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 Use music to interest students in the corresponding book or similar book from which the music originates, thereby providing an opportunity to later.

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2  Use music to interest students in the corresponding book or similar book from which the music originates, thereby providing an opportunity to later pursue their individual interests as they grow.

3  Help students seek and access a variety of information resources, in this case books and music, to learn and for personal enjoyment.  Students will develop creative products in a variety of formats (dance and art).

4  Pre-Kindergarten  Ages 4-5  Normal class size of 25  Actual number present for program 12  Butterflies and Frogs Day Care Pre-K Classroom

5  Sound recording clips from Disney movies  Golden Books › Toy Story › The Jungle Book › Lady & the Tramp › Cars › The Little Mermaid

6  Blank Book Mark (The Power of Reading)  Goodies for Participation › Rubber Spiderman bouncy balls › Pens with Disney characters › Toy Story Stickers › Matchbox Cars › Cars Crayons

7  Students are instructed to listen to the song and dance along.

8  When music stops or they know the movie title, raise hand.  Student provides movie title.






14  ½ Go to the Rug and Look at Books  Switch  Other ½ get a prize from goodie bag  Switch

15 The Power Of Reading Blank


17  Barnes and Noble, (2011). Images. ey-golden- books?page=results&domain=search&p os=&box=&store=kids&keyword=Disney+ golden+books ey-golden- books?page=results&domain=search&p os=&box=&store=kids&keyword=Disney+ golden+books  Music from iTunes, 2011  Ms. Melanie Walsh, Pre-K Teacher  Ms. Jennifer Vaughn, B&F Lead Teacher  Butterflies and Frogs Day Care


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