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6. Really Basic Optics Instrument Sample Sample Prep Instrument

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1 6. Really Basic Optics Instrument Sample Sample Prep Instrument
Out put Signal (Data) Polychromatic light Selected light Turn off/diminish intensity Sample interaction Select light Turn on different wavelength select source detect

2 Really Basic Optics Key definitions Phase angle
Atomic lines vs molecular bands Atomic Line widths (effective; natural) Doppler broadening Molecular bands Continuum sources Blackbody radiators Coherent vs incoherent radiation

3 6. Really Basic Optics A Sin=opp/hyp  y  /2 3/2  2
90o phase angle /2 radian phase angle

4 Emission of Photons Electromagnetic radiation is emitted when electrons relax from excited states. A photon of the energy equivalent to the difference in electronic states Is emitted Ehi e Elo Frequency 1/s

5 Really Basic Optics Key definitions Phase angle
Atomic lines vs molecular bands Atomic Line widths (effective; natural) Doppler broadening Molecular bands Continuum sources Blackbody radiators Coherent vs incoherent radiation


7 Theoretical width of an atomic spectral line

8 Natural Line Widths frequency Line broadens due Uncertainty
Doppler effect Pressure Electric and magnetic fields frequency Lifetime of an excited state is typically 1x10-8 s

9 Typical natural line widths are 10-5 nm
Example: nm Typical natural line widths are 10-5 nm

10 Line broadens due Uncertainty Doppler effect Pressure Electric and magnetic fields

11 Line broadens due Uncertainty Doppler effect Pressure Electric and magnetic fields The lifetime of a spectral event is 1x10-8 s When an excited state atom is hit with another high energy atom energy is transferred which changes the energy of the excited state and, hence, the energy of the photon emitted. This results in linewidth broadening. The broadening is Lorentzian in shape. We use pressure broadening On purpose to get a large Line width in AA for some Forms of background correction FWHM = full width half maximum o is the peak “center” in frequency units

12 Line spectra – occur when radiating species are atomic particles which
Experience no near neighbor interactions Line broadens due Uncertainty Doppler effect Pressure Electric and magnetic fields Line events Can lie on top Of band events Overlapping line spectra lead to band emission

13 Continuum emission – an extreme example of electric and magnetic
effects on broadening of multiple wavelengths High temperature solids emit Black Body Radiation many over lapping line and band emissions influenced by near neighbors

14 Stefan-Boltzmann Law Planck’s Blackbody Law = Energy density of radiation h= Planck’s constant C= speed of light k= Boltzmann constant T=Temperature in Kelvin = frequency Wien’s Law As  ↓(until effect of exp takes over) As T,exp↓, 

15 Really Basic Optics Key definitions Phase angle
Atomic lines vs molecular bands Atomic Line widths (effective; natural) Doppler broadening Molecular bands Continuum sources Blackbody radiators Coherent vs incoherent radiation

16 Incoherent radiation The Multitude of emitters, even if they emit The same frequency, do not emit at the Same time A B Frequency,, is the Same but wave from particle B lags behind A by the Phase angle 

17 Begin END: Key Definitions Using Constructive and Destructive
Interference patterns based on phase lag By manipulating the path length can cause an originally coherent beam (all in phase, same frequency) to come out of phase can accomplish Many of the tasks we need to control light for our instruments Constructive/Destructive interference Laser FT instrument Can be used to obtain information about distances Interference filter. Can be used to select wavelengths

18 More Intense Radiation can be obtained by Coherent Radiation
Lasers Beam exiting the cavity is in phase (Coherent) and therefore enhanced In amplitude

19 Argument on the size of signals that follows is from Atkins, Phys. Chem. p. 459, 6th Ed
Stimulated Emission Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Photons can stimulate Emission just as much As they can stimulate Absorption (idea behind LASERs Stimulated Emission) * o The rate of stimulated event is described by : Where w =rate of stimulated emission or absorption Is the energy density of radiation already present at the frequency of the transition The more perturbing photons the greater the Stimulated emission B= empirical constant known as the Einstein coefficient for stimulated absorption or emission N* and No are the populations of upper state and lower states

20 can be described by the Planck equation for black body radiation at some T
frequency In order to measure absorption it is required that the Rate of stimulated absorption is greater than the Rate of stimulated emission If the populations of * and o are the same the net absorption is zero as a photon is Absorbed and one is emitted

