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The Jesus Way Session 12 – Trust Him for the Future.

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Presentation on theme: "The Jesus Way Session 12 – Trust Him for the Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Jesus Way Session 12 – Trust Him for the Future

2 Introduction Transformation in apostles at Pentecost Confident they will see Jesus again Believing death will not be the end Belief about future firmly rooted in the past For believers, the ‘best is yet to come’

3 God’s Plans for the Future 1. Renewal of the World God will bring about a renewed creation Jesus’ corpse transformed and renewed Physical matter not inherently evil Christians look not to go to heaven but have heaven come to us

4 God’s Plans for the Future 2. Reunion with Jesus “Why are you standing there … ?” Jesus hinted at this return Apostles taught: –To live in expectation of Jesus’ return –To be patient in waiting “Marana tha!” (Aramaic)

5 God’s Plans for the Future 3. Resurrection for the Believer Our death is not the end For some, this is bad news For believers, it is the best news Believers will be with Jesus for ever Our physical bodies will not be discarded We will have renewed spiritual bodies

6 Conclusion Living in hope Believers are to be marked by hope Jesus has blazed a trail before us Need to fix our eyes on him & run the race We don’t know what the future holds but we know who holds the future

7 Building-block 12 in following Jesus his way: Trust Him for the Future – His Victory is Assured!

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