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Youth Alliance Peer Education Group. Introduction What we will be talking about; History of the group. What have we done; Experiential learning Primary.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Alliance Peer Education Group. Introduction What we will be talking about; History of the group. What have we done; Experiential learning Primary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Alliance Peer Education Group

2 Introduction What we will be talking about; History of the group. What have we done; Experiential learning Primary school delivery No knives better lives Internet safety Road safety/drink driving Joint peer education residential

3 History of our group The group came together when we took part in a training residential in August 2013 Our group is made up of young people from 3 different youth organisations The Early Intervention Team Community Learning and Development The Tullochan Trust Once we developed workshops together we decided to keep working together and we formed the Youth Alliance peer education group

4 What have we done! Over the past 2 years we have been involved in a variety of training We have been trained by; Sonal (fast forward) - No knives better lives Jay (fast forward) – workshop development John martin- sharp solutions tool kit Janice and Joe from the early intervention team and CLD - communication skills, confidence building, presentation skills, team building residentials and workshop development With this training we have been able to develop and deliver the following workshops to young people across West Dunbartonshire

5 Experiential Learning We have delivered workshops 2 years running, this has seen us deliver workshops to over 1900 primary7s across West Dunbartonshire These workshops have included ; Internet safety – chat room No knives better lives –workshops Road safety - Drink driving, car simulator, speed reaction After each block of experiential learning we arranged to go into some of the primary schools to do follow up session to find out what the young people have learned and to explore the workshops further with a focus on; Community Safety Drugs and Alcohol Making changes in your community

6 Primary school inputs workshops on community safety No knives better lives Gang culture Vandalism Littering Drink and drug abuse Road safety Role play – interactive and fun Punishment for drink driving – giving knowledge and understanding about consequences Reaction time - speed limit simulator Distractions for drivers – showing what real drivers could go through whilst driving

7 Drink Awareness We delivered a workshop on drink driving and this involved using a car stimulator. We gave the young people beer goggles to put on to let them see how dangerous it is if drink driving. We gave them information of the penalty for drink driving and reasons why it is dangerous. Internet safety Cyber bullying Accessibility to websites without consent of age Social media Apps Online gaming Developing a workshop

8 Joint Peer Education Training Residential Three youth organisations who share there passion for peer education came together to train and learn together. This residential was a way find out new ways to deliver and develop workshops on issues that affect young people. This training residential seen 38 young people come together to learn and share experiences The three youth organisations were WDC Youth alliance peer education group Y sort it Inverclyde council The training was delivered by Jay Wardrop from Fast forward

9 What we learned ! Police Scotland input : Act now workshop –counter terrorism prevention strategy Serious and organised crime Internet Safety & Cyber Bullying Being a peer educator using different methods to look at peer education what it is what makes a good peer educator Ways to consult with young people using ice breaker as a way to make a group comfortable listening skills roots of issues breaking issues down working with others

10 Drugs and alcohol Booze and risks Booze on the body Drugs Corners Legal Highs Workshop development Using the information we learned from the consultation workshops we were to plan and develop workshops on the themes that had shown up and presentation them to the rest of peer educators Evaluation Throughout the residential Jay shown us different way to evaluate each workshops using different methods from paper methods, movement and photographs

11 What's next Using the skills we learned from our residential and the support from our workers we are developing new workshops that we can use to deliver to more young people across West Dunbartonshire These workshops are ; Community safety Cyber bullying Internet use / Apps safety We are also hoping to get more training such as; street games cycling proficiency Which we will be delivering to primary schools and youth groups

12 Any Questions ?


14 Thank you

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