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New breakthroughs in management of Rhizoctonia solani AG8; and Management options for crown rot through variety choice and inter-row sowing Daniel Hüberli,

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Presentation on theme: "New breakthroughs in management of Rhizoctonia solani AG8; and Management options for crown rot through variety choice and inter-row sowing Daniel Hüberli,"— Presentation transcript:

1 New breakthroughs in management of Rhizoctonia solani AG8; and Management options for crown rot through variety choice and inter-row sowing Daniel Hüberli, S. Miyan, M. Connor, K. Gajda, B. MacLeod, DAFWA, R. Battaglia, L. Forsyth, B. Parkin, T. Klein, Syngenta Australia, M. Clarke, G. Robertson, Bayer CropScience, R. Correll, Rho Environmetrics, J. Desbiolles, University of South Australia, Paul Bogacki, & Alan McKay, South Australian Research and Development Institute Regional Crop Updates, Badgingarra, 10 March 2015

2 Outline Rhizoctonia: What & where is it? Rotation with canola to manage disease levels Fungicides – new actives for in-furrow delivery Crown rot: Wheat and barley variety choices Inter-row sowing Other options

3 Management for all soilborne diseases: –identify what it was last year –respond at or before sowing

4 What does it look like? barley > Wheat > oats

5 Have you looked at the roots? Spear-tipping on roots

6 Below detection Low Medium High Risk levels: 54 / 123 paddocks have medium-high risk so far

7 184 focus paddocks GRDC project ‘Putting the Focus on Profitable Crop and Pasture Sequencing’

8 PreDicta B pre-sow soil levels of Rhizoctonia in DAFWA’s 184 focus paddocks – last 5 years GRDC project ‘Putting the Focus on Profitable Crop and Pasture Sequencing’

9 Rotation can be used to manage Rhizoctonia inoculum & disease

10 Rhizoctonia levels under different crops Crop 2012 samples 2013 samples Pre- sowHarvestPre-sowHarvest Wheat4821977 Barley8299914 Canola944313 Lupin814 39 Pasture19352153 DNA levels (pg DNA/g soil) in pre-sow & harvest soil samples:

11 Rhizoctonia disease reduced by canola in barley 2012

12 NO cultivation Cultivation 10 cm below seed And cultivation still works!

13 Evergol ® Prime Seed & in-furrow a.i. penflufen Uniform ® In-furrow & split application a.i. azoxystrobin & mefenoxam New in-furrow fungicides Trials WA (DAFWA) & SA (SARDI & UA)

14 SARDI, P. Bogacki Liquid banding fungicides: a new way to control root diseases

15 EverGol ® Prime 40 ml/100 kg seed & 30ml/ha in- furrow TreatedUntreated SARDI, P. Bogacki

16 EverGol ® Prime: combined site analysis (WA & SA) for net treatment yield responses in barley Yellow p<0.05 $28 $44 Net profit: $280/t barley. EP = $145/L Seed 40ml Seed 80ml IF 60ml IF 80ml IF 120ml Seed 40ml + IF 30ml

17 Uniform ® 300 ml/ha split application: 50% on surface + 50% in-furrow TreatedUntreated SARDI, P. Bogacki

18 Net yield gain (t/ha) WheatBarley Seed = Vibrance ® 360ml/100 kg seed IF = Uniform ® IF 300ml IF 400ml IF+Surf 150+150ml IF+Surf 200+200ml Seed + IF 200ml Seed 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 * * * * * * * * * * $40 $59 $103 Net $: assume $280/t barley. Uni. = $63.30/L Uniform ® : combined site analysis (WA & SA) for net treatment yield responses in wheat & barley

19 New GRDC funded project at DAFWA is mapping Rhizoctonia patches The next innovation

20 Rotate with canola to reduce Rhizoctonia In-furrow fungicides provide some control, but are not a silver bullet Cultivate 10cm-below-seed (knife points) at sowing Three key Rhizoctonia messages

21 White heads + golden crowns = crown rot Honey brown crowns Pink discolouration

22 PreDicta B pre-sow soil levels of crown rot in DAFWA’s 184 focus paddocks – last 5 years GRDC project ‘Putting the Focus on Profitable Crop and Pasture Sequencing’

23 PreDicta B, 17 Feb 2015: 26 out of 123 paddocks medium-high crown rot risk

24 Why is Crown Rot increasing? Minimum tillage farming Minimum burning Continuous wheat

25 Wheat & barley varieties – first year NilInoculated

26 Grain yield wheat varieties, Wongan Hills 2014 Sown 28 May 2014 Emu Rock 0.3 t/ha over Mace Mace 0.2 t/ha over ER

27 Salmon GumsLake Grace 0.38 t/ha 0.32 t/ha b a a b Results from farms – paddock trials 2013

28 Wheat varieties, Salmon Gums NVT 2014 Sown 13 May 2014 S-MSS MS NVT crown rot rating

29 Sown 28 May 2014 Grain yield barley varieties, Wongan Hills 2014

30 D. Backhouse Australasian Plant Pathology (2014) 43 : 15-23 Keep emerging plants away from infected stubble

31 a b b c Results from the farm – inter-row sowing reduced white heads in Lake Grace, 2014

32 Management for crown rot High inoculum  go on a weed-free break – 2 to 3 years Water stress management: Sow early Early maturing varieties Adequate nutrition (N fertiliser) for region and season Inter-row sowing Control weeds Fungicides Rancona Dimension: registered for suppression Choose less susceptible varieties

33 Three key Crown Rot messages No silver bullet for crown rot control – multi- management strategy approach Variety choice: Emu Rock, Litmus & La Trobe appear less susceptible to crown rot Inter-row sowing reduces crown rot expression

34 9368 3836 Questions?

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