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Published byAlvin Underwood Modified over 9 years ago
Introductions Title I KDE Team Audit and Compliance Branch David Millanti – Branch Mgr. Dan Davison – Program Consultant Mary Marshall– Program Consultant Monica Murphy– Program Consultant Monica Shack– Program Consultant Neil Watts– Program Consultant Planning Branch Judy Littleton – Branch Mgr. Christina Benassi – Program Consultant Laurie Cape – Program Consultant Claude Christian – Program Consultant Vicki Fosbender – Program Consultant Amy Jacobs – Program Consultant Helen Jones – Program Consultant 2 new Program Consultants
Emphasis on Support ◦ Achievement ◦ Closing the Gap ◦ College and Career Readiness ◦ Increase Graduation Rate ◦ Increase number of effective teachers and Principals Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as amended by the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, is designed to help disadvantaged children reach high academic standards.
District Title I Coordinator must complete the Title I, Part A Ranking Report. Ranking Report is an Excel workbook. Each worksheet contains formulas that automatically tabulate entries made by the district. Data is to be entered in the YELLOW areas, the GRAY areas will be automatically tabulated and displayed. Click on tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet to go to a particular worksheet. To print the entire spreadsheet, select “Entire Workbook” under the Print option. Email the completed Ranking Report to or Title 1 reports on the Global. Must be submitted and approved by Oct. Call or Email KDE Title I staff for assistance at (502) 564-3791. Each district has a staff member assigned to provide assistance.
Allocations Assists districts in meeting requirement of Title I, part A Provides state Title I office with data required for the US Department of Education (USED). Must rank schools according to the percent of low-income in order to determine: ◦ Eligibility for Title I, Part A services ◦ Selection for Title I, Part A services ◦ School allocations for Title I, Part A services Rank order exceptions for < 1,000 students or one school per grade span.
District Set Aside ◦ District name, Coordinator’s name ◦ Title 1,part A allocations for 2013-2014 ◦ Amount transferred from other Title programs for 2013 – 2014 (Not common) ◦ 125% rule – If the district serves any school with less than 35% low-income (Not common)
District Must set aside funds for: ◦ Homeless – for non Title 1 schools. (Optional for others) ◦ McKinney Vento (Required if you receive this grant) ◦ Locally operated Neglected Institutions. ◦ Locally operated Delinquent institutions. ◦ Parent Involvement Provide equitable services to private school students Must include allocation for Private Schools in description ◦ If staff is not all Highly Qualified (HQ); Funds for PD to ensure teachers and Para educators all become highly qualified Make sure to list on Ranking report if all teachers ARE HQ (no money has to be set aside.) Put “All HQ” in description.
District May set aside funds for; ◦ May set aside funds for PD not required for Title 1 funded staff. (Different than PD for HQ) Provide equitable services for Private school students ◦ Financial incentives (up to 5%) ◦ Optional school transfer (up to 20%) ◦ Optional tutoring – (up to 20%) ◦ School extension programs Provide equitable services to private school students ◦ Preschool programs ◦ English language learners ◦ Assessments
District May set aside funds continued: ◦ May set aside funds for administrative costs – if indirect costs (from published indirect cost rates) are used then Title I coordinator is the only other allowed cost. FTE for each staff paid should be listed. ◦ Substitute salaries. (For Title 1 funded staff. Subs. For PD are listed under PD section.) ◦ 30% sick leave for teacher retirement – prorated for number of years. ◦ Variations in personnel costs ◦ Other district set-asides – contact a KDE Title I consultant to determine if the cost is allowable in the district set-aside.
Required for non-Title I schools. Only if District has grant Only complete if serving school with less than 35% This set-aside amount must be tracked separately in MUNIS with Project Code 310XM. Must set aside 1% if over $500,000 allocation but can put in more. 95% of the 1% must go to schools. A proportionate amount of the set- aside must be used for private schools. Ratio = #private school low-income Total Public & Private low-income Ratio x set-aside= Private share
Use the same ratio previously calculated for Parent Involvement to calculate the private school(s) share of PD. Put the private school(s) reservation in the description. IF you have a Title I teacher that will be retiring – (Years Title I service) / (Total yrs service) = % Title I (Daily rate of pay) X (# sick days accumulated) = sick pay owed teacher. (sick pay owed teacher) X (%Title I) X 30% = set- aside amt Calculate this separately for each retiring teacher and put calculations in description. Use the same ratio previously calculated for Parent Involvement to calculate the private school(s) share of SEP. Put the private school(s) reservation in the description.
