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Phonological Awareness (Blevins, Rosner and Words their Way) Alphabetic Principle (Core Phonics, LETRS Morphological Awareness) Vocabulary and Comprehension.

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Presentation on theme: "Phonological Awareness (Blevins, Rosner and Words their Way) Alphabetic Principle (Core Phonics, LETRS Morphological Awareness) Vocabulary and Comprehension."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phonological Awareness (Blevins, Rosner and Words their Way) Alphabetic Principle (Core Phonics, LETRS Morphological Awareness) Vocabulary and Comprehension (DRA/SRI ; MAZE; Critchlaw) Fluency (ORF, Fry and RAN) Blevins PA Assessment Rhyme: 11/12 Oddity Task: 12/12 Oral Blending: 12/12 Oral Segmentation: 23/24 Phonemic Manipulation: 12/12 Core Phonics- mastered by end of 2 nd grade Short vowels: 21/21 Consonant Blends with short vowels: 15/15 Short vowels, digraphs, and trigraph: 15/15 R-Controlled vowels:13/15 Long vowels spellings: 13/15 Variant Vowels: 10/15 Low frequency vowel and consonant spellings: 8/15 Multisyllabic words: 14/24 LETRS Morphology Morphology: Structural analysis 1/12 Inflectional Morphemes 11/12 (k-2) Derivational Morphemes 0/12 (3-12) Oral Reading Fluency Grade Level ORF Rate: 93 wpm (below average) ORF Accuracy: 91% (well below average) Words their Way Spelling # of phoneme errors on spelling test: 57% (grade level phonemic based errors should be minimal at 6 th grade) Rapid Automatic Naming 6 th grade level Reading Comprehension GORT: 21%ile State Testing: Unsatisfactory DPS Benchmark PP DRA 40 San Diego Quick: 5 th Grade MAZE Passage: 38%ile Oral Language Vocabulary : Rosner Test of Auditory Analysis : 1 st Grade Level l Reading Vocabulary GORT Fluency 16%ile 7 th Grade Level 5 th grade level Executive Function: excellent focus, initiates tasks, can shift in midstream; no concerns with executive functioning Reasoning : excellent verbal ; non-verbal and quantitative reasoning Other: English is first language; no family history of reading problems; older sibling have no issues with academics; engaged family; no sig medical history Name: Angie Grade: Fall 6 th Grade Fry Sight Words 300/300

2 Phonological Awareness (Blevins, Rosner and Words their Way) Alphabetic Principle (Core Phonics, LETRS Morphological Awareness) Vocabulary and Comprehension (DRA/SRI ; MAZE; Critchlaw) Fluency (ORF, Fry and RAN) Blevins PA Assessment Rhyme: 12/12 Oddity Task: 12/12 Oral Blending: 12/12 Oral Segmentation: 23/24 Phonemic Manipulation: 9/12 Core Phonics- mastered by end of 2 nd grade Short vowels: 21/21 Consonant Blends with short vowels: 12/15 Short vowels, digraphs, and trigraph: 12/15 R-Controlled vowels:7/15 Long vowels spellings: 7/15 Variant Vowels: 6/15 Low frequency vowel and consonant spellings: 4/15 Multisyllabic words: 8/24 LETRS Morphology Morphology: Structural analysis DNT Inflectional Morphemes 11/12 DNT Derivational Morphemes 0/12 DNT Oral Reading Fluency Grade Level ORF Rate: 64 wpm (below average) ORF Accuracy: 82% (well below average) Words their Way Spelling # of phoneme errors on spelling test: 78% Rapid Automatic Naming 5 th grade level Reading Comprehension State Testing: Unsatisfactory DPS Benchmark PP DRA 24 San Diego Quick: 2 nd Grade Oral Language Vocabulary : Rosner Test of Auditory Analysis : 2 nd Grade Level l Reading Vocabulary 7 th Grade Level 2 nd grade level Executive Function: excellent focus, initiates tasks, can shift in midstream; no concerns with executive functioning Reasoning : excellent verbal ; non-verbal and quantitative reasoning Other: English is first language; family history of reading problems; older sibling have no issues with reading; engaged family; no sig medical history; able to comprehend text read to her Name: Savanna Grade: Fall 4 th Grade Fry Sight Words 300/300

