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Political science Meaning-the study of the processes,principles and structure of Government and of political institutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Political science Meaning-the study of the processes,principles and structure of Government and of political institutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political science Meaning-the study of the processes,principles and structure of Government and of political institutions


3 A group of people or a similar group constitutes a society/community.


5 Bengali An atheist An economist A married man A teacher A researcher and many other things

6 Varied identity of an individual in the society.
Prepare an identity chart of yourself using words or phrases that describes the way you see yourself.Compare the chart with your friends.

7 FAMILY Meaning of society and its importance in an individual’s life
Aristotle said,Man is a social animal Man is gregarious by nature Cannot live alone,hence he needs society Affects the psychology of humans Society supports the individuals and teaches them how to live life

8 Society normally furnishes;
Protection Continuity Security National identity for its members

Socialization-term used by sociologists to refer to the process of inheriting norms, customs and ideologies Provide individuals with skills and habits necessary for participating in the society In human society that infants acquire skills necessary to perform as functioning members of the society

10 Assignment List the names of people who help you from 6am to till the time you reach school 1 2 3 4 5

11 Find out about two personalities who have carved a niche for themselves in the society.
Give description of their varied roles

12 Comprehending the meaning and types of Family
It is the Family that makes the home But what is family? Definitions of Family- It is a social group in a society,typically consisting of one or two parents and their children All the members of a household under one roof. A group of persons sharing common ancestry

13 Two or more people who share goals and values,have long term commitments to one another ,and reside usually in the same dwelling place

14 What role do you play in the house
What role do you play in the house?How do you help the following members of your family? Father Mother Sister Brother Grandfather Grandmother

15 Responsibilities; Carried out by different members of your family- ---
Every family member has 4 major roles- Physical resources like money,food,clothing and shelter must be provided Family members need to be nurtured and supported

16 Children need to be taught life skills
Children need to be taught life skills.This refers to physical,emotional,educational,and social development of children The family needs to be maintained-this includes day-to-day tasks,discipline,decision making,and other tasks

17 Assignment Discuss the roles and responsibilities you take up in school as a student in the class

18 Family are of two types Nuclear Family Joint Family



21 Characteristics of joint family
Share a common residence Partake food prepared in the same kitchen Hold their property in common and Ideally ,profess the same religion or sect.

22 Nuclear family refers to a household consisting of father ,a mother and their children all in one household dwelling surviving without the support of the elders of the family


24 Make a family tree .It should reflect the structure of your family highlight roles of family members

25 Roles refer to the position occupied in a group.
Responsibilities refer to the duties attached to one’s role.

26 Responsibilities of a Father
Responsibilities of a Mother Responsibilities of a Brother Responsibilities of a Sister Responsibilities of the children in the Family


28 Analyzing the Meaning of School and its Impact on a Child’s Life
Demonstrate Knowledge and Understanding of the Role of Various Members of the School Role of a Principal Role of a Teacher

29 Paste your photograph when you joined the school and also a present one of yourself in the space given below Now write in about 50 words how you have changed since joining the school

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