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International Atomic Energy Agency NCL documents Case Studies, Requirements Germain St-Pierre Thomas Kalapurackal Branko Krznaric INIS Unit INIS Training.

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Presentation on theme: "International Atomic Energy Agency NCL documents Case Studies, Requirements Germain St-Pierre Thomas Kalapurackal Branko Krznaric INIS Unit INIS Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Atomic Energy Agency NCL documents Case Studies, Requirements Germain St-Pierre Thomas Kalapurackal Branko Krznaric INIS Unit INIS Training Seminar Vienna, Austria, 8 October 2013

2 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 SCOPE OF THIS PRESENTATION What is NCL ? Presentation of INIS Revised NCL Guidelines (Rev. 2, 2013) How to select / prepare NCL for INIS How to submit NCL to INIS Tips and Exercises Questions 1

3 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 WHAT IS NCL ? Non-Conventional Literature Non-Conventional Literature Scientific and Technical Reports Theses Patents Conference Papers, etc. Which are not readily available through normal commercial channels

4 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL Availability in the World Different Media Different Media Analog (Paper, Microfiche) Digital (CD-ROM, Internet, Network, etc.) Different Electronic Formats Different Electronic Formats PDF (Image Only, Image plus hidden text, Full-text searchable, PDF 1.0 to PDF 1.7) MS Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. HTML, XML, TIFF, JPEG, etc.

5 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL Full-Texts in INIS Collection INIS = Over 3,5 million records NCL Type = over 1 million records Available from INIS > 700,000 records > 478,000 full-texts in PDF > 318,000 full-texts are PUBLIC

6 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL Availability – INIS Role Ensure reliable availability, dissemination and long-term preservation of the INIS NCL Collection

7 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL Availability – Your Role Submit all NCL to the INIS Secretariat: Select NCL (PDF vs Hard Copy) Clear copyright issues Prepare bibliographic input Send NCL to INIS

8 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 INIS PREFERRED FORMATS 1.PDF 2.TIFF Multi-page 3.Hard Copy 4.Microfiches (valuable documents for Knowledge Preservation Projects)

9 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 PDF VS Hard Copy PDF has several advantages: Standard for electronic document exchange Reduces Mailing Costs Streamlines the NCL workflow by Reducing Processing Time Facilitating input preparation Eliminating requirement for bar codes Assists in building your own Digital Repository

10 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 PDF Advantages (more…) Easy to find on the Web, on CD, etc. Platform Independent International Standard for Long-Term Preservation (PDF/A)

11 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 HOW TO SELECT PDF FILES Documents are available in PDF (Cases 1 to 4) I can convert source files to PDF (Cases 5 and 6)

12 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL IN PDF: CASE 1 1 NCL document without ANALYTICS Only 1 PDF file 1.RENAME the PDF file as.PDF Ex: VN1400001.PDF 2.SEND the file to INIS

13 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL IN PDF :CASE 2a 1 NCL document with ANALYTICS Individual PDF file for each individual article Without LINKS between the files (e.g. Conference Proceedings) IMPORTANT: Report Number (Tag 300) is the same for ALL records 1.CREATE a folderdirectory) TRN of the Lead Record 1.CREATE a folder (directory) *) named after the TRN of the Lead Record Ex: ID1400001 2.COPY folder, except OUT OF SCOPE items 2.COPY all PDF files to this folder, except OUT OF SCOPE items 3.If necessary, CREATE a PDF fileLead Record 3.If necessary, CREATE a PDF file for the Lead Record 4.RENAME.PDF 4.RENAME each PDF file as.PDF in batch mode, as described in Appendix II of the NCL Guidelines Ex:REN content.pdf ID1400001.PDF REN paper01.pdf ID1400002.PDF REN paper02.pdf ID1400003.PDF REN paper03.pdf ID1400004.PDF … 5.SEND the complete folder *) to INIS *) This folder is necessary for successful registration to IDPS

14 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL IN PDF: CASE 2a Example

15 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL IN PDF :CASE 2b Same as # 2a, but you prefer to send the original CD to INIS 1 NCL document with ANALYTICS Individual PDF file for each individual article Without LINKS between the files (e.g. Conference Proceedings) IMPORTANT: Report Number (Tag 300) is the same for ALL records 1.PREPARE a cross-reference file 1.PREPARE a cross-reference file, as described in Appendix I of the NCL Guidelines Ex:content.pdf ID1000001.PDF paper01.pdf ID1000002.PDF paper02.pdf ID1000003.PDF paper03.pdf ID1000004.PDF 2.If necessary, CREATE a PDF fileLead Record 2.If necessary, CREATE a PDF file for the Lead Record 3.PREPARE cross-reference file 4.SEND the CD and the cross-reference file to INIS

16 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 CD-ROM Contents - Example

17 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 Prepare a cross-reference file Described in Appendix I of the NCL Guidelines The main steps are: dir Run a simple DOS dir command: Dir *.pdf /s /b >c:\myncl\mypdflist.txt With MS Excel: Add the corresponding TRNs *.txt Save as TEXT file with *.txt extension Demonstration

18 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 Exercise 1 Prepare a cross-reference file See Appendix I of the NCL Guidelines Use sample files found in the NCL\Exercise1 folder on your PC

19 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 Renaming PDF files in Batch Mode Described in Appendix II of the NCL Guidelines Rename all PDF files in 4 steps: Group all files in a directory (folder) dir Run a simple DOS dir command With MS Excel: Add the corresponding TRNs rename Add the DOS rename command *.bat Save as TEXT file with *.bat extension Double-click on the file to run renaming MAGIC You can start preparing your input: MAGIC Demonstration