21 Need to get a larger population in the excited state
Compared to the ground state (population inversion) Degeneracies of the different energy levels Special types of materials have larger excited state degeneracies Which allow for the formation of the excited state population inversion Serves to “trap” electrons in the excited State, which allows for a population inversion E pump

22 Constructive/Destructive interference
Laser FT instrument Can be used to select wavelengths Can be used to obtain information about distances Holographic Interference filter. Radiation not along the Path is lost mirror mirror Stimulated emission Single phase Along same path =Constructive Interference Coherent radiation Multiple directions, Multiple phase lags Incoherent radiation

23 FTIR Instrument Constructive/Destructive interference Laser
FT instrument Can be used to select wavelengths Can be used to obtain information about distances Holographic Interference filter.

24 Time Domain: 2 frequencies
1 “beat” cycle

25 B Fixed mirror A C Moving mirror Beam splitter IR source detector Constructive interference occurs when

26 -2 -1 +1

27 INTERFEROGRAMS Remember that: Frequency of light

28 An interferometer detects a periodic wave with a frequency of 1000 Hz when moving at a velocity of 1 mm/s. What is the frequency of light impinging on the detector?

29 No need to SELECT Wavelength by using Mirror, fiber optics, Gratings, etc.

30 FOURIER TRANSFORMS Advantages Jaquinot or through-put
little photon loss; little loss of source intensity Large number of wavelengths allows for ensemble averaging (waveform averaging) 3. This leads to Fellget or multiplex advantage multiple spectra in little time implies?

31 DIFFRACTION Huygen’s principle = individual propagating waves combine to form a new wave front Constructive/Destructive interference Laser FT instrument Can be used to select wavelengths Can be used to obtain information about distances Holographic Interference filter. Can get coherent radiation if the slit is narrow enough. Coherent = all in one phase


33 June 19, 2008, Iowa Flood Katrina Levee break

34 Fraunhaufer diffraction at a single slit

35 D d B F’ E W O L F C From which we conclude

36 D The complete equation for a slit is d B E W L b=W/2 Width of the line depends upon The slit width!! Therefore resolution depends On slit width Also “see” This spectra “leak” of Our hard won intensity

37 The base (I=0) occurs whenever
sinβ =0 Which occurs when The smaller the Slit width the Smaller The line width, Which leads To greater Spectral Resolution Remember R is Inversely proportional To the width of The Gaussian base

38 SLIT IMAGE Slit A 1 2 3 B Position number Image When edge AB at Detector Sees Position 1 0% power Position 2 50% power Position % power Position 4 50% power Position 5 0 % power Detector output: Triangle results when Effective bandpass = image To resolve two images that are ∆ apart requires Implies want a narrower slit

39 Essentially, Narrow slit widths Are generally better


41 GRATINGS Points: Master grating formed by diamond tip under ground
Gratings Groves/mm UV/Vis 300/2000 IR 10/20 Points: Master grating formed by diamond tip under ground Or more recently formed from holographic processes Copy gratings formed from resins

42 + - q q

43 EXAMPLE Calculate  for a grating which has i=45 2000 groves per mm
Get d 2) Use grating equation to solve for 

44 Czerny-Turner construction 440.3 220.1 146.8 88 73 All come through Multiple wavelengths Are observed At a single angle Of reflection!! You get light of nm ½; 1/3; 1/4; 1/5; etc.

45 Czerny-Turner construction
Physical Dimensions: mm x 63.3 mm x 34.4 mm Weight: 190 grams Detector: Sony ILX511 linear silicon CCD array Detector range: nm Pixels: 2048 pixels Pixel size: 14 μm x 200 μm Pixel well depth: ~62,500 electrons Sensitivity: 75 photons/count at 400 nm; 41 photons/count at 600 nm Design: f/4, Symmetrical crossed Czerny-Turner Focal length: 42 mm input; 68 mm output Entrance aperture: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 200 µm wide slits or fiber (no slit) Grating options: 14 different gratings, UV through Shortwave NIR Detector collection lens option: Yes, L2 OFLV filter options: OFLV ; OFLV Other bench filter options: Longpass OF-1 filters Collimating and focusing mirrors: Standard or SAG+ UV enhanced window: Yes, UV2 Fiber optic connector: SMA 905 to 0.22 numerical aperture single-strand optical fiber Spectroscopic Wavelength range: Grating dependent Optical resolution: ~ nm FWHM Signal-to-noise ratio: 250:1 (at full signal) A/D resolution: 12 bit Dark noise: 3.2 RMS counts Dynamic range: 2 x 10^8 (system); 1300:1 for a single acquisition Integration time: 3 ms to 65 seconds Stray light: <0.05% at 600 nm; <0.10% at 435 nm Corrected linearity: >99.8% Electronics Power consumption: VDC Data transfer speed: Full scans to memory every 13 ms with USB 2.0 or 1.1 port, 300 ms with serial port Czerny-Turner construction

