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Team Grey Skies – Pete Biancaniello and Anton Schraut January 18 th, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Grey Skies – Pete Biancaniello and Anton Schraut January 18 th, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Grey Skies – Pete Biancaniello and Anton Schraut January 18 th, 2012

2  Designed as part of a series by Professor Ronald Rivest (MIT)  Proposed and released 1991  Used for data integrity checks  Variable-length to 128 bit output  1996, collision found in compression function  2004, In March MD5CRK started, by August an attack was complete (1 hour IBM p690 cluster)  2010, single-block collision discovered

3  Variable input is padded to be divisible by 512.  Single bit with value 1 is appended, followed by enough zeroes to reach 64 bits less than a 512 multiple.  Last 64 bits are filled with a little endian integer representing original message length in bits.

4  Padded input divided into 512-bit chunks  Four 32-bit words are initialized to specific constants  Each chunk is operated on in four stages called “rounds”  Each round modifies the 128-bit state composed of the initial 32-bit words

5  Rounds consist of 16 operations  Each operation is based on one of four non- linear functions F, modular addition, and left rotation.  Possible F functions:

6  Mi is a 32-bit block of message  Ki is a 32-bit constant  F is an “F” function  <<<s is a left rotation by s places  Each box denotes modular addition (2^32)

7  Specifications:  Improvements/Insights: /md5e-full.pdf /md5e-full.pdf  History/General:

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