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SBES Workshop Meeting#1 Goal & Mentorship October 23 rd, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "SBES Workshop Meeting#1 Goal & Mentorship October 23 rd, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 SBES Workshop Meeting#1 Goal & Mentorship October 23 rd, 2013

2 SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Whose House!?

3 “ To increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community.” SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

4 To create a community of interdisciplinary students driven to excel academically and develop confident leaders who ultimately will solve the complex challenges of the future SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

5 SBES Retention Program  Soft Skills Workshop  Mentorship Program  Study Halls  Test Bank SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

6 GOALS/MENTORSHIP WORKSHOP SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

7 SMART Goals SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

8 I want to have a high G.P.A SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

9  What are they?  Why use them?  How do you write them? SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

10 Specific Measureable Attainable RR Realistic/Relevant Time-bound SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

11 Goals state a desired future achievement SMART SMART Goals assist in providing direction SMART SMART goals help define exactly what the future state looks like and how it will be measured SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

12 SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Specific Well defined Clear Answer the six “W” Questions: Who is involved? What do I want to accomplish? Where will the action take place? When will the goal be achieved? Why is this goal important?

13 SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Measurable Know if the goal is obtainable and how far away  Know when it has been achieved  Identify the measurement instrument to be used

14 SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Attainable  Achievable given current team and resources  May be a stretch, but is possible

15 Realistic/Relevant Realistic/Relevant What are the urgent/long-term needs? Goal in question fits with all of the other higher priorities? Aligned with direction and expected results National Directives & Regional Directives Agreement with all stakeholder(s) on goals SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

16 SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Time-bound  A specific date has been set for achieving the goal  Time is appropriate for keeping goal performance on target

17 SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo Normal Goal: I want to have a high G.P.A VERSUS SMART Goal: I want to earn a 3.0 and above G.P.A for Fall quarter

18 SMART goals for yourself  Write 1-2 SMART goals for yourself SMART  In your group discuss SMART goals for this quarter!  Groups are by major  Left Corner : IE, ME, CE, ARCE, AERO,BMED  Right Corner: Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science  Middle: Non-Engineers SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

19  Why?  Provides a support system  Brings us closer within our chapter  Retention SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

20 Speed Pairing!  Mentee’s sit down in rows  Mentors talk with mentee for 5 min  Year/Major  Interest  Goals  Etc.  Mentors switch and move down line SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo


22  List the people you talked to in order from most interested to least  Your pair will be emailed to you within 2 weeks SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

23  Mentors  Advisor  Counselor  Motivator  Role Model  Mentees  Ask for help  Learn  Gain experience SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

24  Pairs with Pairs  More support  Unity  Sent to Email within next 2 weeks SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

25  LSAMP: This Thursday Oct 24, 5-7pm in building 38, room 131 (the Learn By Doing Lab). Panelists will discuss their research and internships both in the US and abroad, plus give you some pointers on how to get the best experience for you!  Boeing Info Session  Location: Career Services (Bldg 124 )  Date: Monday, October 28th  Time: 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.  Cal Poly Black Alumni Association BBQ: November 9th at 3PM SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

26  University of California Riverside, GEM Grad Lab on Saturday, November 2, 2013 from 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM at Bourns College of Engineering  November 14: (TH) Southern CA Edison @ 6:00pm in Bonderson (Bldg 197), Room 104. “What you should be doing NOW to be a top candidate for great companies” Food will be provided ! SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

27  SBES Study Halls M/T/R in MEP Study Room(Bldg.40, Rm. 110)  Next Meeting: Professional  Wed, Oct 30th 6:10 PM Bldg. TBA  Tiffany Teachey from Diablo Canyon  Elevator Pitches SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

28  Habit Fundraiser When: November 6 th Time: 4-9pm Come join us for delicious food, fun and games

29  Join DCAB(SBES, SHPE, SWE) as they host the Around the World Potluck on Nov 22nd @ the ATL Bring a dish and come have a swell time!!! SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

30 Six Hugs !!!!!! SBES Society of Black Engineers and Scientists Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo

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