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Facilitating Groups Welcome - Day Two. Aims of this training To develop essential facilitation skills To provide underpinning theory and knowledge related.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitating Groups Welcome - Day Two. Aims of this training To develop essential facilitation skills To provide underpinning theory and knowledge related."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitating Groups Welcome - Day Two

2 Aims of this training To develop essential facilitation skills To provide underpinning theory and knowledge related to group work To give an opportunity to practice facilitating in a small group Part of the process to become a Care for the Family Licensed Facilitator

3 What we’ve done so far Ground rules Group needs and aims Limitations and professional boundaries Sourcing group material Adult learning Delivery methods Communication and active listening

4 Programme for today 9.30 - 11.00Conflict in groups 11.00 - 11.15Coffee 11.15 - 12.30Group dynamics Group stages 12.30 - 1.00Lunch 1..00 - 2.20Session Delivery 2.20 - 2.30Tea 2.30 - 3.45Session Delivery 3.45 - 4.05 Reviewing support 4.05 - 4.30Closing session

5 1.5 Conflict in groups Learner Handbook p 29

6 1.5 Assessment Criterion Explain theories and practice of conflict resolution Group Witness Statementemailed by trainer Flip chart notesphotos Reflective Log

7 Conflict Can make people feel uncomfortable. Three typical responses:  Fight  Flight  Freeze

8 Conflict Why might conflict occur in a group?

9 Dealing with conflict How could we deal with conflict in a group?

10 Dealing with conflict Conflict calls for sensitive and creative facilitation The art is knowing how and when to intervene There is no right answer Remember the group can work it out and each person in the group has an important role to play

11 Dealing with conflict Many people find conflict uncomfortable and try to avoid it There is a risk to expressing and working through conflict Damage can occur if conflict is not acknowledged, sensitively managed, and handled Conflict is rather like disease - prevention is best If there is conflict it is best tackled early rather than left to grow and multiply!

12 Activity – group dynamics Facilitator Group who have met a few times already Our group agreement Observers NOT part of assessment for facilitator

13 Group Feedback

14 1.5 Portfolio evidence Group Witness Statement Flip chart notes – photos Reflective Log (200 words) How did you feel in your role during the group activity on conflict? How have you experienced the handling of conflict in groups? How will this experience help you handle conflict in groups in the future? Learner Handbook p 30

15 COFFEE Please be back ready to start in 15 minutes

16 1.1 Group dynamics Learner Handbook p 20

17 1.1 Assessment Criterion Explain key principles and theories of group dynamics Reflective Log

18 Group Stage Principles of group dynamics Group members Facilitator (You!)

19 Task To get through the course material

20 Maintenance Group Individual

21 Leadership styles Authoritarian Democratic Laissez Faire

22 Authoritarian leadership L eader is clearly in charge Provides the structure for the group Directs the course content Has no flexibility over how the group operates

23 Advantages of an authoritarian style People know where they stand and there is no ambiguity Tasks completed quickly Good for large groups or when time is short The group catches the facilitator’s enthusiasm (or not!)

24 Disadvantages of authoritarian style It may not encourage contributions from group members It may not help make links between content and practice

25 Democratic leadership Includes all group members in decision making Provides structure and momentum Is prepared to bend and mould to the needs of the group

26 Advantages of a democratic style It gives real power to group members This can energize them to achieve the task

27 Disadvantages of democratic style When mishandled it may leave the group members unclear about who is in control When mishandled it can cause confusion

28 Laissez-Faire Leadership Allows group members to express themselves and work out for what they want to learn It does not seek to impose but offers suggestions See themselves as important but not the one to decide what is the most useful learning and purpose for the group

29 Advantages of Laissez Faire Empowers the group Allows creative ideas to emerge and be explored Sets the scene for a support group

30 Disadvantages of Laissez-faire The group may become aimless and frustrated about going nowhere

31 Small group activity Which leadership style are you most comfortable using? And why? In your experience of groups: How has the balance of task and maintenance been handled? How has the group dynamic been affected by the behaviour of individuals in the group?

32 1.1 Portfolio evidence Reflective Log (200 words) Which leadership style(s) are you most comfortable with and why? In your experience of groups  how has the balance of task and maintenance been handled?  how has the group dynamic been affected by the behaviour of individuals in the group? How will this change your future work in groups? Learner Handbook p 23

33 1.2 Group Stages Learner Handbook p 23

34 1.2 Assessment Criterion Explain stages in a group’s development Reflective Log

35 Tuckman’s Model of Group Life Forming Storming Norming Performing Mourning

36 Forming Feelings of discomfort Hopes and fears Ambivalence Defensiveness Getting to know the group – who is in it? Finding the boundaries – what do I have to do? What have I come to?

