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Shantia - The sources of Living Force. Shantia has published a collection of video books for wellbeing and environment. Videobooks are in digital, interactive.

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Presentation on theme: "Shantia - The sources of Living Force. Shantia has published a collection of video books for wellbeing and environment. Videobooks are in digital, interactive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Shantia - The sources of Living Force

2 Shantia has published a collection of video books for wellbeing and environment. Videobooks are in digital, interactive format. Shantia offers short-format videobooks in the downloadable format through web The sources of wellbeing digital library can be used In personal computers (PC-Mac) Tablet computers and smart phone Wellbeing library


4 Shantia in english, english blogger Shantia news an book sales Facebook community Shantia videos Youtube channel Shantia lodable books Apple iTunes Shantia book sales in Shantia in Finnish and Elisa.kirja Shantia life energy Sources center Distribution channels

5 - creation of a value added network and 1-2 year funded pilot - target: the yoga personal wellbeing and effectiveness measurement and analysis - interpretation of the user created big data - yoga wellness receipts in mobile and ubiquitous formats - user testbed practices and documention Good life sources Shantia 2.0 R&D Project Yoga algorithms measurement and analysis of Yoga effectiveness Yoga practices interpretation Customer database Good life receipts library Streaming videobooks Personal measurement analysis Receipts after the diagnosis Personal good life Living suggestions application Mobile, ubiquitous Yogatech Shantia

6 YOTE-Shantia R&D Project parameters Data collection measurement analysis service Interpretation and wellness receipt service Personal good life living self care And learning service Mobile, ubiquitous YOTE device, wearables, Application and service Big data Devices Wearables Data collection Personal life style, educational and consultation service Behavioural, Educational Physiological, psychological, Sociological Data collected from Services and the customers SHANTIA personal self-care interpretation application, digital educational wellness and life style content service Measuring, Analysis service Interpretation service

7 Shantia Core Team Jorma Kaila Technology Database Klaus Oesch Concept Development Kylli Kukk Yoga education Methodolgy Kristiina Kantola Wellbeing projects Julia Alakulju Graphics Publishing

8 Action plan 2014 3 videobooks published 1Q 13 6 more published 3 Q 14 Shantia web service opened 4 Q 13 The Sources of living Force Bookstore opened 3 Q14 International versions (english,) available 3 Q 14 First investment round 3 Q 14 for value adding investors Beginning of the R&D project 3Q14

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