Infection?
Answer: Temperature increase of or higher on any 2 consecutive days of the first 10 days post-partum, not including the first 24 hours. 26

40 Complications of Puerperal Infections
Pelvic Cellulitis Peritonitis Signs and Symptoms: Spiking a fever of F to F Elevated WBC Chills Extreme Lethargy Nausea and Vomiting Abdominal Rigidity and Rebound Tenderness 21. There are two main complications associated with puerperal infections which are pelvic ___________________ and _____________________________. What are signs and symptoms? 27

41 Preventive Measures Prompt treatment of anemia Well-balanced diet
Avoidance of intercourse late in pregnancy Strict asepsis during labor and delivery Teaching of postpartum hygiene measures keep pads snug change pads frequently wipe front to back use peri bottle after each elimination 22. List important concepts to be included in client-teaching to promote health and prevent development of a puerperal infection?

42 Wound Infection Infection of the Episiotomy, Perineal laceration, Vaginal or vulva lacerations Wound infection of Cesarean incision site Signs: Reddened, edematous, firm, tender edges of skin Edges separate and purulent material drains from the wound. Treatment Antibiotics Wound care 23. A postpartum woman has all the classic signs of a puerperal infection. How would the nurse distinguish if it was endometritis or an infected perineal or cesarean wound infection? 29

43 Check Yourself and Mrs. Y. was admitted with an infection
Mrs. X. was admitted with endometritis and Mrs. Y. was admitted with an infection in her cesarean incision. Are both classified as a Puerperal Infection? Answer: yes What would be the major difference in presenting symptoms you would note on nursing assessment? Answer: foul smelling lochia 30

44 Puerperal Cystitis Prevention:
Monitor the patients urination diligently! Don’t allow to go longer than hours before intervening. Treatment Antibiotics -- Ampicillin Urinary Tract Antispasmotics Causes: Stretching or Trauma to the base of the bladder results in edema of the trigone that is great enough to obstruct the urethra and to cause acute retention. Anesthesia 24. A common problem in postpartum is the Risk for urinary tract infection due to overdistention of the bladder and trauma to the bladder. What health promotion and maintenance measures could the nurse implement to decrease the chance of the woman developing this infection? 38

45 Mastitis Types: Mammary Cellulitis - inflammation of the connective tissue between the lobes in the breast Mammary Adenitis - infection in the ducts and lobes of the breasts 25. Match the following types of mastitis: 31

46 Nipple Trauma Pain Impaired Engorgement Let down
Cracked Stasis nipples of milk 26. There are several factors associated with the development of Mastitis. Provide health promotion and health maintenance measures for each of the contributing factors. Entry for Bacteria Plugged ducts Mastitis Treatment, No Treatment Problem will resolve Breast Abscess 32

47 Mastitis Marked Engorgement Pain Chills, Fever, Tachycardia
Hardness and Redness Enlarged and tender lymph nodes 27. What are the signs and symptoms displayed by the woman? 33

48 Treatment of Mastitis Rest
Appropriate Antibiotics--Usually Cephalosporins Hot and / or Cold Packs Don’t Stop Breast Feeding because: If the milk contains the bacteria, it also contains the antibiotic Sudden cessation of lactation will cause severe engorgement which will only complicate the situation Breastfeeding stimulates circulation and moves the bacteria containing milk out of the breast 28. Why should the woman with mastitis NOT discontinue breast feeding? 34

49 Mastitis Meticulous handwashing Preventive Measures Rotate position of
baby on the breast Preventive Measures Frequent feedings and massage distended area to help emptying 35

50 Complication of Mastitis
Breast Abscess Breast Feeding is stopped on the affected side, but may feed on the unaffected side. Treatment: Incision and Drainage 29. If the woman with mastitis does not get appropriate treatment, the condition can worsen into a breast abscess. What is different in diagnosing breast abscess from mastitis? The woman with a breast abscess is treated with an I&D (incision and drainage) procedure. Explain this procedure and the related nursing care. 36

