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Disciple-making: The Jesus Way Rev. Jason Tripp National MEGaP.

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Presentation on theme: "Disciple-making: The Jesus Way Rev. Jason Tripp National MEGaP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disciple-making: The Jesus Way Rev. Jason Tripp National MEGaP

2 "The early followers of Jesus Christ were not called people of "the experience," or the people of the "right doctrine," or the people of "moral values," or even the people of "the church." They were called the people of "the Way." - Inagrace Dietterich

3 “Discipleship is about calling others to join us in practicing a way of life in which we embody (flesh out) the life of Jesus in the context of the world as we journey to fulfill God’s mission together.” – J.R. Woodward

4 Disciple-making is a way of life, not an intellectual assimilation of ideas or a program.

5 We must be disciples, if we want to disciple others; example isn’t one thing, it’s everything.

6 Disciple-making is about inviting people to become whole again, to become more like Jesus, overcoming destructive habits and building life-giving habits.

7 Disciple-making takes place in the street and the sanctuary, the classroom and the living room, its about being “with people” in everyday life.

8 Disciple-making happens when we are on mission together, joining God in the renewal of all things.

9 Four Spaces of Belonging Adapted from “The Search to Belong: Rethinking Intimacy, Community, and Small Groups” by Joseph Myers

10 The Four Disciple-making Spaces: Jesus Disciple-making Space Jesus Public SpaceThe Crowds Social SpaceThe Many Disciples Personal SpaceThe 12 Apostles Intimate SpacePeter, James & John adapted from – “Building a Discipling Culture” by Mike Breen

11 The Four Disciple-making Spaces: Church Disciple-making Space The Church Public SpaceSunday Worship Social SpaceMissional Communities Personal SpaceSmall Groups Intimate SpaceLife Transformation Groups, Triads, etc.

12 Where Has the Focus Been? Disciple-making Space The Church Public SpaceSunday Worship Social SpaceMissional Communities Personal SpaceSmall Groups Intimate SpaceLife Transformation Groups, Triads, etc.

13 Questions for Discussion 1.What are your experiences with ministry in these four ministry spaces? 2.How might the shift from office hours to ministry hours allow for more intentional ministry in these four spaces in your ministry context & contributing to improved pastoral health? 3. Begin/continue to map out a Disciple-making plan which allows for Disciple-making to happen in each of the four spaces

14 Recommended Resources Online Resources 3DM ( Tyndale Missional Church Reading Room Greg Ogden ( JR Woodward ( /


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