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Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Units and Programs April 2010.

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1 Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Units and Programs April 2010

2 Recent Research Highlights  Two NSF Science and Technology Centers Hsia, Gillette, Bashir and Saif partner on “Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems” Coleman, Kumar and Milenkovic partner on “Frontiers of Science of Information”  Gerlt NIH “Glue Grant” for Enzyme Functionality Initiative  Illinois Historian Antoinette Burton wins Guggenheim Fellowship  Richard Powers elected to the National Academy of Arts and Letters  Recent awards relating to Health Gunter HHS grant for Strategic Healthcare IT Advanced Research Projects on Security (SHARPS) Saif NSF grant “Regulation of Cancer Cell Metastasis by Mechanical Force”

3 Recent Research Highlights  Three NSF Awards Connect Social Science and Science Research Geographically dispersed R&D teams (Betty Barrett) Diversity and turnover in research labs (Aparna Joshi) Stakeholder alignment in complex systems ( Joel Cutcher- Gershonfeld)  Last week, six single investigator NSF awards totaling $1.93M and two NIH totaling $663K demonstrate our faculty’s success in obtaining external funding  Tremendous faculty response to stimulus funding opportunities (April 2010 data) 146 awards ($122M )

4 FY08 Total R&D Expenditures reported to NSF were $501,279,000, a 6% increase over FY07 Federal $267M, 53% Other $14.9M, 3% State $36.9M, 7% Industry $20.7M, 4% Institutional $161.8M, 32%

5 The VCR Manages Units and Programs  Research Institutes  Research Compliance  Research Services  Campus Research Board  Strategic Programs

6 Research Institutes and Scholarship  National Center for Supercomputing Applications  Institute for Genomic Biology  Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability  Beckman Institute  Center for Advanced Study

7 Shepherding New Campus Research Initiatives  Interactions with Deans, Center Directors Energy Advanced Digital Sciences Center In Singapore Bringing together Campus excellence in Health – Division of Biomedical Sciences Climate Change

8 Research Compliance Units  Human Subjects (and Scientific Diving)  Animal Care and Use  Research Standards  Research Safety – Bio, Chem, Radiation  Conflict of Interest Management  Stem Cells Ensure research and economic development are carried out in compliance with federal regulations and university policies

9 Research Compliance  Mandated burden on faculty is significant and increasing (FDP Survey)  Appointed VCR Research Compliance Advisory Committee  Conducted Client Surveys  Hosted “town meeting” to present survey results Respondents were generally satisfied regarding the courtesy, support and responsiveness shown by the staff in the various units. While researchers understand and support the need for compliance oversight and process, they are frustrated by the time devoted to protocol submission and review processes.  Initiated development of web-based solutions

10 Research Board Summary – FY09  232 requests totaled $3.88M million (23.3% Fine and Applied Arts, 22.4% Humanities, 12.9% Life Sciences and Agriculture, 13.8% Physical Sciences and Engineering, 19% Social Sciences and Education).  $2.1million awarded (19.8% Fine and Applied Arts, 27.1% Humanities, 10.2% Life Sciences and Agriculture, 14.1% Physical Sciences and Engineering, 20.9% Social Sciences and Education).  Approximately half of the funding was awarded to support research assistantships.  Scholars' Travel Fund awards in FY09 totaled $356,125 for 451 requests, compared to $390,996 for 550 requests in FY08.

11 Research Board News  No reduction in institutional funding for FY1  Applications will become electronic  Two submission deadlines per semester  Looking at innovative ways to support nascent potentially transformational ideas  Proposal development workshops will be offered.

12 National Center for Supercomputing Applications  Home of the Blue Waters Supercomputing Systems for Petascale Computing  Deploying systems targeted to discipline-based researchers and their problems  Large-scale supercomputing and data resources available to researchers on and off campus  Expert User Services  NCSA Faculty Fellows Program and IACAT

13 Institute for Genomic Biology  Advancing life science research and stimulating bio-economic development in the state of Illinois  The $75 million, 186,000 square foot state-of-the-art IGB facility houses approximately 400 researchers in nine thematic areas.  Home to the BP-funded Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI)

14 Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability  Incorporates five Illinois State Surveys into a single Institute within the University Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois State Water Survey Illinois Natural History Survey Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Illinois State Archaeological Survey  The $42 million institute has 540 employees

15 OVCR Priorities  Ensure research is carried out in a safe, healthful environmentally sound, and compliant manner.  Identify, initiate and sustain strategic, campus- wide programs.  Enable units to sustain future growth by hiring and retaining faculty.  Support individual research programs

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