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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Hann-Chorng Kuo Department of Urology Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital
Bladder Outlet obstruction
Bladder neck dysfunction Prostatic enlargement Urethral stricture External sphincter dyssynergia Urethral meatal stenosis BOO is a condition of progressive degree
Lower urinary tract symptoms IPSS & AUA symptom score
Frequency Urgency Nocturia Small caliber of urine Dysuria Intermittency Residual urine sensation
LUTS and BOO 1/3 of men with LUTS do not have BOO
5% - 35% of patients with BPH & LUTS do not improve symptoms after TURP LUTS have a poor diagnostic specificity for BOO Prostate size and uroflowmetry have better correlation with urodynamic study than symptoms alone
Pathogenesis of Bladder outlet obstruction
Progressive increased urethral resistance High voiding pressure and low flow Bladder compensation in energy Increased residual urine volume Elevated intravesical pressure at end-filling Bladder stone, diverticulum, UTI Hydroureter, hydronephrosis, azotemia
Reduction in AChE-positive nerve fibers after BOO
Differential diagnosis of male BOO and LUTS
Benign prostatic enlargement Bladder neck dysfunction Spastic urethral sphincter Poor relaxation of urethral sphincter Urethral stricture Low detrusor contractility Pseudodyssynergia due to neuropathy
Relation of prostate and urethra
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Prostatic enlargement – benign or malignant, a sign Prostatic hyperplasia – histological term Prostatic obstruction – a clinical diagnosis Bladder outlet obstruction – an urodynamic term Lower urinary tract symptoms – symptom
Anatomy of Prostate gland
Anatomy of Prostate gland
Prostatic glandular anatomy
Cystoscopic Prostatic obstruction
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
BPH requires testicular androgen during prostatic development Basic fibroblast growth factor, epidermal growth factor, keratinocyte growth factor, transforming growth factor-beta play some part in prostate growth Decreased endogenous apoptosis in prostate cause abnormal tissue growth in prostate
Histology of Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Clinical BPH LUTS ( storage or empty symptoms) due to histological benign prostatic hyperplasia and urodynamical bladder outlet obstruction which has been proven by urodynamic pressure flow study as prostatic obstruction Treatment for LUTS and restoration of normal storage and empty function by reducing prostatic enlargement either medically or surgically
Pathophysiology of BPH and LUTS
Nodular proliferation of prostate gland Increased stroma to epithelial ratio to 2:1 to 5:1 in benign prosatic hyperplasia Increased smooth muscle component Detrusor compensatory change and bladder dysfunction, detrusor overactivity LUTS may related to BPH or detrusor dysfunction,or combination
Symptom scores of BPH as treatment guideline
1970 Boyarsky and Madsen-Iverson 1992 AUA symptom index International prostatic symptom score adds quality of life index Bothersomeness and health related quality of life (HRQOL) Symptom problem index BPH impact index (BII)
Clinical evaluation of BPH
Digital rectal examination of prostate -- Prostate size, consistency, surface nodularity, tenderness Bladder palpation – residual urine volume Cystography, Intravenous pyelography Transrectal sonography of prostate Cystourethroscopy
Cystography of Bladder base elevation indicating BPH
Sonography of BPH
Clinical evaluation of BPH
