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Arrowhead PTA 6.10.5 Board of Director & Committee Training August 26, 2014 6:30 – 8:00 pm Arrowhead Library.

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Presentation on theme: "Arrowhead PTA 6.10.5 Board of Director & Committee Training August 26, 2014 6:30 – 8:00 pm Arrowhead Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arrowhead PTA 6.10.5 Board of Director & Committee Training August 26, 2014 6:30 – 8:00 pm Arrowhead Library

2 Welcome/Introductions Keeping it SAFE Board of Director Business Committee Reports Treasurer Reports Committee Chair Training Upcoming Events Agenda 2

3 Welcome 3 Introductions Name # of Kids/Ages PTA Role (can simply be meeting attendant!)

4 Keeping it S.A.F.E! 4 Simple/Sustainable, Accessible, Fun, and Enlightening Board of Directors vs. General – Drives when we vote (and what we vote on) – All meeting types are open to everyone! 6:00 Pre-Meeting Social (30 minutes prior) Fast Introductions Survival Kits – Using the Paddle!

5 Board of Director Business 5 Approval of Meeting Minutes, Quorum Established (motion required) Standing Rules Revisions (motion required)

6 Overall Goals for 2014-2015 6 – Increase PTA Membership to 400 Members – Increase Male Participation in PTA – Cultivate Parent Education Initiatives – Increase Partnership with MLC Program (motion to adopt these goals will occur Oct 7)

7 Committee Reports 8 Open Chairs – Jennifer Wang/ Holly Reed Welcome Back Event – Jane Regala/ Holly Reed – 4:30 – 7:00pm – New Families (special table) – Lunchskins and Sport Cups – Membership – School Supplies Fall Club News After School Basketball, Drama and Spanish Membership Update - Angela Cummings Staff Appreciation Fall Fundraiser Financial Review - Cary Westerbeck

8 Treasurer’s Report 9 June 2014 Financial Highlights July 2014 Financial Highlights 2013-2014 Year End Financial Report 2014-2015 budget changes

9 June 2014 Financial Highlights 9 Cash as of 6/30/2014 $41,852 June Income $ 15,744.68 June Expense $ (8068.91) Net Incr/(Decrease) $ 7,675.77 Income Hawk Walk Donations$15,676 Popcorn $53.50 Expenses Art Docent $302.71 Classroom Art $1186.07 Classroom Books $1623.12 Communications $169.27 Field Day $99.60 Music Appreciation $500 Physical Education $443.21 PTA Admin $203.80 PTA Awards $450.90 Staff Funds $2811.66 Talent Show $61.59 Hawk Walk Recap: As of June 30, 2014 Total donation $18,236 T-shirt sponsors $2,600 T shirt expense $2,575 Event expenses $1,384 Net profit: $16,877 $1,300 more than budgeted!!! Yay!

10 July 2014 Financial Highlights 10 Cash as of 7/31/2013 Checking $42,144 July Income $ 65.24 July Expense $ 93.00 Net Incr/(Decrease) $ 27.76 Income Menchies Fundraiser$ 60.00 Expenses PTA Administration $90

11 Financial Highlights for the entire 2013-2014 11 Cash as of 7/1/13 $46,571 Revenue for 2013-2014 $47,526 Expenses for 2013-2014 $(51,924) Net loss of $4,398 Cash as of 6/30/2014 $42,172 Refer to online link for the 2013-2014 budget file on PTA meeting materials page titled Appendix B.

12 2014-2015 Budget 12 2014-2015 budget revisions (for vote October 2014): – Add Line Item Menchies/ Swirl Fundraiser $200 – Add Line Item Sewing Cub for $100 Refer to online link for the 2014-2015 budget file on PTA meeting materials page titled Appendix A.

13 13 Accumulated Funds 2013/14 Accumulated Funds as of as of 6/30/2013 $21,570.94 Classroom Books 2013/2014 $(3,000) $2000 Grant for 2014/2015 Arrowhead Reads $(2,000) $2,000 Grant for 2014/2015 Social Emotional Health and Well Being $(2,000) $400 for Community Serve Day Greenery $(400) Minus shortage from 2013/2014 $(4,398) Accumulated Funds as of 6/30/2014 $9,772.94

14 Jennifer Wang – co-VP Clubs/Events Holly Reed – co-VP Clubs/Events Natalie Bachiri – Communications Amy Smith - Treasurer Committee Chair Training 14

15 Tips for Committee Chairs – Where do I start? 15 Talk to previous chair  What worked well?  Suggestions for change  Committee notebook Meet Executive Team contact  Jennifer Wang and Holly Reed Committee Chair Quick Reference Guide and on website Recruit Volunteers

16 Tips for Committee Chairs – Communicating Your Event/Activity 16 Hawk Talk Newsletter/Hawk Highlights Weekly Reminder First Newsletter deadline – Sept 3 PTA website Facebook Roller board Posters on School Walls – use approved tape Permission from office/teachers/staff to use window Ask for help from the Graphics Coordinator Keep forms updated on PTA wall Must include “ This is a PTA sponsored event. ” on all communications

