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SCHEDULING: The core subjects of Integrated English, Math, Social Studies, and Science, will be presented by the four team teachers: Mrs. Hughes: Social.

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Presentation on theme: "SCHEDULING: The core subjects of Integrated English, Math, Social Studies, and Science, will be presented by the four team teachers: Mrs. Hughes: Social."— Presentation transcript:


2 SCHEDULING: The core subjects of Integrated English, Math, Social Studies, and Science, will be presented by the four team teachers: Mrs. Hughes: Social Studies Mr. Beckley: Science Mrs. Barringer: Integrated English Mrs. Allen: Math **Advisory will meet daily 11:50-12:20 (1 st quarter) **The teachers meet Monday, Thursday’s as a team 7:40-8:30 so if you need to contact or meet with us, this is a good time!

3 Communication Tools for communication ◦ Weekly newsletter emailed each Monday ◦ Website ( ◦ Twitter account (@ Shanahan603) ◦ Homework hotline 657-4000 ext. 2379

4 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.

5 Science class is divided into 6 units Unit 1: Scientific Process and Thinking Unit 2: Chemical/Physical Properties and Changes Unit 3: Rocks and Minerals Unit 4: Renewable/Nonrenewable resources Unit 5: Cells/Cell Functions/Cell Specialization Unit 6: Cell Division and Heredity/Genetics

6 Tools for success in science class Classroom notes Flashcards (given to students for almost all units) Website (additional resources and practice) No Penalty Quizzes (many test questions come from the quizzes) Practice Test (on science website) YouTube videos (student missed a lecture, it may be on YouTube)

7 Welcome to 6 th grade Social Studies This year we will study various global themes and ancient civilizations. Our main objective is for students to learn about diverse cultures and places around the world. We will begin the year first by studying: ☼ The Five Themes of Geography (Location, Place, Region, Human-Environment Interaction, Movement) ☼ Map Skills ☼ Landforms ☼ World Religion, Government, and Economy

8 Starting 2 nd Quarter : We will study ancient civilizations, which include ☼ Early Man ☼ Mesopotamia ☼ Ancient Egypt ☼ Ancient India ☼ Ancient China Each week your child will receive a words of the week on Monday that is due Friday.

9 Lisa Barringer –Integrated English Integrated English Units: The Shadow Club Mystery Survival (Touching Spirit Bear) Poetry Non-Fiction Text Individual Book Choice Project Student Interest Unit

10 Reading, Writing, and Grammar!!!! Reading  Whole class novel - (The Shadow Club)  Group novel - (based on interest/ability level)  Free-choice novel – (independent pace) Please encourage your child to read at least 20 minutes every evening. Writing ◦ Forum – Please download FirstClass ◦ Unit Focus - Personal Narrative Daily Grammar Practice

11 Rebecca Allen Math 6 & Pre-Algebra Math 6 Units: ◦ Unit 1: Number, Operations, & Statistics ◦ Unit 2: Decimals & Fractions ◦ Unit 3: Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Thinking ◦ Unit 4: Measurement & Geometry ◦ Unit 5: Algebraic Thinking

12 Pre-Algebra Units: Unit 1: Variables, Expressions, & Integers Unit 2: Rational Numbers & Proportions Unit 3: Functions, Geometry, and Measurement Unit 4: Data Analysis, Polynomials, and Transformations

13 Math Weekly Review Sheets Starting in week 3, students will be given a weekly review sheet for math throughout the school year. They provide extra practice to help students prepare for the OAA at the end of the school year. They are usually given out on a Monday and are due on a Friday. Students may take them home to work on them. They will be graded! Each review sheet counts toward their final grade (summative assessment).

14 Math Weekly Review Sheets Starting in week 3, students will be given a weekly review sheet for math throughout the school year. They provide extra practice to help students prepare for the OAA at the end of the school year. They are usually given out on a Monday and are due on a Friday. Students may take them home to work on them. They will be graded! Each review sheet counts toward their final grade (summative assessment).

15 Advisory The Purpose of Advisory Groups is to help all participants with the following: ☺ Develop positive character traits such as respect for self and others, recognize strengths in self and others, and to value differences. ☺ Improve communications within peer groups and between students and staff by learning how to: become a good listener, develop acceptable ways to express oneself, and to utilize acceptable ways to settle differences. ☺ Improve relationships by eliminating name calling, putdowns, and bullying. Also, students will develop strategies to deal with stress and to make good decisions.



18 Don’t forget: You can copy- paste this slide into other presentations, and move or resize the poll.

19 Homework Homework Hotline - 740-657-4000 ext. 2367 Website – kley When a student is absent, he/she will be given the same number of days that were missed to turn in missing work. It is the student’s responsibility to find out the assignments missed during an absence. Checking with his/her teachers and the website and homework hotline is a great way to do this. We expect students to put forth their best effort on their homework assignments by completing them neatly and turning them in on time.

20 Braves Bucks Incentive program that encourages and rewards students for respectful behavior. Our goal is to develop responsibility, increase teaching and learning time, decrease disrespectful behavior and reward those who consistently follow school and classroom rules.

21 Camp* Heartland Outdoor Environmental School Overnight experience Located in Morrow County June 1-3 * Pending Olentangy Local School Board approval

22 Conferences are Student Led October 12 th and 20 th From 4-7:30 Team Room

23 Thank You and Welcome to Team 603 Please call us (740-657-4300) or email us with any questions you may have. We will print our email addresses on all weekly newsletters. Team 603: Mrs Allen, Mrs. Barringer, Mr. Beckley, and Mrs. Hughes

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