46 Monochromator we looked inside
Ocean Optics For fluorescence lab 440.3 220.1 146.8 88 73 All come through Monochromator we looked inside 440.3 Only Hit grating first Time to get Hit grating second time 440.3 220.1 146.8 88 73 All come through 220.1 nm

47 Another way to look at it is to say
We Lose some of the light Not all of it ends up at the intended angle of reflection Light of 100 Nm shows up At -30.4 AND -17.88 And -6.1 5.3 Etc.

48 GRATING DISPERSION D-1 = Reciprocal linear dispersion
Where n= order F = focal length d= distance/groove POINT = linear dispersion

49 What is (are) the wavelength(s) transmitted at 45o reflected AND incident light for a grating of 4000 groves/mm?

50 RESOLUTION The larger R the greater the spread between the two wavelengths, normalized by The wavelength region Where n = order and N = total grooves exposed to light

51 What is the resolution of a grating in the first order of 4000 groves/mm if 1 cm of the grating is illuminated? Are 489 and nm resolved?

52 Constructive/Destructive interference
Laser FT instrument Can be used to select wavelengths Can be used to obtain information about distances Holographic Interference filter. Change in path length results In phase lag The photo plate contains all the information Necessary to give the depth perception when decoded

53 Interference Filter Holographic Notch Filter Can create a filter using The holographic principle To create a series of Groves on the surface Of the filter. The grooves Are very nearly perfect In spacing Constructive/Destructive interference Laser FT instrument Can be used to obtain information about distances Interference filter. Can be used to select wavelengths

54 End Section on Using Constructive and Destructive
Interference patterns based on phase lags Constructive/Destructive interference Laser FT instrument Can be used to obtain information about distances Interference filter. Can be used to select wavelengths

55 Interaction with Matter
Begin Section Interaction with Matter In the examples above have assumed that there is no interaction with Matter – all light that impinges on an object is re-radiated with it’s Original intensity


57 Move electrons around (polarize)
Re-radiate “virtual state” Lasts ~10-14s

58 This phenomena causes:
Move electrons around (polarize) Re-radiate This phenomena causes: 1. scattering 2. change in the velocity of light 3. absorption

59 First consider propagation of light in a vacuum
c is the velocity of the electromagnetic wave in free space Is the permittivity of free space which describes the Flux of the electric portion of the wave in vacuum and Has the value capacitance force It can be measured directly from capacitor measurements Is the permeablity of free space and relates the current In free space in response to a magnetic field and is defined as


61 Dielectric constant Typically so This works pretty well for gases (blue line) Says: refractive index is proportional to the dielectric constant Maxwell’s relation

62 Our image is of electrons perturbed by an electromagnetic field which causes
The change in permittivity and permeability – that is there is a “virtual” Absorption event and re-radiation causing the change It follows that the re-radiation event should be be related to the ability to Polarize the electron cloud 10-14 s to polarize the electron cloud and re-release electromagnetic Radiation at same frequency

63 SCATTERING Most important parameter is the relationship to wavelength
Light in particle Angle between incident and scattered light Polarizability of electrons Number of electrons Bond length Volume of the molecule, which depends upon the radius, r = vacuum  Io = incident intensity

64 At sunset the shorter wavelength is
Scattered more efficiently, leaving the Longer (red) light to be observed Better sunsets in polluted regions Blue is scattered Red is observed Long path allow more of the blue light (short wavelength) to be scattered

65 What is the relative intensity of scattered light for 480 vs 240 nm?
What is the relative intensity of scattered light as one goes from Cl2 to Br2? (Guess)

