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September 27-29, 2004 JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort Palm Desert, California The Importance of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence in Business.

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Presentation on theme: "September 27-29, 2004 JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort Palm Desert, California The Importance of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence in Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 27-29, 2004 JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort Palm Desert, California The Importance of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence in Business Today Wayne State University Seminar Series Greg McMillan – Senior Manager HR Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Ford Motor Company Email:

2 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series Agenda Student Overview What is Data Warehousing? What is Business Intelligence? Why are DW and BI Important to Business? What is Enterprise Excellence in BI/DW? How do you get to be Excellent?

3 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series A data warehouse is an analytically oriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile collection of data that supports decision making processes What is a Data Warehouse?

4 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series The act of using historical data to gain new information. Techniques include multidimensional analyses, mathematical projection, modeling, ad-hoc queries and 'canned' reporting. What is Business Intelligence?

5 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series Why are BI and DW Important to the Enterprise?

6 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series Gartner estimates that this year "business management in 50% of large enterprises will identify BI&DW as a strategic initiative, forging an alignment of goals, objectives, and resources to better support the enterprise with insight” CIO Magazine – “Querying the data warehouse became an integral part of almost everyone's job routine in the late 1990’s. Some observers see this change as the cusp of a new era, in which data warehouses become the language, even the skeleton, of the enterprise itself. Gartner also estimates that “in 2004, in enterprises where faster reaction is key to operational effectiveness, active BI&DW will be one of the top four initiatives driving IT investment and strategy” A majority of Information technology executives surveyed by Unisys Corp said they plan to invest less money in e-business and more in basics such as data warehousing – Food Distributor Magazine “The only constants CIOs can count on are that data warehousing will become more difficult and consume more IT resources.” – CIO Magazine The Hurwitz Group has defined BI&DW as “an imperative for e-business”. Gartner Inc., a consultant that specializes in business intelligence (BI) and data warehousing, predicts that data warehousing is about to take off after three "lost years" during which e-business, especially B2B, got most of the attention “The System is the Enterprise” – John Zachman

7 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series The Bottom Line

8 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series Wal-Mart - 500-600% Growth with No Decline Integrated Data Warehouse Becomes a Reality

9 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series Kmart Wal-Mart A Present Day History Lesson

10 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series The Bottom Line

11 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series 3M Company - A Great 5 Year Stock Chart – 100% Gain Integrated Data Warehouse Becomes a Reality

12 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series The Bottom Line

13 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series 969794959899000102 Fedex – Impressive 400% Gains with No Decline 9697949598990001 Distribution Data Warehouse Becomes a Reality

14 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series “The data warehouse is the heart and soul of this company, and we wouldn't be in business without it." The Holy Grail

15 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series What are the components of Enterprise Excellence in BI/DW?

16 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series Excellence Framework Pillars of Success

17 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series  Information Technologists  Hardware and Software Vendors  Consultants  Business People How do you get to be Excellent in DW and BI?

18 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series What you do not Measure you can not Manage

19 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series Incomplete, Sporadic, Non-Existent Not Performed 0 Informally Performed, Heroic Initial 1 Disciplined, Planned Repeatable 2 Institutionalized, Standards Defined 3 Quantitatively Controlled, Six-Sigma Managed 4 Quantum Value Add, Continuous Improvement Optimizing 5 Level Quantitatively Controlled, Six-Sigma Managed 4 AchievementValue Low Cost Quality & Success Waste Risk & Failure What you do Not Communicate Well is Forgotten

20 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series What you do not Plan you cannot Achieve CMM Level 0 CMM Level 1 CMM Level 2 CMM Level 3 CMM Level 4 CMM Level 5 Capability Maturity Model Levels Knowledgeable People Technology That Works Quality Data Proven Processes 20032004200520062007

21 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series How else do you get to be Excellent in DW and BI?  Know Your Definitions  Understand what each really means:  Leverage Knowledgeable People  Drive Quality Data  Use Technology That Works  Buy Proven Processes  Study the best of the best  Carefully Study Architecture Alternatives  Think big, plan big, then start small and deliver quickly

22 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series Jan. 15, 1999Jan. 15, 1999 Issue of CIO MagazineCIO Magazine The Must Read List 3M: Glued to the Web Business Week November 20, 2000 The 98-year-old company's online database is generating New Economy efficiencies Corporate Information Factory, 2nd Edition Corporate Information Factory, 2nd Edition by William H. Inmon, et al The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling (Second Edition) by Ralph Kimball (Author), Margy Ross (Author)Ralph KimballMargy Ross Kmart – Code Blue December 2001 By David Carr & Edward Cone Data warehousing has become the foundation for business-intelligence efforts. Scott Leibs, CFO Magazine October 01, 2000

23 Importance of DW & BI Wayne State University Seminar Series

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