37 Facilitating forming Giving a warm welcome Using icebreakers Getting the group to work in small groups and pairs Establishing some boundaries by setting ground rules Explaining programme Providing refreshments

38 Storming Testing boundaries Pairing/cliques Resentment Fight/flight Challenge to the leadership I don’t have to listen to this!

39 Facilitating storming Encouraging discussion with the whole group to find out what’s happening Remembering the ‘storm’ is probably not to do with you personally – so don’t get upset Reminding the group of ground rules can help if things get out of hand Breaking into small discussion groups can help (but be careful who you put together in each small group)

40 Norming Accepting individual differences Accepting boundaries Settling down Finding commonality Knowing who’s who Mutual support Co-operation This is OK!

41 Facilitating norming Setting up small group and giving specific tasks Move individuals around so they can develop relationships with all members of the group

42 Performing Co-operation Cohesion High level of trust and participation Real engagement with the material Differences but they can be safely expressed and acknowledged Go for it!

43 Facilitating performing Building in “showing what you know” activities which allow group members to check their own knowledge and skills Developing small group projects Encouraging self-assessment so that individuals can recognise their own learning, rather than comparing themselves with others in the group

44 Mourning Sadness Affirming Taking into life I don’t want this to end.

45 Facilitating mourning Affirming what has been learnt Encouraging the group to take their learning and new experiences into life Celebrating the group’s time together with an activity or food or giving out certificates Allowing time for the group to express their feelings Inputting less material Providing space for goodbyes Giving clear information about “What happens next?”

46 Activity In small groups How has this training group moved through the stages? What has been your experience of group stages as a leader / member of other groups?

47 1.2 Portfolio evidence Reflective Log (200 words) How has this training group moved through the stages? What has been your experience of group stages as a leader/member of other groups? How will this change your future work in groups? Learner Handbook p 25

48 3.5 & 4.2 Session Delivery Learner Handbook p 52 Learner Handbook p 56

49 3.5 & 4.2 Assessment Criteria 3.5 Review and revise own strategy and approach to the group, making modifications as appropriate 4.2 Evaluate own effectiveness as a group facilitator, suggesting modifications as appropriate Reflective Logs Lesson PlanLearner Handbook p 71 Record of Group ProgressLearner Handbook p 72 Feedback FormsLearner Handbook p 73 - 77

50 Delivering a session Practising skills in a safe, supportive environment It is all about the experience The group act as parents (NOT professionals) 15 minute facilitation ONLY!

51 Delivering the session Set the room up Get yourself ready Run your session Feedback – self – peers – tutor Fill in evaluation sheets Next person sets up room...

52 Model for feedback The tutor will ask you after your session: How did you feel before the session? How do you feel now, at the end? Tell us what you did that worked well Is there anything you would do differently next time? The group will wait until after your feedback and then they and the tutor will give feedback

53 Preparation Time

54 LUNCH Please be back ready to start on time

55 3.5 & 4.2 Session Delivery

56 T E A Please be back ready to start in 15 minutes

57 3.5 & 4.2 Session Delivery

58 4.1 Reviewing Progress Learner Handbook p 45

59 4.1 Assessment Criterion Explain the importance of reviewing support with group members and encouraging them to provide feedback Reflective Log

60 Reviewing progress A practitioner needs to both help the group learn and to assess what they have learnt Parents will find it helpful to look at learning that has taken place and if it is making a difference to their lives

61 Reviewing progress Observing the group Creating times for parents to stop and think what changes they have tried and how they have got on Pre and post parent questionnaires

62 4.1 Portfolio evidence Reflective Log (200 words) Why is this important? How do you/would you support members of your group to meet their needs? What methods did the trainers use to get feedback from the group? How will this change your future work in groups? Learner Handbook p 46

63 Review of today Conflict in Groups Group Dynamics Group Stages Session Delivery Reviewing Progress

64 Portfolio work Reflective Logs1.1, 1.2, 1.5, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2 Lesson Plan3.5 Record of Group3.5 Progress Feedback Forms4.2 Photos1.5 Flip Chart notes Group Witness1.5 Statement

65 Accreditation OCN Portfolio Checklist Learner Handbook p 55 Tracking Sheets Learner Handbook p 61 - 63 What you need to do: Fill in page numbers AFTER you have completed ALL the work Write Learner Comments on p 63 Sign on p 63 and date it Learner Guidance See portfolio criterion notes

66 Mid Course Sample Write ONE Reflective Log – 200 words Email to: Email 1 Email 2 We need to receive this by: Add date here (next week)

67 Evaluation Learner Handbook p 79 - 80

68 Goodbyes What will you take away from these two days of training?

69 All the best Please let us know how you are getting on. If you have any questions please email us: Email 1 Email 2

70 Accreditation Any Questions? Portfolio Submission Date Date add date here Send to our Birmingham Office

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