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Persuasive Business Letter Purpose: to promote a product, service, idea, issue, or change which the intended reader may be hesitant to accept.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasive Business Letter Purpose: to promote a product, service, idea, issue, or change which the intended reader may be hesitant to accept."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasive Business Letter Purpose: to promote a product, service, idea, issue, or change which the intended reader may be hesitant to accept.

2 Prewriting Questions What is the product, service, idea, issue, or change you are promoting? Who is your audience? What are your readers beliefs? How do you view the readers view—agreeable, neutral, argumentative? What are the possible objections that may prevent responses from the reader? What are possible questions that may arise from the reader?

3 Prewriting questions Cont. What benefits will the reader gain from accepting your product, service, idea, issue, or change? How can you demonstrate this? What action do you want them to take? How will you convince you reader that you are honest logical, sincere, and reliable?

4 Writing Strategies Establish a bond. Core appeal Supporting detail Action

5 Establishing a bond You have to get the reader on your side. You need to sell to them. You have to decide what you will be doing: either emphasize durability of a product in a sales letter, reputation in a complaint latter, or recognition in a favor-seeking letter.

6 Core appeal Determine their circumstances, interests, and potential needs. After analyzing the reader, compliment them. Ask a challenging question. Encourage readers favorable responses before you state the action you want taken.

7 Supporting detail Convince the reader that what you are proposing is worth while. If you are asking a favor, making a claim or complaint, or asking for changes. Provide facts and details. Interweave reader benefits If composing a sales letter describe the features of the product.

8 Action Motivate your readers to do what you want them to. Include a date of when you would like things to be done by. Phone number you can be reached at for questions, and again another benefit for them.

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