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Thanking, monitoring and managing donors Kate McBride, Corporate Partnerships Officer, RNLI Tracking Payroll Giving Donors.

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Presentation on theme: "Thanking, monitoring and managing donors Kate McBride, Corporate Partnerships Officer, RNLI Tracking Payroll Giving Donors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thanking, monitoring and managing donors Kate McBride, Corporate Partnerships Officer, RNLI Tracking Payroll Giving Donors

2 Aims To give you an understanding of how the RNLI track and manage our Payroll Giving donors To recognise the importance of robust and regular monitoring processes To share information and learn from each other’s processes for tracking and managing Payroll Giving donors – group discussion

3 New Donors PFO’s Spontaneous/unsolicited RNLI led promotions RNLI website Consortium – Lifelines on Call

4 Processing New Donors Upload/create donor record on database Link donor commitment to employer, PFO and PGA Check DPA and essential information Extract list of new donors that require thank you letters – weekly mailing When necessary send donor instruction form to employer and PGA if known. Request confirmation Donor is now classified as registered

5 Supporter Journey Thank you letter RNLI supporter card Biannual newsletters Ad hoc mailings/appeals Research Future development

6 Reconciling Disbursement Statements Monthly disbursement statements received from PGA’s Upload and import into database Matches and updates commitment status for registered donors to contributing Filter through anomalies Indentify new unsolicited donors – thank you letter required

7 Credits and Misdirected Income Monthly process to identify registered donors that have not materialised Extract data and email relevant PFO/PGA’s to investigate queries Log PFO/PGA queries and update Investigate and if not resolved obtain a credit

8 Missed Payments and Reactivation Mailing to contributing donors with payment breaks of more than three months Reason codes to track donor responses Investigate any anomalies Reactivation calls Lapse commitments from non responders

9 Data Analysis Number and status of all Payroll Giving donors Which PFO is bringing in the most high value donors Most effective recruitment method Highest value donors Return on investment from each recruitment source

10 Looking Ahead Payroll Giving strategy Recruit more high value, long-term donors Engage and retain existing donors Maximise donor potential Ensure future growth

11 Any Questions?

12 Group Discussion

13 Thank you 01202 663295

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