17 Tips for Committee Chairs – Where to Find Supplies 17 After determining what supplies you will need: Check the PTA Container before purchasing supplies  Behind gym, office needs to call to have it opened  If items are not marked, they are OK to use

18 Tips for Committee Chairs – Notebook and Committee Reports 18 Notebooks – please keep current  What would be helpful for future chairs? Post updates on website Keep your Exec Team contact in the loop Give updates at PTA meetings

19 Tips for Committee Chairs – Contracts, Insurance, Background Checks 19 Contracts PTA assumes responsibility & legal obligation to comply with terms and conditions of contracts including any payment specified by the contract Signed by 2 elected officers; need 2 copies Insurance - Outside vendors must provide Background Checks for Parent Volunteers Required for all school/PTA events Forms available in the office.

20 Tips for Committee Chairs – Coordinating with the School 20 Before & directly after school events require parent permission slip in addition to registration form  Class roster to office at least 2 work days prior to event start  Office must receive permission slip for child to participate  PTA member must be present during entire activity and until all students are signed out by parent/guardian  Any student ’ s name must be cleared each time by the office prior to publishing in any newsletter, etc.  Office copy machine & die cut machine policy – Exec. Team only

21 Tips for Committee Chairs – Other Important Info 21 Do NOT change dates/room locations – if there is an issue, contact Jenn West Check your mailboxes often – especially during enrollment Wrap-up committee activities  Send surveys to participants  Thank everyone involved – website/ticker, newsletters, email, etc.

22 The Financial Budget - Each committee has a budget for 2014-2015. Committee Chairs are responsible for not exceeding their budgeted expenses. For income producing committees, it is important to keep the Vice Presidents apprised of concerns meeting budgeted revenue. Financial Training for Committee Chairs 22

23 As a Committee Chair you may be responsible for the following: Purchasing or procuring items Handling Funds – checks and cash Assisting with scholarship for PTA Sponsored Programs The good news is, we have established process and procedures in place to make this easy! 23 Navigating the Financial World of Arrowhead PTA

24 If other PTA members are purchasing on behalf of your committee, clearly communicate the amount you have authorized them to spend. If they overspend thank them for their generous donation! Save all your receipts. Expenses can’t be reimbursed to you or others if there is not documentation supporting the expense. Complete an Expense Reimbursement Form with attached receipts. Leave expense reimbursement requests in the Treasurer’s mail box located in the office. Expect a check in your Committee box in less than a week! Purchasing Items for your Committee 24

25 Cash Boxes- Some events require starter cash 5 Days prior to your event, submit an expense reimbursement form to the Treasurer. Specify the committee and the funds are for starter cash. The Treasurer will issue a check in your name and you will cash it. Prior to your event, obtain one or more cash boxes. Cash boxes can be found under the PTA mailboxes in the office. You will also need a cash deposit sheet and a calculator. Never leave the cash box unattended at an event! Handling the Money 25

26 Deposits- Checks should always be made out to Arrowhead PTA. Never leave cash unattended. Money should always be counted by two PTA members immediately after an event. Roll coins and bundle cash by denomination. Counters should completely fill out the cash receipts form. List the last name on the check and the amount on the back of the cash receipts form. List cash on the front of the form. Ask Treasurer for assistance at PTA event if you need help. Prearrange with the Treasurer for immediate pick up of the deposit. PTA cash cannot be kept at your home. Handling the Money 26

27 PTA will grant up to $60 per child to participate in 2014-2015 PTA sponsored events. The Treasurer will track scholarship usage to ensure the $60 is not exceeded. Parent’s can find the Scholarship form on the web under Treasurer. Please have Parent’s complete the form and place it in the Treasurer’s mailbox. Information regarding Scholarship requests are to be kept confidential. It is important to note - Scholarship can only be used for PTA sponsored events. Scholarships 27

28 Expense Reimbursement Form, Cash Deposit, Scholarship Form and Money Handling Instructions can be found on the Arrowhead PTA website. Remember, as a Committee Chair you are responsible for managing your budget. If you have financial related questions your Treasurer is there to help! Contact me at Financial World of Arrowhead PTA 28

29 Thursday, Aug 28 Teacher Meet & Greet, Supply Drop 4:45 – 5:30 pm Welcome Back Event, Gym 5:15 – 7:00pm Tuesday, Sept 2 First Day of School! Tuesday, Sept 9 Curriculum Night (6 pm – 3rd and DeGraff/Darling and 7 pm – 4th and 5th) Tuesday, Sept 16 Curriculum Night (6 pm –1st and 2nd and 7 pm - 6th) Wednesday, Sept 24 Curriculum Night (6 pm – Kindergarten) Tuesday, October 7 – PTA Meeting Upcoming Events 29

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