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Engineering Presentations Development and Delivery Made by Matukhin D.L. Associate Prof. EEI TPU TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Presentations Development and Delivery Made by Matukhin D.L. Associate Prof. EEI TPU TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Engineering Presentations Development and Delivery Made by Matukhin D.L. Associate Prof. EEI TPU TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY

3 Needs for Presentations in Engineering Introduce new ideas for approval Share a purpose/intent Persuade Convey information Communicate progress on project/process Demonstrate ideas/projects/products Wrap up a project

4 Relationships

5 Know your audience What are the needs/desires? Their roles Their interest to the subject Distant or live audience Size Demographics Attitudes Knowledge

6 Types of presentations Informative  focus on pertinent points  introduce small amount  repeat often Persuasive  motivate and convince  demonstrate a need  provide proof/evidence  show benefits

7 Basis for Presentation Design Templates Introduction, Body, Conclusion Graphic elements, charts Color, animation, video Simplicity

8 Template example

9 Introduction Purpose  Focuses audience attention Ask a question State an unusual fact Tell an interesting story or historical even Present a catchy phrase or quote Use humor Get audience to talk to you or each other  Establishes purpose of presentation  Establishes you as a credible source

10 Body Purpose:  Development of presentation ideas Organize in logical manner Use visuals to support data Make points interesting and memorable Involve your audience Use examples and stories Show relationships (C&E, comparisons) Define assumptions and terms

11 Conclusion Purpose:  Review the purpose and/or key points  Leave the audience remembering the speech  If persuasive, prompt audience for action Structure:  Review points  Memorable statement  Thank the audience

12 Use graphs, diagrams

13 Use color, animation and video add interest, richness and depth make presentation more dynamic

14 Simplicity few words on each slide bullet point list phrases talking points

15 Answering questions Ask audience for questions Leave enough time of questions Before answering a question, repeat it

16 Do’s for Giving the Presentation Speak clearly and loudly If you are introduced, thank the moderator Make a smooth transition between speakers Spend little time changing slides Have a slide on the screen at all times Tell in advance if you are to change topics Use a pointer Keep with the times allocated to you

17 Don’ts for Giving the Presentation Talk to the screen Stand in front of the screen Use your hand as a pointer Point at the audience Put your hands in your pocket Look at watch

18 Don’ts for Giving the Presentation Use phrases such as “ah”, “um” or “ok” Use terms that are not defined Read material directly from the slides Switch back to previously shown slides Use material in which you cannot answer questions

19 Summary Elements to successful presentation:  Time, preparation and effort  Needs of audience  Logical flow  Presentation types  Visual aids  Presenter

20 Thank you for attention

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