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X.Dong, USTC/LBNL Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting 1 TOF Software Progress Xin Dong, for TOF Group  TOF detectors in Run IV  Online software.

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Presentation on theme: "X.Dong, USTC/LBNL Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting 1 TOF Software Progress Xin Dong, for TOF Group  TOF detectors in Run IV  Online software."— Presentation transcript:

1 X.Dong, USTC/LBNL Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting 1 TOF Software Progress Xin Dong, for TOF Group  TOF detectors in Run IV  Online software  Offline software -- Data base & Geometry -- Makers - match - calibration - simulation and embedding - MuDst  Summary & Outlook

2 Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 2 TOF detectors in Run IV TPC pVPD east pVPD west Au TOFx East-TPC TOFpTOFr x y Au Some changes this year:  pVPDs moved ~4” further from Z=0  TOFp moved one slot clockwise when facing west from the east side --- read out channels no change (41)  TOFr did not move, but the tray size and module positions in the tray changed --- First 20 modules (out of 32) in the tray have read-out electronics ( 72+48 channels totally)

3 Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 3 Online Software ‣ Online software extended to 3 CAMAC crates in order to accommodate the read-out of 48 additional TOFr channels. ‣ new TOF raw data format (41+72+48 channels) required similar changes to the offline DAQ reader. ‣ Clearly we still have issues with the TCD-Bira communications which show up in TOF DAQ. --- mostly due to a hardware problem, not a software problem -- TOFr HV is now only one channel. Software was updated accordingly and so was its interface with SlowControls. -- TOFp HV. No changes, only updated the Cell Mapping for its SlowControl interface -- TOFr Gas. No changes. -- SlowControls interfaces. Reviewed the Red/Yellow alarm settings and made them available as a document

4 Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 4 TOF Offline Software Framework STAR/TOF DAQ TOF Data TOF Cell/Slat TOF Hit TOF Match Maker TOF Calibration Maker TOF Collection StEvent GSTAR geant hits TOF DAQ Reader, TOFMakerTOF Simulation Maker MuDst TOF TOF MuFill Maker + MuDst Maker TOF Mixer Maker TOF MCCell/MCSlat

5 Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 5 TOF Geometry Data Base  Find the tracked cell/slat from a Helix  Coordinates transferring  Initialization from GEANT  TOF configurations --- ready --- pVPD configuration --- pVPD Strobe events configuration --- tof detectors configuration --- tof Tray configuration --- tof Module configuration  DAQ mapping --- ready --- tof DAQ mapping TOF geometry & dbase Many new introduced structures  Calibration parameters --- ongoing --- tof T0 (timing offset) --- tof Correction (overall) --- tof Correction (each channel)  Simulation parameters --- ready --- MRPC simulation parameters  TOFp Geometry --- need to be updated this year GEANT definition change due to the geometry & position change this year

6 Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 6 TOF Collection in StEvent TOF Data: Raw ADC, TDC in each DAQ channel42 + 6 + 72 (120) TOF Cell/Slat: Cells/Slats with track matched Cell/Slat Id, ADC, TDC, associated tracks, projected position TOF Hit: After calibration Physical tof, β, pathlength, etc. MCCell/MCSlat: Additional MC information

7 Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 7 Ongoing Makers I TOF Match Maker: Fired channels from DAQ Projected cells from global tracks Matched within one pad distance Get rid of multi-hit cells Order cells for cross talks Save those have primary tracks into TOF Cell Collection TOFp Match Maker already in library, TOFr Match Maker ready to be committed

8 Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 8 Ongoing Makers II TOF Calibration Maker: Calibration parameters from dbase TOF Cell in StEvent pVPD calibration – start time TOF Data in StEvent Time-of-flight correction Write TOF Hit in StEvent Waiting for dbase structure ready to do corresponding change for checking in Fast offline data for calibration

9 Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 9 Ongoing Makers III TOF Simulation Maker: Ready to be committed in Simulation parameters in dbase Geant hits Cell response simulation Write raw ADC & TDC in TOF Data TOF embedding Makers: TPC embedding TOF Data from DAQTOF Data from simulation Tof Mixer Maker Tof association Maker Need corresponding change for dbase configuration read-in ?

10 Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 10 Ongoing Makers IV TOF in MuDst: ---- MuTof introduced in MuDst TOF Hit TOF Cell MuTofFill Maker – write MuTof Corresponding changed MuDSTMaker Write into MuDst Ready to be reviewed and committed Makers summary:  Almost all are ready!  Need to be committed ASAP before production pVPD Fill Maker ?

11 Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 11 Summary  Online DAQ corresponding change for additional TOFr channels, little changes for other online software  Many new introduced structures in dbase --- calibration structure on the way --- request corresponding changes for the Makers or Utilities  Geometry changes in GEANT due to the position change of detectors this year  Most of the offline Makers are ready to be committed for the coming production

12 Feb. 20th, 04, STAR Collaboration Meeting X.Dong, USTC/LBNL 12 Outlook Preliminary timing resolution ~120ps Preliminary calibrations for Run IV Great thanks to the Software Group & … helpers! With the development of software, important physics will come out soon! Overall slewing correction

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