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PROJECT OVERVIEW. Grundtvig Learning Partnership Through this Learning Partnership, participating organizations have agreed to address the following subjects:

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2 Grundtvig Learning Partnership Through this Learning Partnership, participating organizations have agreed to address the following subjects: Volunteering as an active expression of civic participation and a learning opportunity for senior professionals living in some European countries; Trainings for senior volunteers engaged in volunteer activities at the European and international level.

3 Project Objectives COMPONENT A: Volunteers’ motivations Investigate on volunteer senior experts motivation at the European level. Identify innovative strategies and tools to enhance senior experts involvement in volunteers’ activities. COMPONENT B: Volunteers training Identify best practices in training for volunteer senior experts. Create a tool for pre-assignment training tailored for volunteer senior experts.


5 Activities – Component A Objective 1 - Investigate on volunteer senior experts’ motivations at the European level. Each organisation will establish a study group to conduct research at the national level, in partnership with all relevant stakeholders, aiming to investigate on motivations that lead senior professionals to serve as volunteers. A special attention will be given to gender disaggregated analysis.

6 Activities – Component A Objective 2 - Identify innovative strategies and tools to enhance senior professionals involvement in volunteers’ activities. The organisations will identify innovative strategies and tools to enhance senior volunteers’ motivation, based on the results of the three research projects carried out in Italy, Denmark and France.

7 Activities – Component B Objective 1 - Identify best practices in pre-departure training provided to senior volunteers. Each organisation will prepare a presentation about the methodologies and tools used to train volunteers in the three participating countries, highlighting strengths and weaknesses. The presentation will be shared with partners in order to identify best practices, especially regarding volunteers training.

8 Activities – Component B Objective 2 - Create a tool for pre-assignment training tailored for volunteer senior experts. The organisations will create an online e-learning course on the basis of the results of the identified best practices. This tool will be tailored for volunteer senior experts and will be focused not only on training but also on logistical issues.


10 Outcomes – Component A Informative booklet summarising motivations that lead European seniors to serve as volunteers. (before June 2012) Strategies and tools identified will be made available on each participating Organisations’ website and on a specific project website. (before August 2012).

11 Outcomes – Component B Pamphlet concerning best practices identified will be produced and distributed to CESES member organisations and European organisations working with senior volunteers. (before January 2013) E-learning training course will be made available to organisations working with senior volunteers at the European level. (before April 2013)

12 MOBILITIES A Mobility is one trip abroad by one person (volunteer or staff member) to visit a partner organisation or to attend an event organised by Lifelong Learning Programme projects.

13 Mobilities October 2011 – Rome: Kick-off meeting to know each organisation, define guidelines of the project and a workplan, define a methodology to start working on the project’s first component. February 2012 – Paris: Meeting to share findings of the national studies and identify innovative strategies and tools to enhance senior professionals involvement.

14 Mobilities September 2012 – Copenhagen: Meeting to identify best practices with regard to training provided by each partner to senior volunteers. January 2013 – Paris: Creation of an appropriate e-learning training course for senior volunteers. May 2013 – Copenhagen: Wrap-up meeting to share results with regard to testing of the e-learning training course and to conduct a joint evaluation of the project.

15 Mobilities OTECI: 12 mobilities 6 volunteers 1 staff member SWB: 12 mobilities 10 volunteers SENIORES ITALIA: 12 mobilities 6 volunteers 2 staff members

16 Mobilities OTECISWBSENIORES Rome1 staff 2 volunteers -- Paris--4 volunteers 3 staff/volunteers Copenhagen5 staff/volunteers --3 staff/volunteers Paris--6 volunteers 3 staff/volunteers Copenhagen6 staff/volunteers --3 staff/volunteers 12

17 EVALUATION (Each organisation should check possible requirements from the National Agency)

18 Evaluation tools Questionnaire to be filled after each mobility Report assessing achievements accomplished at the end of first year; Survey among new recruited volunteers in each organisation to assess the project impact; Survey among volunteers serving to assess pre-assignment training.

19 DISSEMINATION (Each organisation should check possible requirements from the National Agency)

20 Dissemination Articles on the Associations newsletters and CESES newsletter; Project website; One event organised in each country with relevant stakeholders to present and distribute project outcomes; Project outcomes, strategies and tools will be shared with CESES member organisations.

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