51 Test Yourself The major causative organism of mastitis is
_________________________. Mastitis develops mainly in ______________ who are nursing . It is almost always ________________ and develops well after the flow of milk has been established. There are two types of mastitis. One that develops between the lobes of the breast is called____________________. The one that developswithin the lobes and ducts of the breast is called __________________. Mammary cellulitis mainly develops due to _______________. Mammary adenitis develops when ____________________ of the breasts occurs. With improper treatment or no treatment, mastitis can lead to ________________. 37

52 Puerperal Psychiatric

53 Mood Disorders The Most common Mood Disorders are:
Postpartum Depression Postpartum Psychosis

54 Postpartum Depression
Predisposing Factors: Primiparity Ambivalence about the pregnancy History of Depression Environmental and Family Stress issues Dissatisfaction with herself 33. What are the risk factors associated with postpartum depression?

55 Postpartum Depression
Assessment Persistent lack of interest or energy, loss of usual emotional response toward her spouse or family Obsessive thoughts of failure as mother, incompetent, inadequate parent Anxiety, Irritability Forgetfulness; Inability to follow directions Anorexia Persistent Sleeplessness Poor personal Hygiene Feelings of unworthiness 41

56 Postpartum Depression
Creates strain on the family Family members may decrease their interactions with the depressed woman when she needs support the most. Infants of depressed mothers tend to be fussier and more discontented. They show fewer positive facial expressions.

57 Nursing Care Antidepressant Drugs a. SSRI Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft
b. Cyclic compounds Tofranil, Asendin, Norpramin, Sinequan c. MAO Inhibitors Nardil, Parnate d. Other: Wellbutrin, Effexor, Desyril e. Lithium, Depakene, Tegretol for bipolar disorder 42

58 Treatment for Depression
Psychotherapy Encourage communication with her husband or support person who is available to provide support when loneliness or anxiety becomes a problem Explain importance of good nutrition and rest 35. What is the treatment and nursing care for the woman with depression and for the woman with psychosis including prevention strategies?

59 Treatment and Nursing Care
Discuss changes that normally occur in the beginning weeks after taking a baby home Although some of her feelings may seem “unreasonable”, she should acknowledge these feelings to herself and insist that others acknowledge them too. Re-introduce the baby to the mother at the mother own pace

60 Convey a caring attitude
This helps mothers decrease their emotional distress and guide them in regaining their well-being

61 Postpartum Psychosis SCHIZOPHRENIA
Far less common May surface when the mother does not have the ability to adjust to and cope with her new obligations as a mother Affects mostly adolescents and younger adults

62 Schizophrenia Signs and Symptoms Irritability, Hyperactivity
Insomnia; Exhibit little need for sleep Mood lability Hostility toward spouse is obvious Overly Suspicious, seldom aware they have a problem Often believe hers to have been an immaculate conception Abandons reality, totally neglects her infant May have delusions and erroneously belief that baby is dead, malformed or severely ill; hallucinations 43

63 Treatment and Nursing Care
Remove the baby from the situation Hospitalization Antipsychotic Medications Stelazine, Clozaril, Risperdal, Haldol, Navane When she is better, then bring the baby back for short visits at first. Give praise for small tasks that the mother can accomplish with the baby. 44

64 Review What is the time difference between early and late postpartum hemorrhage? What is the most common cause of postpartum hemorrhage? How will the nurse recognize uterine atony? What is the FIRST nursing action if uterine atony is discovered? What would the nurse suspect if the placenta fails to release from the uterine wall after delivery?

65 How do the signs and symptoms of hematoma differ from those of uterine atony or a laceration?
What laboratory study should the nurse suspect if the woman is on heparin anticoagulation? What is the significance of a board-like abdomen in a woman who has endometritis? Why is it important that the breast-feeding mother with mastitis empty her breasts completely? What is the KEY difference between postpartum blues and postpartum depression?

66 The End 45

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