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Jesus Centred Universe David Thompson 22 nd June 2014.

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1 Jesus Centred Universe David Thompson 22 nd June 2014

2 Who wrote it? The Apostle Paul and his disciple Timothy When was it written? 62AD – when Paul was in prison in Rome Who was it written to? The church in a town called Colossae What is it about? Jesus!

3 Jesus Centred Universe David Thompson 22 nd June 2014

4 Everything!

5 Colossae WorldviewUK Worldview Complete separation of physical world and spiritual world Physical world BAD and spiritual world GOOD Physical world GOOD and spiritual world BAD Origin has a spiritual explanation Origin has a material explanation The answer to both is Jesus! The solution is to deny material things The solution is better education

6 Who is Jesus? 1. He is the Image of God Jesus is God Jesus is Alive Jesus is the exact representation of the Father

7 Who is Jesus? 1. He is the Image of God 2. He is the Firstborn of Creation Verse 16: “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.”


9 matter + evolution + 0 = all living things matter + evolution + God = all living things God = 0 God + creation = all living things

10 Who is Jesus? 1. He is the Image of God 2. He is the Firstborn of Creation Verse 16: “For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.”

11 Who is Jesus? 1. He is the Image of God 2. He is the Firstborn of Creation 3. He is the Firstborn of the Church Verse 18: “And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.”

12 Jesus and my world 1. Jesus is not in my universe, I am in his Jesus

13 Jesus and my world 1. Jesus is not in my universe, I am in his

14 Jesus and my world 1. Jesus is not in my universe, I am in his 2. I am significant because I am in Jesus 3. Whatever I fear, Jesus has authority over it 4. I don’t need to hold everything together 5. When I commit to the church I am at the heart of God’s plan 6. I have much reason to worship Jesus today!


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