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Story Board and Description. Description This is an iPhone App This app will allow users to forward their cell phone calls to a specific number they will.

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Presentation on theme: "Story Board and Description. Description This is an iPhone App This app will allow users to forward their cell phone calls to a specific number they will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Story Board and Description

2 Description This is an iPhone App This app will allow users to forward their cell phone calls to a specific number they will enter It will work by programmatically dialing a carrier specific number to start and stop call forwarding This app will format the numbers to dial then dial the carrier specific number format There is a nice to have feature. It is not a requirement. If the app can put a time limit on the duration the user can forward calls. It would be great to have the app automatically call the carrier to turn off call forwarding. At the very least it would be nice to show an Alert to the user to remind them to turn off call forwarding.

3 Story Board

4 Screen 1: Settings The first time the user logs in the settings screen should appear If the user has already set up their settings the screen should NOT appear The settings need to be saved locally If the app is turned off the settings should be persisted **Note the Done button should not be active unless the Carrier and Number are set**

5 Screen 1: Pick Carrier The user will need to pick a carrier there will be 4 options AT&T Verizon Sprint T-Mobile **Note the Done button should not be active unless the Carrier and Number are set**

6 Screen 1:Pick Carrier – DONE **Note the Done button should not be active unless the Carrier and Number are set**

7 Screen 1: Enter Number The user will need enter the number they want to forward the call to. US based numbers only Format (xxx) xxx-xxxx **Note the Done button should not be active unless the Carrier and Number are set**

8 Screen 1: Carrier chosen & Number chosen Both values filled in DONE button is now active

9 Screen 2: Turn On Forwarding If Settings are filled in this is the FIRST screen to show. The drop down should default to “Until Cancelled” The user has two options 1. Start Forwarding 2. Select a duration for how long to forward calls for*** *** the duration is nice to have. It is not a must have. If you can not do the duration remove the drop down Takes the user to settings

10 Screen 2: Set a duration for custom If the user selects the “custom” duration option show 2 fields to allow them to set the time for how long they would like the calls forwarded for. *** the duration is nice to have. It is not a must have. If you can not do the duration remove the drop down Takes the user to settings

11 Screen 2: Start Forwarding User can forward calls *** the duration is nice to have. It is not a must have. If you can not do the duration remove the drop down Takes the user to settings

12 Screen 2: Call Carrier User clicks “Start Forwarding” See Carrier Number slide Programmatically call the carrier to start forwarding *** the duration is nice to have. It is not a must have. If you can not do the duration remove the drop down Takes the user to settings

13 Screen 3:Turn Off Forwarding User can stop forwarding calls *** the duration is nice to have. It is not a must have. If you can not do the duration remove the duration fields

14 Screen 3:Call Carrier User clicks “Stop Forwarding” See Carrier Number slide Programmatically call the carrier to stop forwarding *** the duration is nice to have. It is not a must have. If you can not do the duration remove the drop down

15 Carrier Number Formats *** We need to look at unconditional call forwarding for all carriers*** AT&T P3ZD_N9B Verizon base.html?id=17268 base.html?id=17268 Tmobile Sprint y_Sprint_Phone_Connect/case-gz982789-20111213-120759

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