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U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program HHS Payment Management System.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program HHS Payment Management System."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program HHS Payment Management System & Reporting Requirements Webinar August 2, 2011

2 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 222 I.Welcome & Introductions Vincent Kane, MSW Director of National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans

3 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 333 I.Welcome & Introductions II.Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Payment Management System III.SSVF Participant Surveys IV.Recordkeeping & Audits V.Quarterly Reports VI.HMIS VII.Next Steps VIII.Questions & AnswersAgenda

4 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 444 II. HHS Payment Management System Anthony Holland, Accountant Program Support Center Financial Management Service

5 Financial Management Service Division of Payment Management Payment Management System Central Registry & Payment Process

6 PMS Entity Registration GRANTEE FORMS MUST FIRST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY TO SSVF@VA.GOVSSVF@VA.GOV After SSVF Program Office approves electronic versions, all “original” materials should be forwarded to: VA National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program ATTN: Nicole Nash FY 2011 Grantee Forms 4100 Chester Ave., Suite 201 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Registration documents must include: –Direct Deposit Form (SF1199A) with original signatures –PMS/FFR User Form –All SSVF Program grantees must complete these forms even if you have an existing HHS account. –NOTE: Organizations should not mail material directly to DPM 6

7 7 Registration Process: Required Documentation – SF-1199A COMMON ERRORS Corrections in Depositor Account Number and Bank Routing Number Alternations that appear on original form are not acceptable (i.e. white out, strike overs, cross-outs, etc.) Depositor Account Title not filled in Depositor Account Title does not match Name of Payee No signatures FROM THE DPM WEBSITE: 1.Click on “Grant Recipient Info” 2.Click on “Forms” 3.Click on “SF-1199A” 4.Complete Section 1 and Section 2. 5.Bank must fill out Section 3 TO ENSURE ACCURACY WHEN COMPLETING DIRECT DEPOSIT FORM: Box 1A: Name must match organization name on notice of Grant award Box 1B: Leave Blank [Note: SF1199A form will be rejected if individual’s name appears] Box 1C: Organization’s taxpayer identification number must be included in this field Original signatures must exist on form

8 8 ABC Corporation, Inc. 123 ABC Street – Suite 123 Anywhere US 00000 123/345-5678, ext. 910 ABC Corporation, Inc or Grant Award # or left blank Type/Print 9-Digit Tax ID # ABC Corporation Representative Awarding Agency Information Awarding Agency Address ABC Bank Name 123 Bank Street Bank, US 99999 ABC Bank Name Representative 123/475-0987, ext. 14 0-0-00 ABC Corporation, Inc. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x 0 0 0 0 0 1 - 0 0 1 1 x OSCII - NTHRP DUNS # _____ N/A

9 9 Registration Process: Required Documentation - DPM Payment Management System Access Form This is the information of the individual that needs access to the Payment Management System List all the PMS account numbers to gain access Check one in each category (if applicable) New PMS Users will not have a PMS Account Number Existing PMS Users: the new PMS Account Number will be added to your existing profile A form should be submitted for each individual PMS User Must have signature in order for form to be valid

10 10 Payment Management System Accessing the Site Go to: Click on “Payment Management System” Review messages on this page

11 11 Payment Management System Accessing the Site Click on “Payment Management System”

12 12 User name: Established by DPM (For training: All upper case - e.g., JPSMITH) Password: Initial password is issued by DPM and must be changed by users. New password must be at least nine alpha-numeric and/or special characters (e.g., #Grantee1) *For first time users, the initial password is provided by DPM. Payment Management System Accessing the Site

13 13 Payment Management System Accessing the Site Review for new messages; then click on Click Here for Access to the Payment Management System

14 Grantee On-Line Inquiries 14 1) Click on “Inquiry” 2) Click on “Adhoc Grantee Inquiry” 3) Select Inquiry Type from the dropdown menu 5) Click on “Continue”

15  Account Balance Data Authorized grant award information, payments made and funds available  Authorization Transactions Award amount, budget period and date posted in PMS  Payment Data Payment History including payments deposited and rejected  Summary Grant Data Grant expenditures will equals payments 15 Grantee On-Line Inquiries

16 16 Payment Management System Requesting Payments Payment requests may be made as often as needed: Daily Weekly Monthly Bi-monthly Monthly drawdowns are encouraged by VA. Remember: Funds must be spent within three business days!

