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What was life like in the Native American societies that developed in North America?

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1 What was life like in the Native American societies that developed in North America?

2 Earliest American Societies ·5000 B.C. – farming started ·Anasazi – 1500 B.C. · Grew maize with irrigation ·4 corners region of U.S.A today ·Pit houses ·750 A.D. homes changed to pueblos –above ground houses made of heavy clay called adobe · Many stories high ·Chambers ·Kivas- underground ceremonial chambers · 1300 A.D. abandoned villages





7 Mound Builders ·Hopewell – along mid-west major rivers · Large population with agriculture and trade ·Huge burial mounds ·Decline 700 A.D. · Mississippian – 700 A.D. · Large settlements ·Religious mounds · Animal shaped mounds ·Declined 1600s

8 Mound Building Pictures



11 ·Shared religious beliefs –Religion linked to nature –Spiritual forces were everywhere - Earth and Sky dominated religion Shared beliefs about property –Individual ownership applied only to the crops one grew. –Land was for the use of everyone in the village. –Believed they should preserve the land for future generations ·.

12 Delaware Indian Tribe ·Algonquian ancestors ·Delaware River Basin of PA, NJ and DE ·Called themselves the Lenape or leni-lenape meaning “real men” or “native, genuine men” ·Known as part of a group of Indians the “easterners” ·Made up of 3 principal tribes · Each had their own territory, dialect ·Lived mostly independently

13 Arctic ·Tribes: Inuit and Aleut ·State/Territory: Canada (Northwest Territory, Yukon, Nunavaut) Northern Alaska ·Info: · Frozen ground ·Igloos, tents, huts, underground ·Fishing and hunting ·Dog sled teams

14 Subarctic ·Tribes: Dogrib and Montagris ·State/Territory: Northern Canada, Northern Alaska ·Info: · Deer hunting ·Nomadic ·Frozen ground ·Fishing, ·Skins made into shelters

15 Pacific Northwest ·Tribes: Chinook, Nootka ·Location: British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon ·Info: · totems, ·Potlatches (feasts)

16 West ·Tribes: Pomo, Hupa, Yurok ·Locations: Rocky Mts. To Coast Range / Cascade Range ·Info: · Foods = acorns, fish, dear ·Large family groups ·Coast = plenty of food for hunting and gathering

17 Southwest ·Tribes: Paiute, Shoshone, Ute, Hopi, Zuni ·Location: Utah, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico ·Info · dry, ·Foods = seeds, roots, small game ·Pueblo – irrigated and farmed ·Apache and navajo – nomadic warriros

18 Great Plains ·Tribes: Blackfoot, Arapaho, Mandan, Pawnee ·Location: Central U.S. and Canada ·Info · Grasslands = buffalo, deer, and elk ·Nomadic hunters ·Teepees ·Farming and villages ·matrilineal

19 Northeast ·Tribes: Delaware, Wampanoag, Iroquois, Ottawa ·Location: New England ·Info: · Rich resources ·Farmers, hunters, traders, ·longhouses ·Formed confederations ·Many tribes

20 Southeast ·Tribes: Cherokee, Creek, Seminole ·Location: Carolinas, Florida ·Info: · Rich resources ·Woods, farming and villages, ·Village councils ·Wampum = money


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