Eligibility and Selection Title 1 funds allocated for public and private school services. ◦ List the allocations from worksheet 1 ◦ List the set asides from worksheet 1 ◦ Low-Income measure – Usually free & reduced lunch counts. CEO for Community Eligibility Option. ◦ Date of Measure – Actual date measure was taken. Can not be a weekend or Holiday – school must be in session ◦ Mark attendance area or enrollment box
Column 1 – List All public schools in descending order based on percent of low-income. Put “- CEO” after school name if Community Eligibility Option has been selected for school. Column 2 – ◦ List total number of students. Column 3a – ◦ List number of low income students. o CEO schools use number of direct certified students x 1.6 (maximum of total enrollment – column 2) Column 3b or 3c – Low-income students in private schools Column 4 – DO NOT enter into column 4. (calculated) Column 5 – List Eligibility status code. (following slide)
Eligibility Status Codes - explained Use one of the following codes for each public school listed on the worksheet: 1 School is above 75% low-income. Schools above 75% low-income must be served in rank order regardless of grade span. 2School is at or below 75% low-income ranked by district as a whole (not by grade span) and is at or above district average. 4 School is ranked by district as a whole (not by grade span) and is below district average but at or above 35%. 3 School is at or below 75% low-income ranked by grade span and is at or above district average. 5 School is ranked by grade span and is below district average but at or above 35%. 6 School is ranked by grade span and is at or above the grade span average. (rare/never) 7 School is served by feeder pattern. (For example: Three elementary schools feed into one middle school. See directions on page 20, Using the Feeder Pattern to Make a School Eligible for Title I Services.) 8School is served but is not in an eligible attendance area. The percent of low-income students enrolled in the school is equal to or greater than the percent of such students in a participating school attendance area. 9School is not currently eligible but is being served because it was eligible and was served in the previous school year. (only for 1 year) 10 Ineligible for service. Do not use code #10 if the school is eligible but not served. 0-Place a "0" before the code of each eligible school that is not being served. 0-4 or 0-5 #x - codes are for schools served out of rank order because they are a priority school with a graduation rate of 60% or below. (There are currently none that meet this requirement.)
Column 6 – Per pupil amount ◦ Allocate funds in rank order ◦ If serving school with less than 35% use 125% rule to figure per pupil amount before district set asides. ◦ May use same per pupil amount for all Title 1 schools Or may use higher per pupil amounts for schools with higher poverty rates. Or may determine different per pupil amounts for different grade span groupings. (Per pupil amounts can vary within grade spans as long as higher poverty schools receive higher allocations within the grade span.) ◦ Column 7 calculates automatically. (Col.3a x Col.6)
Total of all the allocations for public schools plus private schools (worksheet 5) must equal the “Total for Public and Private Schools” at the top of the page. How do I determine the allocation amount for each school? Discussion – how do you do it? ◦ Based on each schools needs ◦ Must serve higher poverty schools at higher or equal per pupil level. ◦ Waiver may allow some schools not previously served to be served – consequences eliminated. Could be served at a lower level per pupil. HS for example.
Total allocations from worksheet 2 plus private schools (worksheet 5) must equal this amount!
Summary of Schoolwide Programs This is a comprehensive program that allow staff in schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families to redesign their entire educational program to serve all students. (Must have 40% or greater low- income percent. May continue as a SWP even if school drops below 40% in the future.) Every school that is electing to use a school- wide plan should be listed. Teacher, Paras and Other totals should be in FTEs (full-time equivalent)
Description of Schoolwide Programs should have a description of the following: ◦ Instructional areas of need ◦ GAP areas – could refer to school report card to determine Gaps that should be addressed ◦ How instructional needs are addressed by Grade Level ◦ Levels of Intervention – strategies for students not meeting state achievement standards ◦ “Other” – include title and description of “other” employee that has been hired.
SWP description should address each of the following: Instructional areas of need by grade level GAP areas Intervention strategies used for students not meeting state standards Description of “Other” (Job Title) & how they address needs
Notice the “Other” is described and the need is identified. Notice that it is sometimes necessary to reduce the font size to get the description to fit!
Targeted Assistance School (TAS) Column 1- ◦ List only the targeted assistance schools from the public schools served with regular Title I, Part A funds on Worksheet 2. Column 2- ◦ List the number of Title I teachers (FTE), para-educators, and other staff Column 3- ◦ List title and description of “other” staff from column 2 ◦ Instructional area of need which may cause the school to fail to progress ◦ List gap areas even if the school made their Annual Measureable Objective (AMO) ◦ Describe the Title I service provided by staff to address needs by grade level
This is what the Worksheet 4 would look like if the HS was a Targeted Assistance School. (TAS) Most schools would prefer to be a School–Wide Program because of the flexibility of being able to serve all students in the school.
Services for Private School Students ◦ Title 1 law requires equitable opportunity be provided for eligible children who reside in participating school attendance areas and are enrolled in private schools (within and outside the district).
Low income measure Funding for service based on low income students from participation attendance areas. ◦ As much as possible use the same measure of low income used in public schools. ◦ Some private schools may not use free/ reduced lunch numbers. May use data source such as scholarship applications ◦ If measure of low income still not available, district may apply low income % of participating public school. Use an equated measure.
Per pupil amount private = the per pupil amount for the public school they would have attended. List only the private schools that are accepting services. Title 1 staff to serve private schools. ◦ List FTE as a total for all private schools
Private Schools served by Title I ◦ Criteria to select students for Title I. Consult with private school Establish criteria based on different education factors to determine which children are eligible for Title 1 services. The children served DO NOT have to be the children who generated the funds.
Multiple lines might be necessary if allocations for schools vary. Be sure to include name of private school official
Correlates with directions Easy to understand Used as rubric by KDE consultants Helps with “look fors” Self-checking
The LYNC training session is being recorded and will be available on our website. The PowerPoint will also be on the website.
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