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Many well-intended people who call themselves “Christians” are very concerned about the “Removal of God” from various facets of our lives. Is this really.

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Presentation on theme: "Many well-intended people who call themselves “Christians” are very concerned about the “Removal of God” from various facets of our lives. Is this really."— Presentation transcript:

1 Many well-intended people who call themselves “Christians” are very concerned about the “Removal of God” from various facets of our lives. Is this really a legitimate concern? Is it something about which all Christians should be concerned? Is it something about which all Christians should be not only concerned, but working to prevent or even reverse?

2 The evidence of God being removed from our society is abundant:  The Pope’s recent visit to America, and the media attention it got, was an obvious effort to reverse the effects of the priest sex scandals of the last several years.  The numerous mass killings at both primary and secondary schools continue to escalate.  Jails are overflowing resulting in short sentences, and crimes having to be more serious to even warrant jail time.  There is an an overall lack of interest in, and knowledge of, God and/or religion on the whole. All seem to point to a decline in morality stemming from the removal of God.

3 So, what’s to be done?  Boycott retailers that sell offensive materials along with the other things we need? (such as restaurants that sell alcohol or convenience stores that sell pornography, or etc. etc. etc.)  Protest corporations who contribute to groups with immoral agendas? (like McDonald’s or Disney World/Land who have contributed to homosexual advocacy groups)  March on Washington or lobby government officials to try to effect changes in laws and regulations? (with Million Man Marches, sit ins, petitions, or letter writing campaigns)

4 I mean no offense to anyone, but what has been highlighted so far are neither the PROBLEMS nor their SOLUTIONS! I humbly, but sincerely suggest to you that THE PROBLEM IS NOT THAT GOD HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM OUR:  Schools- >through the absence of prayer, or His name from the Pledge; >or through the absence of morality classes, bible classes, or so-called religion-based curriculums. >It’s not the School’s responsibility to teach God, religious principles, or morality, Eph.6:4!

5 I mean no offense to anyone, but what has been highlighted so far are neither the PROBLEMS nor their SOLUTIONS! I humbly, but sincerely suggest to you that THE PROBLEM IS NOT THAT GOD HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM OUR:  Government- >whether “In God We Trust” is on our currency or not; >or whether “The Ten Commandments” is displayed on or in our courthouses and government buildings or not; >or whether or not we agree that the Constitution was written on the basis of Christian Principles by our Founding Fathers or not. >Government, though ordained of God, is not the problem or the solution, Mat.22:21.

6 I mean no offense to anyone, but what has been highlighted so far are neither the PROBLEMS nor their SOLUTIONS! I humbly, but sincerely suggest to you that THE PROBLEM IS NOT THAT GOD HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM OUR:  Society >Since the days of Adam and Eve, all men of faith have lived in predominantly wicked societies. >Consider the societies of Noah, Abraham & Lot, Patriarchs, Judges, Kings of the Divided Kingdom, Pre- & Post-Exilic Israel, Prophets, Jesus, and First through Twentieth Century Christians- all were wicked. >Society was not then, and is not now, the problem, 1Cor.5:9-10!

7 Would things be better if:  The Schools taught God, prayer was said daily in them, and classes were Christian-based, etc.? Maybe, but who would determine what was taught about God, to which “God” they prayed, and which religious principles were emphasized? Remember, “Satanism” is also a religion!  The Government emphasized “God” in/on their laws, buildings, and currency? Perhaps, but who is the government? Has this really solved anything in the past or present? What happened when government tried to legislate “God” in the past (i.e. the Inquisition, Salem, Catholicism)?  Society as a whole was godly? You bet, but is that ever going to happen? cf. Mat.7:13b

8 So, the problem is not that God has been removed from our schools, government, and society. These removals are the results or symptoms of the real problems. As such, trying to insert God into these areas will likely not “fix” anything! Since these aren’t the real problem, what is?

9 The real problem is the removal of God from:  Our Individual Lives >He is no longer our primary source of information. 2Pet.1:3John 17:3 >He is no longer our primary source of pleasure. Jas.4:1-4Eph.5:10 >He is no longer our primary source of livelihood. Gal.2:20 Acts 17:28 >He is no longer our primary God! Phil.3:18-19 He has been removed from the center of our individual lives and been relegated to being only a part of them! And yet we want Him to be the center of our schools, government, and society? This is not the answer.

10 The real problem is the removal of God from:  Our Families >As fathers, we no longer take seriously our responsibilities to educate and lead the family as God requires, Eph.6:1-4 & Col.3:20-21; so we want the schools to do it. >As husbands & wives, we no longer look to God as our source of information on how to conduct ourselves within the family, Eph.5:22-31; so we want the government to do it. >As families, we no longer honor and revere God daily in our lives by obedience; so we want society to do it. He has been removed from the center of our families, and been relegated to being only a part of them. And yet we want Him to be the center of our schools, government, and society? This is not the answer.

11 The real problem is the removal of God from:  Our Churches >Everything from humorous stories, sophistry, and politics is taught from the pulpits. cf. 1Tim.1:3-11 >What “Bible” is taught is often modernized or made politically correct to the point of no longer being God’s Word. cf. 2Tim.4:3-5 >And even if Truth is taught, obedience to it is no longer required. cf. 2Tim.4:1-2 & 1John 2:3 >What are called “churches” are neither organized nor function according to the Bible. Col.3:17 >As such, they are much more concerned about membership, money, and meeting man’s mortal needs than they are teaching, obeying, and worshipping God! cf.1Cor.11:20-22 He has been removed from the center of our churches, and at best has been relegated to being only a part of them. And yet we want Him to be the center of our schools, government, and society? This is not the answer.

12 Our problem is not that God has been removed from:  Our Schools,  Our Government, or even  Our Society, Our problem is that God has been removed from: >Our Individual Lives, >Our Families, and >Our Churches. If we will put God back in His proper place in these three areas, it may not “fix” every problem in school, government, and society, but it will certainly help, and it will “fix” eternity for us and all those willing to be influenced by us! 1Tim.4:15-16

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