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“CALS” Community Alcohol Liaison Service CAN Partnership.

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Presentation on theme: "“CALS” Community Alcohol Liaison Service CAN Partnership."— Presentation transcript:

1 “CALS” Community Alcohol Liaison Service CAN Partnership

2 Who are we….? Recovery manager Zara Hamer Senior Recovery Practitioner Sharon Rochford 7 Alcohol Practitioners- Covering at present - 7 Central GP practices 5 Bedford Borough practices Bedford Hospital, A &E and Weller Wing And also 1 Intensive Outreach Worker

3 What we do Carry out a strengths based Assessment Offer Evidenced based structured Alcohol Brief Interventions (ABI) Extended Alcohol Brief Interventions (EABI) to clients Provide support, advice and guidance to clients and their families and friends. Advise and inform clients on how to stop or cut down alcohol consumption Advice on ‘how much is too much’

4 What we do Raise awareness of alcohol and its affects with staff and patients Screen clients (AUDIT C) Assess patients presented to hospital Provide 1:1 brief intervention sessions Support re-presenting clients “frequent flyers” referred from the hospital

5 What we do Receive self referrals, GP referrals, professional referrals Supporting service users to prevent alcohol-related illness and injury. Develop and implement interim recovery plans with individuals Signposting and refer into: CAN Recovery Hubs Family and Friends Service CRUSE bereavement counselling Caraline- Eating disorders Counselling ASPA-Mental Health assessment point of contact MIND Other services

6 Who we work with Family or FriendsAlcohol Users Advice on units Dependent drinkers, Reduction techniques Injured through alcohol Signposting CAN Detox clients

7 GP Hub sessions Provide 7 brief intervention sessions Fully assess clients needs (including risk assessment) Offer information and tips on reduction techniques Complete ‘6 Self Help’ packs with clients Use Mapping tools

8 GP Hub Sessions Provide clients with CALS ‘self-help’ pack Support clients to achieve personal goals regarding their alcohol use Liaise with GP’s, regarding full blood tests Refer clients into CAN Hubs for on-going long term intervention Signpost to other appropriate services


10 Challenges /Solutions Clients not wanting CALS help, give clients information pack which includes the SPOC phone number Missed clients during weekend who are in hospital- follow up, daily ward rounds. Clients unsure of CAN service- inform and promote service Client concerns regarding integrated drug/alcohol service, The CALS complete B.I’s and refer to CAN partnership hub services, supporting as required

11 Contact us Sharon Rochford 07946 540019 Single Point Of Contact (SPOC) phone 07974 140235

12 Any questions?

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