Uroflowmetry, prstatic volume Postvoid residual urine volume Prostatic specific antigen (PSA) Pressure flow study improves in diagnosis and aid in selection for specific invasive treatment Videourodynamic study is helpful in determining complicated case
Uroflowmetry in BPH without or with obstruction
Pressure flow study in BPH with Obstruction
Videourodynamic study in BPH with Obstruction
Causes of non-obstructive Men with LUTS
Normal bladder and urethra 25 Bladder hypersensitivity 17 Detrusor instability 6 Detrusor underactivity 3 Poor relaxed urethral sphincter 61
Videourodynamic study in Man with normal bladder and urethra
Videourodynamic study in Man with low detrusor contractility
Videourodynamic study in Man with Poor relaxation of sphincter
Subjective improvement rate in patients after prostatectomy
HPOB LPOB LPNOB Qmax <10 10-15 >15 Total Irritative symptoms good 23 2 1 10 9 7 26(52%) fair 4 12 21(42%) Got worse - 3 3(2%) Obstructive symptoms 28 5 21 35(70%) 13(26%) 2(4%) Subjective results Successful 31 18 14 34(68%) Unchanged 6 10(20%) Failed 6(12%)
Improvement in Qmax after Prostatectomy
Causes of 185 Men with LUTS after prostatectomy
Normalbladder and urethra 17 Detrusor instability 18 Low detrusor contractility 35 Poor relaxation of urethral sphincter 36 Detrusor instability and low contractility 27 Bladder outlet obstruction 52
Prostate volume, Qmax, resected prostate weight in patients with LUTS after prostatectomy
prostatic weight,g Preoperative prostatic vol, ml PreoperativQmax, ml/s Normal tracing(n=17) 12.3 ± 7.4 22.5 ± 14.2 11.0 ± 5.2 DI (n=18) 14.3 ± 15.4 26.5 ± 21.7 10.9 ± 4.0 LC (n=35) 8.9 ± 8.7 17.6 ± 13.8 9.6 ± 4.5 PRS (n=35) 9.2 ± 5.2 17.6 ± 8.8 8.4 ± 4.6 DHIC (n=27) 10.3 ± 7.1 19.9 ±10.3 10.5 ± 4.5 BOO (n=52) 14.4 ± 12.6 25.6 ± 18.7 9.7 ± 4.5 Statistics (ANOVA) P=0.131 P=0.140 P=0.559
Urodynamic parameters in BPH
Age N FSF Capacity Pves Voided Qmax CQmax MUCP PPA ≦45 9 77.5±24.9 238.4±87.4 106.2±31.3 173.6±73.2 12.5±3.6 0.99±0.25 86.7±12.5 87.5±0 46-55 30 95.8±28.4 263.3±98.5 84.5±36.3 240.7±123.6 10.8±3.9 0.74±0.24 82.5±21.6 111.4±32 56-65 156 116.2±49.8 263.4±103.1 92.0±38.4 215.9±113.4 10.2±3.3 0.74±0.23 90.0±35.1 107.8±90.1 66-75 159 129.7±74.4 256.6±116.8 85.9±35.9 186.7±103.2 9.9±5.9 0.78±0.53 99.4±46.2 137.9±84.5 ≧76 64 128.9±81.1 214.9±115.5 90.7±44.4 166.4±76.6 9.3±4.1 0.74±0.28 96.7±45.3 126.±112.3 All 418 124.2±70.8 244±114.3 89±39.6 198.1±109.9 10.1±4.6 0.76±0.38 94.8 ±41.8 125.1±91.4
Relationship of Qmax and Age in BPH patients
Clinical Prostate Score in BPH
Clinical prostate scoring system for patients with lower urinary tract symptoms Uroflowmentry (ml/s) Residual urine (mL) Qmax ≧ 15 -1 < 100 10 Qmax <15 ≧ 100 2 Qmax ≦ 10 1 Voided volume (mL) Flow pattern ≧ 250 Normal < 250 Compressive obstructive TZI Comstrictive obstructive ≦ 0.3 Intermittent > 0.3 but < 0.5 TPV (mL) ≧ 0.5 ≦ 20 Median lobe enlargement > 20 but <40 Presence ≧ 40 Absence
Calculation of Clinical Prostate Score for Diagnosis of BPO
Prostate score = Qmax + TPV + voided volume + residual urine Score ≧ 3: sensitivity = 90.7%, specificity = 33% Prostate score = Qmax + flow pattern + voided volume + residual urine + TPV + TZI + prostatic configuration Score ≧ 3: sensitivity of BPO = 87.2%, specificity = 60.8% Score ≧ 4: sensitivity of BPO = 90.7%, specificity = 50.5% Score ≧ 5: sensitivity of BPO = 97.6%, specificity = 38.2% Sensitivity and specificity of BPO diagnosis in patients with at least 1 favorable predictive factor (n = 148) Score ≧ 3: sensitivity of BPO = 91.6%, specificity = 87.27% Exclusion of patients with at least 1 favorable predictive factor (n=176) Score ≧ 3: sensitivity of BPO = 68.9%, specificity = 23.0%
Prostatic Transition Zone Index
A-G Number in Diagnosis of BPO
Treatment of BPH Treating an enlarged prostate ?