66 Our image is of electrons perturbed by an electromagnetic field which causes
The change in permittivity and permeability – and therefore, the speed of the Propagating electromagnetic wave. It follows that the index of refraction should be related to the ability to Polarize the electron cloud

67 Refractive index = relative speed of radiation
Refractive index is related to the relative permittivity (dielectric constant) at that Frequency Where  is the mass density of the sample, M is the molar mass of the molecules and Pm is the molar polarization Is the permittivity of free space which describes the Flux of the electric portion of the wave in vacuum and Has the value Where  is the electric dipole moment operator  is the mean polarizabiltiy Point – refractive index Is related to polarizability Clausius-Mossotti equation

68 Where e is the charge on an electron, R is the radius of the molecule and ∆E is the mean energy to excite an electron between the HOMO-LUMO The change in the velocity of the electromagnetic radiation is a function of 1.mass density (total number of possible interactions) 2. the charge on the electron 3. The radius (essentially how far away the electron is from the nucleus) 4. The Molar Mass (essentially how many electrons there are) 5. The difference in energy between HOMO and LUMO

69 An alternative expression for a single atom is
Transition probability that Interaction will occur A damping force term that account for Absorbance (related to delta E in prior Expression) Molecules per Unit volume Each with J oscillators Natural Frequency of The oscillating electrons In the single atom j Frequency of incoming electromagnetic wave If you include the interactions between atoms and ignore absorbance you get

70 The refractive index is constant
when The refractive index depends on omega when Gets smaller so the Refractive index rises And the difference

71 REFRACTIVE INDEX VS  Anomalous dispersion near absorption bands which occur at natural harmonic frequency of material Normal dispersion is required for lensing materials


73 What is the wavelength of a beam of light that is 480 nm in a vacuum if it travels in a solid with a refractive index of 2?

74 Filters can be constructed
By judicious combination of the Principle of constructive and Destructive interference and Material of an appropriate refractive index t Wavelength In media t t

75 What is (are) the wavelength(s) selected from an interference filter which has a base width of m and a refractive index of 1.34?

76 Holographic filters are better

Near IR nm IR m

78 Using constructive/destructive interference to select for polarized light
The electromagnetic wave can be described in two components, xy, and Xy - or as two polarizations of light.

79 Refraction, Reflection, and Transmittance Defined
Relationship to polarization The amplitude of the spherically oscillating electromagnetic Wave can be described mathematically by two components The perpendicular and parallel to a plane that described the advance of The waveform. These two components reflect the polarization of the wave

80 When this incident, i, wave plane strikes a denser surface with polarizable electrons
at an angle, i, described by a perpendicular to The plane It can be reflected Air, n=1 Or transmitted R T Glass n=1.5 The two polarization components are reflected and transmitted with Different amplitudes depending Upon the angle of reflection, r, And the angle of transmittence, t Let’s start by examing The Angle of transmittence

81 Snell’s Law Less dense 1 Lower refractive index More dense 1
Time=4 Time=3 Time=2 Time=1 Time=0 Time=4 Time=3 Less dense 1 Lower refractive index Faster speed of light Time=2 More dense 1 Higher refractive index Slower speed of light Time=1 Time=0

82 What is the angle of refraction, 2, for a beam of light that impinges on a surface at 45o, from air, refractive index of 1, to a solid with a refractive index of 2?

83 PRISM Crown Glass (nm)  nm 1.532 450 nm 1.528 550 nm 1.519
Uneven spacing = nonlinear POINT, non-linear dispersive device Reciprocal dispersion will vary with wavelength, since refractive index varies with wavelength


85 The intensity of light (including it’s component polarization) reflected as compared to transmitted (refracted) can be described by the Fresnel Equations R T Angle of transmittence Is controlled by The density of Polarizable electrons In the media as Described by Snell’s Law

86 The amount of light reflected depends upon the Refractive indices and the angle of incidence.
We can get Rid of the angle of transmittence using Snell’s Law Since the total amount of light needs to remain constant we also know that Therefore, given the two refractive Indices and the angle of incidence can Calculate everything

87 Consider and air/glass interface
Here the transmitted parallel light is Zero! – this is how we can select For polarized light! This is referred to as the polarization angle


