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Opening Activity: Warm-up

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1 Opening Activity: Warm-up
Jere will introduce the warm-up and lead any discussion. Discussion – What do you know about gifted, talented, creative learners?

2 Profiles of the Gifted and Talented George Betts Maureen Neihart
©2010 Betts & Neihart Power Point by Portland Public Schools Talented and Gifted Department

3 Profiles of the Gifted and Talented
Type I - The Successful Type II - The Challenging Type III - The Underground Type IV - The Dropout Type V - The Double-Labeled Type VI - The Autonomous Learner Often, TAG students are discussed as a group with all members of the group having the same characteristics. This presentation is designed to help us look at the attributes of several different profiles of Talented and Gifted student, including the types listed here on the screen.

4 Type I THE SUCCESSFUL As many as 90% of the identified TAG students
Discovers what “sells” at home & school Convergent thinker Learns & tests well Eager for approval Liked by peers Positive self-concept Unaware of deficiencies Perhaps as many as 90% of students identified as TAG students fit the Type I profile. Type I students are pretty good at playing the school game, but they also become bored with school and learn to use the system in order to get by with as little effort as possible. READ: School Support Slide Note: PROFILES OF THE GIFTED & TALENTED chart by Betts, G. & Neihart, M which is in your packet has more information about the Types.

5 Feelings and Attitudes
Type I - Successful Behaviors Perfectionist High achiever Non-risk taking Accepts systems Seeks teacher approval & structure Feelings and Attitudes Boredom Dependent Anxious Guilty about failure Self-critical Diminished feelings of self & right to emotions Many gifted young adults who underachieve in college and adulthood come from this group. Often, they do not possess all of the necessary skills and attitudes for life long learning. READ: School Support Slide School Support Accelerated & enriched curriculum; Time for personal interest; Compacted learning; Time with intellectual peers

Divergently gifted Often go unidentified Question authority Don’t conform - haven’t learned to use the system Receive little recognition for accomplishments Struggle with self-esteem At risk as eventual drop out Type II’s are divergently gifted and are overlooked by school systems.

7 Feelings and Attitudes
Type II - Challenging Feelings and Attitudes Frustration and Boredom Impatience Defensiveness Heightened sensitivity Uncertain about social roles Behaviors Corrects teacher Questions rules Honest, direct Mood swings Inconsistent work Poor self-control Competitive Type II students possess a high degree of creativity and may appear obstinate, tactless or sarcastic. They may also challenge the teacher in front of the class. Type II’s may be at risk as eventual drop-outs without appropriate interventions. Parents of gifted high school students who drop out of school (Type IV) state that their children demonstrated the Typed II profile in upper elementary and Middle School. Tolerance; Give them Choice in Assignments; Placement with appropriate teacher; Cognitive & social skill development; Behavior contracts

8 Turn and talk Compare The Successful student with The Challenging student ID a student who fits these types Mindy will lead the active participation.

Middle school females hiding giftedness High School boys dealing with athletic or social pressures Want to be included in non-gifted peer group May be radical transformation from earlier grades Their needs are often in conflict with expectations of teachers & parents Type III is the underground gifted child. Children in this group begin to deny their talent in order to feel more included.

10 Feelings and Attitudes
Type III - Underground Feelings and Attitudes Unsure; Insecure Pressured Confused Diminished feelings of self Behaviors Denies talent Drops out of advanced classes Resists challenges Wants to belong socially Changes friends Although Type III’s should not be permitted to abandon all projects or advanced classes, alternatives should be explored for meeting their academic needs while they are undergoing this transition. READ: School Support Active Participation strategy: Turn and talk with your neighbor. Looking at the “SCHOOL SUPPORT” column on the handout “PROFILES OF THE GIFTED & TALENTED”. What strategy might work in your school with one or more student of TYPE III? Recognize ability and properly place in advanced classes with the opportunity to take breaks. Provide same sex role models. Continue to give college and career information.

11 Type IV THE DROPOUT Angry with adults & with themselves; Defensive
System has not met needs for many years; Burn-out or Spaced-out Depressed & withdrawn or acts out Interests are outside realm of regular school curriculum Poor self-concept A Type IV student can be an emotional dropout or a physical dropout. The emotional dropout is socially and emotionally removed from school. A comparable percentage of gifted and non-gifted students dropped out of school between 8th and 12th grade, indicating that students of all ability levels are at risk for dropping out. (“Gifted Dropouts: The Who and the Why”) School Support Diagnostic testing; Counseling; Nontraditional opportunities and study skills; In-depth studies; Alternative out of classroom learning; Mentorships; GED

12 Turn and Talk: What are some challenges you might have?
Mindy will lead the active participation. Mindy will lead this active participation.

Physically or emotionally challenged Learning disabilities Limited English Proficiency Typically not identified gifted Programs don’t integrate their varying needs Discouraged, frustrated, rejected, helpless, powerless or isolated School system tends to focus on the weaknesses Type V are not typically identified as gifted students because they often do not exhibit behaviors that schools look for in gifted students. Schools are often looking for the positive characteristics of the Type I profile and overlook the gifted characteristics of the Type V student who is working with a physical limitation, a learning disability or busy learning a new language as well as new concepts. School Support Placement in advanced classes; Opportunities for advanced work in ability area; Provide needed resources; Provide alternative learning experiences Give individual counseling

14 Type VI THE AUTONOMOUS LEARNER (The end goal for all students)
Few demonstrate this at an early age Work effectively in school system Use the system to create new opportunities Strong, positive self-concept Positive attention & support for accomplishments Respected by adults & peers Leadership roles Independent, self-directed The Autonomous Learner, Type VI, is where we would like all of our students to be. Like the Type I’s, these students learn to work effectively in the school system, but they have learned to use the school system to create new opportunities for themselves.

15 Type VI - Autonomous Learner
Behaviors Appropriate social skills Independent worker Develops own goals Follows through with plans Works without approval Follows strong areas of passion Creative Stands up for convictions Feelings and Attitudes Self-confident Self-accepting Enthusiastic Accepted by others The Type VI students are independent and self-directed. They feel secure designing their own education and personal goals. They accept themselves and take risks.

16 Type VI - Autonomous Learner
School Support Curriculum and instruction offered at the student’s rate and level of learning Compacted curriculum Mentorships Dual enrollment or early admission to college College & career opportunities Active Participation strategy: Turn and talk with your neighbor. Choose one Type that your school could choose to focus on. How might that focus look?

17 Turn and Talk What strategies will work in your school?
Closing: What did you learn? And Now What? Mindy will lead this active participation.

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