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Budget 2011 -2012 The Board of Education wished to hold costs down for the community!

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Presentation on theme: "Budget 2011 -2012 The Board of Education wished to hold costs down for the community!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Budget 2011 -2012 The Board of Education wished to hold costs down for the community!

2 Problem: NYS Budget cuts our Operational Aid…-$807,481

3 Board of Education Decisions; Eliminate 9 teaching positions-5 Elementary, 4 Jr.-Sr. HS Eliminate one Administrator position Eliminate one School Counselor position Eliminate one Library-Media Specialist position Eliminate four Teaching-Assistant positions Eliminate one Micro-Computer Specialist position Eliminate Head Bus Driver position Eliminate one Teacher Aide position Eliminate one Part Time Cleaner position

4 Board of Education Decisions; Eliminate 7 th & 8 th grade Summer School program Offer a Summer Driver Education program charging tuition for all students Reduction in textbook budget to aid level Maintain 9-12 Regional Summer School Maintain G.E.D. Program Eliminate all new equipment purchases Eliminate all late bus runs Eliminate Junior Varsity Teams during Fall & Spring sports seasons Combine 7 th & 8 th grade teams during Winter sports season

5 Changes in programs as a result of Board of Education Decisions; Student/Teacher ratio in elementary grades; First Grade, we currently have an average class size of 15/1 which would change for 2011- 2012 school year to 19/1. Kindergarten, we currently have an average class size of 15/1 which would change for 2011-2012 to 22/1, if we received 65 students in September. (Kindergarten screening is not done.) Eliminating a Social Studies Teacher will result in the loss of four half year electives; SUNY Psychology, SUNY Sociology, History of Sports and Criminal Justice. Eliminating a Science Teacher, depending upon number of student requests, may force us to offer Physics and SUNY Calculus every other school year. Eliminating a Music Teacher will result in the loss of vocal music lessons and one music elective. Reducing a teacher in P.E. will increase enrollments in physical education classes and create less separate adaptive physical education classes.

6 Changes in programs as a result of Board of Education Decisions; -Eliminating four Teaching Assistants will reduce the number of our in classroom support personnel for remediation needs of our students. -Elimination of a Guidance Counselor will mean for 2011-2012 school year, we will have one Guidance Counselor in each building. -Elimination of an Administrator will effect the amount of services available to students and the staff as well as possible time of response to intervention efforts. -Eliminating an Art Teacher will create the need for our Elementary Teachers to infuse more artistic elements into their instructional programs.

7 Proposed Budget for 2011 Has a proposed Tax Levy increase of 2.75% 2010 budget is $18,550,000 2011 proposed budget is $18,150,000 A -2.16% decrease in spending or $400,000 decrease!

8 Expenditures held down! General Support………..-0.27%..-$5,544.45 Instructional…………-4.75%…-$402,279.58 Pupil Transportation…..-8.15%..-$78,074.93

9 Expenditures (Continued) Employee Benefits………..6.04%...$271,896.95 Why? –Health Insurance……………..…..…0.38%.............$11,348.05 –Worker’s Comp…………………….16.83%...............$4,323.00 –Employee Retirement……………..43.41%...........$106,000.00 –Teacher Retirement……………...36.24%..............$205,000.00 –Social Security………………..….…-5.18%….........-$32,078.00

10 History of Fort Plain School Budgets with respect to salaries School Year Total Salaries General FundSalary Change% ChangeTot.Change 2008-2009 $8,688,335 2009-2010 $8,509,109 ($179,226)-2.06% 2010-2011$8,090,893 ($418,216)-4.91%($597,442) 2011-2012*$7,566,990 ($523,903) -6.48%($1,121,345)

11 History of Budget vs. Salaries vs. Benefits School Year GF Budget GF Salaries GF Benefits % of GF Salaries% of GF Benefits 2008-2009 $17,265,000 $8,688,335 $4,110,698 50.32% 74.30% 2009-2010 $17,455,000 $8,509,109 $4,327,042 48.75% 73.54% 2010-2011 $18,550,000 $8,090,893 $4,504,912 43.62% 67.90% 2011-2012* $18,150,000 $7,566,990 $4,776,809 41.69% 68.01%

12 Expenditures (Continued) Pupil Transportation…..-8.15%..-$78,074.93 Why? Salaries……………………(-13.83%)....(-$79,564.93) Extra Trips……….…..……(-54.02%)....(-$25,850.00) Supplies…………………….13.52%.........$21,850 Contractual Trans………….12.82%.........$4,500

13 Contingency Budget Proposed Budget vs. Contingent Budget Comparison Since the proposed budget is $505,550 below the contingent budget cap, a negative vote will require no additional reductions. However after consideration of the contingent regulations; -Downtown bus runs would be suspended unless donations were raised in the amount of $2,000. -Any non-school related use of buildings would require a charge. NO additional cuts would be made to reach the calculated Contingent Budget !

14 NO Proposition for Bus Purchase

15 Action May 17 th @ The Harry Hoag Elementary VOTE for a fiscally responsible budget!

16 The Board of Education feels they have met their objectives. A positive vote on the school budget, May 17 th from 11:00a.m.- 9:00p.m., will enable our District to continue to move forward technologically and provide our students with the tools necessary to compete in our rapidly changing world economy at an affordable cost to the community.

17 Members of Board of Education – Vote for Three Jeffrey L. Jones Todd McFee David Fredericks Dolores Hayes Richard Nellis

18 Fort Plain Teachers’ Association Meet the Candidates Night Thursday, May 5 th Jr.-Sr. High School Auditorium @ 7:00 p.m.

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