89 Total Internal Reflection
Here consider Light propagating In the DENSER Medium and Hitting a Boundary with The lighter medium Glass n=1.5 R T Air, n=1

90 Same calculation but made the indicident medium denser so that wave is
Propagating inside glass and is reflected at the air interface Discontinuity at 42o signals Something unusual is happening

91 All of the light is reflected
internally Set R to 1 &  to 90 The equation can be solved for the critical angle of incidence For glass/air

92 The angle at which the discontinuity occurs:
0% Transmittance=100% Reflectance Total Internal Reflectance Angle = Critical Angle – depends on refractive index 1.69/1 1.3/1 1.5/1 37 51 42


94 Numerical Aperture The critical angle here is defined differently because we have to LAUNCH the beam

95 Shining light directly through our sample
Using Snell’s Law the angle of transmittance is R=? T

96 same The amount of light reflected depends Upon the refractive indices of the medium

97 For a typical Absorption Experiment,
How much light will we lose from the cuvette? Or another way to put it is how much light will get transmitted?

98 Water, refractive index 1.33
It’’ = I’’’o It’ = I’’o It’’’ Io It=I’o Air, refractive index 1 Air Glass, refractive index 1.5 Final exiting light

99 We lose nearly 10% of the light

100 Key Concepts Interaction with Matter Light Scattering Refractive Index Is wavelength dependent Used to separate light by prisms Refractive index based Interference filters

101 Snell’s Law Key Concepts Interaction with Matter
Describes how light is bent based differing refractive indices Fresnell’s Equations describe how polarized light is transmitted and/or reflected at an interface Used to create surfaces which select for polarized light

102 Key Concepts Interaction with Matter Fresnell’s Laws collapse to Which describes when you will get total internal reflection (fiber optics) And Which describes how much light is reflected at an interface

103 PHOTONS AS PARTICLES The photoelectric effect: The experiment:
1. Current, I, flows when Ekinetic > Erepulsive 2. E repulsive is proportional to the applied voltage, V 3. Therefore the photocurrent, I, is proportional to the applied voltage 4. Define Vo as the voltage at which the photocurrent goes to zero = measure of the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons 5. Vary the frequency of the photons, measure Vo, = Ekinetic,max Work function=minimum energy binding an Electron in the metal Energy of Ejected electron Frequency of impinging photon (related to photon energy)

104 To convert photons to electrons that we can measure with an electrical circuit use
A metal foil with a low work function (binding energy of electrons)



107 DETECTORS Ideal Properties High sensitivity Large S/N
Constant parameters with wavelength Where k is some large constant kd is the dark current Want low dark current Classes of Detectors Name comment Photoemissive single photon events Photoconductive “ (UV, Vis, near IR) Heat average photon flux

108 Very sensitive detector
Rock to Get different wavelengths Capture all simultaneously = multiplex advantage 2. Generally less sensitive

109 Sensitivity of photoemissive
Surface is variable Ga/As is a good one As it is more or less consistent Over the full spectral range

110 Diode array detectors Great in getting A spectra all at once! Background current (Noise) comes from? One major problem Not very sensitive So must be used With methods in Which there is a large signal

111 Photomultiplier tube The AA experiment Photodiodes

112 The fluorescence experiment Charge-Coupled Device (CCD detectors) 1. Are miniature – therefore do not need to “slide” the image across a single detector (can be used in arrays to get a Fellget advantage) 2. Are nearly as sensitive as a photomultiplier tube Set device to accumulate charge for some period of time. (increase sensitivity) Charge accumulated near electrode Apply greater voltage Move charge to “gate” And Count, move next “bin” of charge and keep on counting 6. Difference is charge in One “bin” +V Requires special cooling, Why?

113 END 6. Really Basic Optics

114 Since polarizability of the electrons in the material also controls the dielectric
Constant you can find a form of the C-M equation with allows you to compute The dielectric constant from the polarizability of electrons in any atom/bond N = density of dipoles = polarizability (microscopic (chemical) property) r = relative dielectric constant Frequency dependent Just as the refractive index is Typically reported Point of this slide: polarizability of electrons in a molecule is related to the Relative dielectric constant

115 2nd order 1st order Grating Angle of reflection i=45

116 2nd order 1st order Angle of reflection i=45

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