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TEST #2 Review Slides. Cumulus clouds Stratocumulus clouds over the Rockies.

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Presentation on theme: "TEST #2 Review Slides. Cumulus clouds Stratocumulus clouds over the Rockies."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEST #2 Review Slides



4 Cumulus clouds

5 Stratocumulus clouds over the Rockies.

6 Stratus clouds

7 Nimbostratus clouds over the North Sea.

8 Nimbostratus clouds

9 Altocumulus clouds

10 Cirrus clouds

11 Cirrus clouds over Golden Gate Bridge.

12 Cirrus and cirrostratus clouds at sunset, Puerto Vallarta, MX.

13 Cirrocumulus clouds


15 Cumulonimbus cloud (Thunderstorm)

16 Thunderstorm formed by convection over Galveston Bay, TX.

17 The tops of thunderstorms are often called thunderheads.

18 Radiation or ground fog in NW Germany.

19 Valley fog in the Appalachian Mountains, a type of radiation fog.

20 Advection fog

21 Evaporation fog over the water and radiation fog over the land.

22 Steam fog, a type of evaporation fog on Donner Lake, California.


24 The Bergeron or ice-crystal process of precipitation formation.

25 Collision-coalescence process of raindrop formation.

26 The formation of freezing rain starts as ice crystals, then melts to form raindrops, then freezes again after it hits the ground. Freezing rain would form in this area. Sleet formation in this area.

27 Hailstones are formed as they move up & down in a thunderstorm due to the movement of updrafts and downdrafts.

28 Worldwide average annual precipitation.

29 Monsoon patterns are the result of the ITCZ moving north and south with the seasons.

30 Orographic lifting produces a rain shadow desert on the leeward side of many mountain ranges.


32 Source regions for North American air masses.

33 Cross-sectional view of a typical cold front.

34 Cross-sectional view of a typical warm front.

35 An occluded front is formed from the “collapsing” of a mid-latitude wave cyclone because the cold front moves faster than the warm front.

36 As the cold front “catches up to” and overtakes the warm front the warm air is lifted off the ground and occlusion has begun.

37 Occlusion continues as the cold front proceeds to push all the warm air off the surface until the system has used all its energy and run its course.

38 Four types of fronts and their associated weather map symbols.


40 Cold Sector Warm Sector Cool Sector

41 Idealized stages of a thunderstorm.

42 The formation of lightning.

43 Idealized supercell with tornado near the southwest side of the cloud.

44 Formation of strong tornadoes (EF2 & above).



47 Areas of formation and storm tracks for tropical cyclones.




51 Köppen climate map.

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