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Ministry of Social Affairs & Public Housing Republic of Suriname ‘Workshop Puente in the Caribbean: Program launching’ St. Lucia, 27 – 29 May 2009 Representatives.

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Presentation on theme: "Ministry of Social Affairs & Public Housing Republic of Suriname ‘Workshop Puente in the Caribbean: Program launching’ St. Lucia, 27 – 29 May 2009 Representatives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ministry of Social Affairs & Public Housing Republic of Suriname ‘Workshop Puente in the Caribbean: Program launching’ St. Lucia, 27 – 29 May 2009 Representatives MSAPH: Marsiane Partowidjojo & Saskia Donk

2 Country Profile

3 Suriname: 1.Location: north-east coast of South America, bordered by Guyana in the west, French Guyana in the east and Brazil in the south.

4 Coastal area Interior Surface: 163.820 km2 Language: Dutch Population: ± 500.000 (mixture of diverse ethnic, cultural and religious groups) Demographics: geographical characteristics: urban, rural & interior (10 districts, 62 subdistricts)

5 National Context Government: Parliamentary democracy Political context: Executive power: President of the Republic of Suriname, together with the Vice President & Council of Ministers (Government of Suriname). The Government is advised by the Council of State. Legislative power: National Assembly & Government. Judicial power: President & Vice President of the Court of Justice, its members & deputy members, the Procurator General, other members of the prosecution office & other judicial officers.

6 Regional governments Urban, rural & interior: Each district: District Commissioner (head of district) Interior: Population: Maroons & Indigenous communities, headed by its own community leaders acknowledged by the Government (Granmans)

7 Economic Context National budget: taxes, non-taxes revenues & donor financing (grants) Main export products: export of gold, bauxite, crude oil, rice & bananas, shrimp & fish, lumber

8 Social Context Poverty rate in main districts (70% of total population): Paramaribo: 27% Wanica: 27% Nickerie: 36%

9 Institutional mapping

10 Social Ministries Ministry of Social Affairs and Public Housing Ministry of Health Ministry of Education Ministry of Labor


12 Social Protection Policy Largest Social Protection Programs executed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Public Housing (MSAPH) Target groups: indigent people, people with disabilities, senior citizens, children & youth Social assistance cash-transfers Goods Services

13 Material servicesTargeting Financial AssistancePoor households Medical assistance cardPoor & near-poor households (free medical provision) Child allowanceHouseholds not receiving child allowance from their employers Old age pensionCitizens ≥ 60 yrs of age Subsidies to social institutionsSocial institutions School suppliesPoor households with children (uniforms, educational tools) visiting primary schools Directorate of Social Affairs

14 Immaterial servicesTargeting Daycare centersWorking mothers w/children betw. 0-6yrs of age Food for kidsChildren in daycare Center for the elderlyPoor & near-poor senior citizens (≥60yrs) Center for boys w/behavioral problemsBoys (8-16yrs) with behavioral problems Care for persons with a disabilityPeople with disabilities & care takers of people w/disabilities Youth careYouth (0-24yrs) with social problems Elderly careIndigent senior citizens (≥60yrs) Community DevelopmentCommunities in need General Social WorkPeople & families in need Family coachingIndigent single mothers Child Help LineChildren, youth, adolescent up to 25yrs

15 Directorate of Housing Policy within the Multi Annual Housing Program: Primarily establishes facilities to stimulate public-private partnerships to improve the nations’ quantity and quality of houses and provides through various house building programs that all income categories, especially its indigent communities can have stabile housing.

16 Service/programs Targeting Surface development companyAll households Social HousingLow income households Low Income Shelter ProgramLow/moderate income households Low Middle Income Shelter ProgramLow middle income households Project Tout Lui Faut (Chinese Gov’t) Low income households Urban Development Project RichelieuAll income categories Project Tout Lui Faut Social HousingLow income households Project District Coronie Social HousingLow income households

17 Pilot Urban Development Project Richelieu public-private partnership, individuals will be able to build, rent and buy houses within this project 2.project will include public facilities like schools, health facilities, administrative offices, small industries etc.

18 Low Income Shelter Program Program in execution since April 2003 Includes a public-private partnership: financial institutions Ngo’s + Cbo’s have a role in project preparation and execution Main objective: improve housing conditions of low -and moderate- income households in all districts Subsidies largely for housing rehabilitation, expansion and construction of new houses

19 Also includes public-private partnership. Launch in April 2009. Targets income groups in need of proper housing, that cannot benefit from services for low and middle income groups, such as the Low Income Shelter Program and the 7% Housing Facility. Program enables construction, renovation or expansion of houses through a 6% credit facility. Low Middle Income Shelter Program


21 Ministry of Education School bursaries: Cash grant for indigent high school and college students to finish high school and complete a university education. Students from indigent households Project for Teenage Mothers: Counselling and training project to finish school education. Teenage mothers between the age of 11 – 22. SOCIAL SERVICESTARGETING School feeding project for primary schools: distribution of lunch meals to schoolchildren. Schoolchildren of indigent Household visiting primary schools Subsidy school transportation: transportation for schoolchildren from remote areas to visit schools. Schoolchildren from indigent households & remote areas

22 Ministry of Labor Foundation for Labor Mobilization & Development: Central training center concentrated on vocational training in order to create employment School drop outs (≥ 16yrs) Stichting Productieve Werkeenheden: Training center concentrated on specific skills for managing small businesses. Small business SOCIAL SERVICESTARGETING

23 Ministry of Health Regional Health Center: Primary and secundary medical care Medical Card beneficiaries of MSAPH Immunization program: vaccination of infants and schoolchildren All infants and schoolchildren SOCIAL SERVICESTARGETING HIV/Aids testing & medication: free of charge testing for HIV/Aids Every citizen

24 Ministry of Regional Development Foundation Fund for the Development of the Interior (Dutch finances): 1. Stimulation of productive activities and activities aiming to improve the living conditions of the community 2. Organizational, technical and institutional strengthening of the government and Ngo’s who have a direct or indirect supporting role Communities of indigenous people SOCIAL SERVICESTARGETING

25 Other measures Additional measures taken to support vulnerable groups in society: NCCR: national disaster team: e.g. coordinative aid in floods occurred in the interior ant-plagues which destroy crops of indigenous communities Subsidies for small farmers Subsidies for the rice industry Subsidies for public transportation

26 Strengths & weaknesses Strengths: 1. Large portfolio of social services targeting a diverse group of indigent individuals and families. 2. Accessible social services. 3. Public-private partnerships. Weaknesses: 1. Poor targeting mechanisms 2. Fragmentation of social programs 3. Weak infrastructure & capacity 4. Lack of legislation on most of the social programs 5. Poor exit strategies

27 Thank you!

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