20 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 Exercise 2 Rename PDF files in Batch Mode See Appendix II of the NCL Guidelines Use sample files found in the NCL\Exercise2 folder

21 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL IN PDF: CASE 3 1 NCL document with ANALYTICS Only 1 PDF file for Multiple Articles 1.CREATE a folder (directory)TRN of the Lead Record 1.CREATE a folder (directory) *) named after the TRN of the Lead Record that will contain all PDF files of this publication 2.CREATE a PDF fileLead Record 2.CREATE a PDF file for the Lead Record by: RENAMING. RENAMING the PDF file as.PDF Ex: ID1400001.PDF EXTRACTING Or EXTRACTING the leading pages of the document (e.g. Front page, TOC, foreword, etc.)  Tip: recommended when the file size is huge 3.EXTRACT analytic. 3.EXTRACT the pages of each analytic to a new PDF file named.PDF Ex:ID1400002.PDF ID1400003.PDF ID1400004.PDF ID1400005.PDF 4.SEND the complete folder *) to INIS *) This folder is necessary for successful registration to IDPS

22 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL IN PDF: CASE 4 1 NCL document without ANALYTICS Set of PDF files Most of the time on CD or Internet Typically password protected Needs to be merged into a single PDF file (so called “Portfolio”) If you do not have a good PDF creation tool (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Pro), SEND the CD to INIS

23 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL IN PDF: CASE 5 Source file is in another format (e.g. Word, Powerpoint Presentation, RTF, ASCII text, HTML): Convert it using Adobe PDF Printer, Acrobat Distiller or other reliable PDF creation tool. Very Important: The fonts must be embedded in the document Character Sets Glyphs Rule of thumb: If File Size > 500 KB, No. of Pages optimization is needed In case of doubt, please contact us

24 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL IN PDF: CASE 6 - For Experts ONLY: NCL document is a Web page, typically a table of contents in HTML with links to different files on the remote Web server: Harvest all full texts in PDF + TOC in HTML with a tool like Teleport Pro Print the TOC to PDF For Saving Rules, refer to Case 2 In case of doubt, please contact us

25 International Atomic Energy Agency PDF File Processor INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013

26 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 Exercise 3 Identify PDF file type Find the proper method to submit it to INIS See Section 3 of the NCL Guidelines Use sample files found in the NCL\Exercise3 folder

27 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 Exercise 4 Identify PDF file type Find the proper method to submit it to INIS See Section 3 of the NCL Guidelines Use sample files found on the CD labelled “NCL Exercise4”

28 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 Quality Control (QC) Some Issues: Password protected files Bad encoding of PDF files Image only PDF files No PDF file for the Lead Record

29 International Atomic Energy Agency Password Protected File – Sample 1 Only Printing is allowed = Not OK INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013

30 International Atomic Energy Agency Password Protected File – Sample 2 Content Copying is allowed: OK Minimum requirement that allows full-text indexation with Google Search Appliance INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013

31 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 Bad Encoding ! " #$ % &"'"% ( ) * +,!%,!% -. /-%-0.1 /-%220 1. /-%230 2.- 4 5 & * * + 6 $ !0 " #! 7 ( $

32 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 Exercise 5 Identify good PDF files Identify problem cases Use sample files found in the NCL\Exercise5 folder

33 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 WHEN SHOULD I SCAN DOCUMENTS ? WHEN SHOULD I SCAN HARD COPY DOCUMENTS ? The NCL document is not available in electronic format. I have a scanner. Section 4.1, “Scanning to PDF” Refer to NCL Guidelines Section 4.1, “Scanning to PDF” 1

34 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 SCANNING DOCUMENTS INIS STANDARD 300 dots per inch (DPI) 400 DPI for small characters TIFFJBIG2 B/W: TIFF CCITT Group 4 or JBIG2 JPEG Color Images: JPEG PLEASE DO NOT SCAN B/W PAGES in 24 bit color depth First priority: Scanning QUALITY Optional: OCR (next presentation)

35 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 FIRST SCANNING TEST Send an e-mail with a small test document to INIS Your test document will be analyzed and INIS will tell you if you can continue to submit your NCL full text electronically If the scanning quality is not good enough, INIS will can help you find the best settings for your scanner

36 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 WHEN SHOULD I SUBMIT DOCUMENTS ? WHEN SHOULD I SUBMIT HARD COPY DOCUMENTS ? I cannot find the NCL document in electronic format (nowadays very seldom for new publications) I only have a flat-bed scanner and my document has hundreds of pages I do not have a scanner Etc… New: Bar Codes no longer necessary 1

37 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL Submission via E-Mail Address: immediate acknowledgement by INIS via e-mail if no reply within 3 days, re-contact INIS The message should include: information about contents of input file Maximum: 2 Mb per message

38 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL Submission via FTP (1) Open Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) Type the following address: ftp://inisinp:vienna@ftp.iaea.org

39 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 Submission via FTP (2) Press Browse to the folder of your country / organization Drag and drop the files or folders you want to send

40 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 Exercise 6 Upload NCL Input to the IAEA/INIS FTP site Use sample files found in the NCL\Exercise6 folder

41 International Atomic Energy Agency INIS Training Seminar, Vienna, Austria 7-11 October 2013 NCL INPUT IN ELECTRONIC FORMAT Questions ?

42 International Atomic Energy Agency Thank you!

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