Treating lower urinary tract symptoms? Treating bladder outlet obstruction? Can LUTS disappear after treatment? Can BOO be relieved after treatment? Any complication may occur? Is the treatment cost- effective ?
Therapeutic modalities for LUTS ascribed to the prostate
Watchful waiting and fluid restriction, natural history of BPO may wax and wan Medical treatment to reduce prostate size or decrease intraprostatic resistance Surgical treatment to remove prostatic obstruction or reduce urethral resistance Minimally invasive therapies
Surgical Treatment for BPH
Suprapubic & retropubic prostatectomy Transurethral prostatectomy (TUR-Prostate) Laser interstitial prostatectomy Transurethral incision of prostate Intraprostatic stent Balloon dilatation of prostatic urethra Prostatic hyperthermia
Prostate Resectoscope and TURP
Complications of TUR-Prostate
Peri-operative bleeding Urinary tract infection and urosepsis Electrolyte imbalance, hemolysis, acute tubular necrosis Acute pulmonary edema Bladder neck or urethral contracture Retrograde ejaculation and erectile dysfunction Urge or stress urinary incontinence
Minimally invasive procedure
Transurethral vaporization- resection of prostate (TUVRP) Ho-YAG laser coagulation of prostate Visual laser ablation of prostate (VLAP) Transurethral needle ablation (TUNA) High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) Microwave hyperthermia Minimally invasive = minimally effective? A higher re-treatment rate than TURP although less complication occurs
Intra-Prostatic Stent
Interstitial Laser Coagulation
Hyperthermia of BPH
Transurethral Dilatation of Prostate
Medical Therapy for BPH
Prostatic smooth muscle tension was mediated by alpha 1-adrenoreceptors Smooth muscle contractions contribute 40% of outflow obstruction Alpha 1- blockers can rapidly improve Qmax and relieve LUTS Phenoxybenzamine, terazosin, doxazosin have side effect of dizziness and hypotension
Prostatic specific alpha- adrenoreceptor
Alpha 1A- AR subtype comprises 70% of all alpha-1 receptors Alpha 1A-AR agonist – tamslosin has 13 x more affinity to prostatic smooth muscle than urethral muscle , 10 x than vascular smooth muscle Side effects are still reported Long-acting (once daily) dose
Hormone based medical therapy
5-alpha-reductase catalyzes conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone Inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase can arrest prostatic growth and relieve obstruction Finasteride can improve symptom score,Qmax, QOL score Effective especially in prostatic weight of >40 gm and effective in prostatic hematuria
Combination therapy with alpha-blocker and finasteride
Terazosin is effective therapy, finasteride was not, combination was no more effective than terazosin alone (Lepor, N Engl J Med 1996; 335: 533) Combined dibenyline and finasteride has an additive effect than dibenyline or finasteride alone in improvement of Qmax and prostatic size
Consideration in treating BPH
Patients are old in symptomatic BPH Too early surgery may lead to undesired sequalae such as erectile dysfunction Too late surgery cannot reverse detrusor overactivity and leads to urge incontinence Etiology of LUTS (DI? DHIC? BOO?) should be clarified to prevent unsuccessful surgical results
Therapeutic guideline for BPO
Calculation of clinical prostatic score and QOL index, medical treatment for BPO Monitoring Qmax, residual urine volume, and prostate volume during treatment If obstructive or irritative symptom exacerbate, detailed pressure flow study to confirm the BOO diagnosis Surgery for patients with poor QOL index
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