17 17 1) Click on “Payment” 2) Click on “Request for Payment” 3) Enter your Account Number 5) Click on “Account” 2AA5B Making a Payment Request:

18 18 1.Enter DUNS 2.UPDATE Requestor Information or Click the Check Box If No Changes Are Required 3.Enter Payment Due Date 4.Enter Expected Disbursement Amount 5.Enter Cash on Hand 6.Enter Payment Request Amount 7.Click on “Continue” Making a Payment Request:

19 19 2AA5B 123456789 Making a Payment Request:

20 20 2AA5B 123456789 ADMSUBACCT SUPPSVC SUBACCT Making a Payment Request:

21 21 2AA5B 123456789 ADM SUBACCOUNT SUPPSVC SUBACCOUNT Making a Payment Request:


23 23 Making a Payment Request:

24 24 Payments of SSVF Grants Grantees are encouraged to make monthly drawdowns Per the SSVF Program NOFA, Grantees are subject to the following limitations: Time PeriodLimitation on Cumulative Requests for Grant Funds During 1st Qtr of Grant Award Period May not exceed 35% of the total grant award without written approval by VA End of 2nd Qtr of Grant Award Period May not exceed 60% of the total grant award without written approval by VA End of 3rd Qtr of Grant Award Period May not exceed 75% of the total grant award without written approval by VA End of 4th Qtr of Grant Award Period May not exceed 100% of the total grant award

25 25 Requesting Funds: Reason for Denied Payments / Manual Review Flags Agency Restriction –Awarding agency has the authority to restrict grant funding and payment requests Agency Approval - Awarding agency will review and approve

26 26 Internet Access Division of Payment Management Home Page Hours of Operation Monday through Friday: 5:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. EST* Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m. EST* * Requests for payment submitted after 5:00 p.m. EST will be processed as if received on the next business day. One-DHHS Help Desk Toll Free Telephone Number 1-877-614-5533 E-Mail: On-line Service: Hours: Monday – Friday 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM EST (except Federal holidays) Requesting Funds: Connecting to the Payment Management System (PMS)

27 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 27 III. Participant Surveys Marnie Gale, Contractor

28 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 28 III. SSVF Participant Surveys Grantees are required to provide each participant with a satisfaction survey. Survey Form Postage paid and include self-addressed envelope for direct mailing to SSVF Program Office Scantron format: photocopies are not eligible for distribution Survey Distribution Distribute within 45 to 60 days of participant’s entry into SSVF Program Distribute again within 30 days of participant’s pending exit from SSVF Program

29 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 29 IV. Recordkeeping & Auditing Jeffrey Houser, SSVF Compliance Officer

30 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 30 IV. Record Keeping & Audits Recordkeeping Grantees must verify and document participant eligibility and housing category upon entry into SSVF Program and at least once every 3 months thereafter. Grantees must maintain confidentiality of participant records. Records must be maintained for at least 3 years and produced at VA request. Audits VA’s Financial Services Center will perform fiscal audits for a certain percentage of the SSVF grantees. Audits will include an evaluation of costs according to OMB circulars and recommendations for increased consistencies in reporting.

31 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 31 V. Quarterly Reports Linda Southcott, Supervisor Regional Coordinator

32 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 32 V. Quarterly Reports Programmatic Reporting Significant events that have occurred within program during quarter Assistance required from SSVF Program Office Locations where outreach has been conducted List of organizations/entities referring >5% of Veteran families Copy of participant screening form being used # of ineligible participants screened Types of supportive services provided Most requested supportive services (top 3) Types of temporary financial assistance provided Any participant safety issues that arose Program goals and outcomes 1.Best practices 2.HMIS data entry 3.Notable cases Grant agreement compliance

33 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 33 V. Quarterly Reports (continued) Financial Reporting Actual expenditures during quarter (compared to estimated costs) Explanation of any variances Subcontractor expenses Total funding drawn down compared to total funds expended Number of participants served 1.Current caseload 2.New participants served 3.New participants served by category of “occupying permanent housing” 4.Target populations of new participants served Non-VA funding sources used for SSVF program

34 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 34 VI. HMIS Requirements Linda Southcott, Supervisor Regional Coordinator

35 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 35 VI. HMIS Requirements Homeless Management Information System Grantees are required to enter data into HMIS Data will be exported to VA system on a regular basis HMIS data elements provide client level data regarding types of supportive services provided Grantees must certify HMIS data upload in the SSVF Quarterly Reports VA contractor will offer separate training webinar at later date, more information to follow

36 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 36 VII. Next Steps Jeffrey Houser, SSVF Compliance Officer

37 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 37 VII. Next Steps Required Forms Grantees must submit required HHS forms and signed Grant Agreement (please do not date) to SSVF Program Office by August 5, 2011 3 Step Process: 1: Electronic submission to Program Office 2: Program Office approval 3: Postal mailing of hard copies - originals Timeline Grantees will receive grant agreement with final budget after VA leadership signs Grantees are expected to have programs operational within 30 days of grant agreement execution Grantees cannot drawdown or expend funds until day 1 of grant agreement (you will not be reimbursed for costs incurred prior to the start grant agreement term)

38 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 38 VII. Next Steps Trainings & Conferences Visit to view SSVF Grantee Introduction Webcast (mandatory) Webinar: SSVF Key Program Start-Up Decisions on August 11, 2011 at 1 PM EDT (mandatory) SSVF Post Award Conference on September 20-21, 2011 in San Diego, CA (mandatory) VA Homeless Prevention Conference (optional) August 15-16: Los Angeles, CA August 18-19: Philadelphia, PA Register by August 5 th

39 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 39 VIII. Questions & Answers

40 U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans Health Administration 40 For More Information For general information about the SSVF Program, please visit: Email: Call (toll-free) 1-877-737–0111

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