3 Phonological Awareness (Blevins, Rosner and Words their Way) Alphabetic Principle (Core Phonics, LETRS Morphological Awareness) Vocabulary and Comprehension (DRA/SRI ; MAZE; Critchlaw) Fluency (ORF, Fry and RAN) Blevins PA Assessment Rhyme: 2/12 Oddity Task: 5/12 Oral Blending: 5/12 Oral Segmentation: 3/24 Phonemic Manipulation: 0/12 Core Phonics- mastered by end of 2 nd grade Short vowels: 5/20 Consonant Blends with short vowels: 2/15 Short vowels, digraphs, and trigraph: 0/15 R-Controlled vowels: 0/15 Long vowels spellings: 0/15 Variant Vowels: 0/15 Low frequency vowel and consonant spellings: 0/15 Multisyllabic words: 0/24 LETRS Morphology Morphology: Structural analysis- DNT Inflectional Morphemes- DNT Derivational Morphemes- DNT Oral Reading Fluency Grade Level ORF Rate: 8 wpm (well below average) ORF Accuracy: not calculated Words their Way Spelling # of phoneme errors on spelling test: 100% (grade level phonemic based errors should be minimal at 6 th grade) Rapid Automatic Naming 2nd grade level Reading Comprehension State Testing: Unsatisfactory DPS Benchmark Unsatisfactory DRA 40 San Diego Quick: K Grade Oral Language Vocabulary : Rosner Test of Auditory Analysis : < k Grade Level l Reading Vocabulary 4 th Grade Level K grade level Executive Function: poor focus, rarely initiates tasks, strong adaptive functioning skills; many friends Reasoning : very weak verbal and quantitative reasoning; non-verbal reasoning is low average Other: English and Spanish spoken at home- all formal instruction in English; no family history of reading problems; older sibling have no issues with academics; disengaged family; out sick a lot (5 th grade missed 32 days of school); no medical insurance Name: Jesus Grade: Fall 6 th Grade Fry Sight Words 10/100

4 Phonological Awareness (Blevins, Rosner and Words their Way) Alphabetic Principle (Core Phonics, LETRS Morphological Awareness) Vocabulary and Comprehension (DRA/SRI ; MAZE; Critchlaw) Fluency (ORF, Fry and RAN) Blevins PA Assessment Rhyme: DNT Oddity Task: 6/12 Oral Blending: 3/12 Oral Segmentation: 6/24 Phonemic Manipulation: 2/12 Core Phonics- mastered by end of 2 nd grade Short vowels: 12/20 Consonant Blends with short vowels: 5/20 Did not test rest of the skills LETRS Morphology Morphology: DNT Inflectional Morphemes DNT Derivational Morphemes DNT Oral Reading Fluency Grade Level ORF Rate: 42 / 15%ile ( well below average) ORF Accuracy: 82% (well below average) Words their Way Spelling # of phoneme errors on spelling test: 90% Rapid Automatic Naming K Grade Level Reading Comprehension State Testing: Unsatisfactory DPS Benchmark Unsatisfactory DRA 8 San Diego Quick: 1 st Grade Level Oral Language Vocabulary : Rosner Test of Auditory Analysis : K Grade Level l Reading Vocabulary 4 th Grade Level 1 st Grade Level Executive Function: troubles with focus during literacy but other subjects has strong focus Reasoning : excellent verbal and non-verbal reasoning Other: English and Spanish spoken at home – no formal instruction in Spanish; father reports a history of reading problems; older sibling struggle with reading ; engaged family; has asthma Name: Samual Grade: Fall 4th Grade Fry Sight Words 22/100

5 Phonological Awareness (Blevins, Rosner and Words their Way) Alphabetic Principle (Core Phonics, LETRS Morphological Awareness) Vocabulary and Comprehension (DRA/SRI ; MAZE; Critchlaw) Fluency (ORF, Fry and RAN) Blevins PA Assessment Rhyme: 12/12 Oddity Task: 12/12 Oral Blending: 12/12 Oral Segmentation: 16/18 Phonemic Manipulation: 10/12 LETRS Morphology Morphology: DNT Inflectional Morphemes DNT Derivational Morphemes DNT Oral Reading Fluency Grade Level ORF Rate: 84 wpm (above average) ORF Accuracy: 100% (above average) Words their Way Spelling # of phoneme errors on spelling test: 40% Rapid Automatic Naming 3 rd Grade Grade Level Reading Comprehension DPS Benchmark Unsatisfactory DRA 10 (struggles with retell) San Diego Quick: 2 nd Grade Level Oral Language Vocabulary : Rosner Test of Auditory Analysis : 2 Grade Level l Reading Vocabulary K grade level 1 st Grade Level Executive Function: private diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder; family history of ASD Reasoning : weak verbal and non-verbal reasoning; Other: English and Russian spoken at home – no formal instruction in Russian ; Mother suspects a history of ASD on father ‘s side – father is an computer engineer; no siblings; engaged family; sleep disorder Name: Dimetri Grade: Fall 2nd Grade Fry Sight Words 300/300 Core Phonics- mastered by end of 2 nd grade Short vowels: 21/21 Consonant Blends with short vowels: 15/15 Short vowels, digraphs, and trigraph: 15/15 R-Controlled vowels:12/15 Long vowels spellings: 12/15 Variant Vowels: 12/15 Low frequency vowel and consonant spellings: 13/15 Multisyllabic words: 20/24

6 Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with executive functi oning? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with Language Processing ? Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with reasoning ? Root Causes of Reading Difficulty Student has the ability to sustain focus when basic skills are automatic Is there evidence to suggest difficulty with processing speed? Student is able to learn through various methods (mastery, inquiry) yes no 1. 2. 3. Is there evidence to suggest problems with phonological processing? Is there evidence to suggest problems with orthographic processing? yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no Prioritize the concerns 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Executive Functioning Concerns Reasoning Concerns Reading Comprehension Concerns Reading Fluency Concerns Basic Reading Phonological Concern Basic Reading Orthographic Concern Create the Treatment Plan Name: ________________

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