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Church as God intended Steve Petch Sunday 11 th May 2008 Part 18: The Body – worth investing in 1 Corinthians 12 v 14 – 31.

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Presentation on theme: "Church as God intended Steve Petch Sunday 11 th May 2008 Part 18: The Body – worth investing in 1 Corinthians 12 v 14 – 31."— Presentation transcript:

1 Church as God intended Steve Petch Sunday 11 th May 2008 Part 18: The Body – worth investing in 1 Corinthians 12 v 14 – 31

2 The Body (Worth investing in!) What is the church?

3 The Body (Worth investing in!) Why is the church important? It’s important to God It’s important to believers It’s important to the world

4 The Body (Worth investing in!) What is the purpose of the church? Fellowship Discipleship Ministry Worship Evangelism

5 The Body (Worth investing in!) What about this Church? The vision of Grace Church Chichester: “To build a radical church family of 1000 committed members reaching from the city to the sea” This city needs Jesus!

6 The Body (Worth investing in!) The Great Commission (Matthew 28 v 18 – 20) “Make disciples from every people group on earth”

7 The Body (Worth investing in!) The Great Commandment (John 13 v 34) “Love one another as I have loved you”

8 The Body (Worth investing in!) A challenge for this week: Do something this week to show love to another believer

9 The Body (Worth investing in!) A Great Commitment to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment will build a great church!

10 The Body (Worth investing in!) What does it mean for me? 1. Commit to Jesus A life of worship A life of witness 2. Commit to the church Commit to give Commit to serve

11 The Body (Worth investing in!) A Great Commitment to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment will build a great church!

12 The Body (Worth investing in!) The vision of Grace Church Chichester: “To build a radical church family of 1000 committed members reaching from the city to the sea” Because this city needs Jesus!

13 The Body (Worth investing in!) Two things: 1. Church should be fun 2. Grow up 2. GROW UP!!!!

14 The Body (Worth investing in!) A Great Commitment to the Great Commission and the Great Commandment will build a great church!

15 The Body (Worth investing in!) What is today for? “Vision for future growth” Flexible resources: Outreach / Mission? Future employment? Future buildings? This is about faith inspired preparation It is a biblical concept! (2 Corinthians 8 & 9)

16 The Body (Worth investing in!) What do we each need to do? 1.Sign a gift aid form (only once!) 2.Reassess our regular giving 3.Give a faith filled gift today

17 The Body (Worth investing in!) What should my attitude be? 1.Give with faith 2.In accordance with your means 3.Not reluctantly or under compulsion 4.Cheerfully 5.In expectation that God will bless you

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