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Teaching Concepts and Principles. Concept A class of stimuli that have common attributes. Is it a concept?

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Concepts and Principles. Concept A class of stimuli that have common attributes. Is it a concept?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Concepts and Principles

2 Concept A class of stimuli that have common attributes. Is it a concept?

3 2 Types of Concepts Concrete –common physical attributes –one can IDENTIFY Defined –given an example with a definition –one can CLASSIFY

4 Presentation Method Strategies Inductive Approach –parts to whole –learner experiences self-discovery Deductive Approach –whole to parts –learner given definition and expected to find examples of concept

5 Teaching Strategies - Concepts Write a 5-component behavioral objective Check for prerequisites Presentation (inductive or deductive) Practice with the concept Test for knowledge of concept

6 Tests for Knowledge of Concepts Name examples of the concept Describe the properties of the concept Select examples of the concept Solve problems using the concept

7 Principles (Rules) Two or more concepts in a logical relationship which allows us to: –explain –infer causes –predict –control –solve

8 Principles (Rules) Principles may be stated in an “if…then relationship: If water is heated, then it will evaporate. If you reinforce desirable behavior, then you increase the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future. If you place the poles of a magnet in close proximity, then they will repel each other.

9 Teaching Strategies - Rules/Principles Write a 5-component behavioral objective Check for prerequisites Presentation (inductive or deductive) Practice with the rule/principle Test for knowledge of the rule/principle

10 Tests for Knowledge of Rules Name examples of the rule Describe the properties of the rule Select examples of the rule Solve problems using the rule From Designing Effective Instruction 4 th Ed., Morrison, Ross, & Kemp, 2004.

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