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Cheryl Nyberg Gallagher Law Library University of Washington School of Law Introduction to Environmental Law & Process (SMEA 476) October 8, 2012 F INDING.

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Presentation on theme: "Cheryl Nyberg Gallagher Law Library University of Washington School of Law Introduction to Environmental Law & Process (SMEA 476) October 8, 2012 F INDING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cheryl Nyberg Gallagher Law Library University of Washington School of Law Introduction to Environmental Law & Process (SMEA 476) October 8, 2012 F INDING THE L AW O NLINE : P RIMARY & S ECONDARY S OURCES

2 P ARALLEL S YSTEMS Federal  Legislative = US Congress  Executive  President  Executive branch & independent agencies  Judicial  US Supreme Court  US Courts of Appeals  US District Courts  Specialized courts State  Legislative = WA State Legislature  Executive  Governor  Executive branch & independent agencies  Judicial  WA Supreme Court  WA Court of Appeals  Superior, district, county & municipal courts

3 P RIMARY & S ECONDARY A UTHORITY  Primary  Statement of "the law" from bodies with law- making authority  Examples: laws, regulations & court opinions  Secondary  Analyze, criticize, explain, interpret & refer to primary law  Examples: books, government reports, law review articles & legal encyclopedias

4 P RIMARY S OURCES O NLINE  Government vs. commercial  Updating frequency  Citations to related sources  Ease of use  Free vs. fee  Availability

5 F REE S OURCES Gallagher guide on Free Law OnlineFree Law Online  Organization  Links

6 C OMMERCIAL S OURCES  Off-Campus Access  UW Libraries > Subject Guides > LawLaw  U.S. Federal Law

7 F INDING L AWS O NLINE U.S. Code  Cornell Legal Information Institute (free) Cornell Legal Information Institute  FDsys (free) FDsys  LexisNexis Academic ($) LexisNexis Academic

8 F INDING R EGULATIONS O NLINE Code of Federal Regulations  Cornell Legal Information Institute (free) Cornell Legal Information Institute  FDsys (free) FDsys  LexisNexis Academic ($) LexisNexis Academic

9 A GENCY W EBSITES   Google advanced search Google advanced search  Search within a site or domain  Laws, regulations & policies

10 W EB 2.0  RSS feeds & email updates   Pending regulations  Comment online

11 F INDING C OURT D ECISIONS O NLINE U.S. Supreme Court  Free Law Online (free) Free Law Online  HeinOnline ($) HeinOnline  LexisNexis Academic ($) LexisNexis Academic

12 O THER C OURT O PINIONS  Court websites  Federal courts Federal courts  State courts State courts  Google Scholar Google Scholar  Check “Legal Documents”  LexisNexis Academic ($) LexisNexis Academic  Federal & state courts  All dates

13 F INDING A RTICLES O NLINE  LexisNexis Academic > US Legal > Law Reviews  Search full-text articles  HeinOnline > Law Journal Library  Retrieve PDF images of known articles  Law Library e-Journal liste-Journal list  UW Libraries > Subject GuidesSubject Guides

14 F INDING B OOKS O NLINE  WorldCat WorldCat  Books, government documents & organization publications  Google Books Google Books  Selected previews

15 R EMINDERS  Use Free Law Online to link to sourcesFree Law Online  Use LexisNexis Academic to find laws, regulations, cases & articles  Ask a Reference Librarian!  543-6794  Ask Us link on Law Library website Ask Us link

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