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Geoinfosys Technologies New Delhi 9 th February 2012 Development of ‘Geographical Information System’ (GIS) based “Decision Support System for Transport”

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Presentation on theme: "Geoinfosys Technologies New Delhi 9 th February 2012 Development of ‘Geographical Information System’ (GIS) based “Decision Support System for Transport”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geoinfosys Technologies New Delhi 9 th February 2012 Development of ‘Geographical Information System’ (GIS) based “Decision Support System for Transport”

2 Content  Introduction  Objective & Purpose  Project Requirements  Important Features

3 Introduction  It is envisaged to establish a ‘Geographical Information System’ (GIS) based ‘Decision Support System’  Part of institutional strengthening and capacity building for implementation of state road projects under the assistance of the World Bank  To enhance the capacity of ‘UPPWD’ to manage assets more effectively By providing a source of readily accessible, relevant and valid information to improve decision-making

4 The Problem  Managing More than 300,000 Km of Roads  Allocation on resources on priority  Providing better quality roads with facilities  Data required is huge, from pavement conditions, traffic data, road furniture data etc for better management  Providing Safety  Better Rescue Operations  Planning of New roads for providing connectivity to more villages

5 The Solution  Create a system that is easy to operate and hence the data could be updated from all across the state  Easy access to data on the fly for better decision making  Integration of real life data procured form RAMDOSS system including the videos  Integration with HDM 4 for better decision making and prioritization of works and thereby allocation of resources  Providing easy access to data for better planning of new roads

6 The Approach  Step wise approach for the entire Solution  Easy Interface for the Web based GIS System  First Phase of 18 districts (Out of a Total of 72)  Training to officers across the state  Quick Implementation of Phases

7 Objective & Purpose  The most important purpose of the proposed ‘RIS’ is to have all the roads (Up to ODR) & bridge features mapped into ‘GIS’ database.  ‘GIS’ will provide the basic platform for all spatial features of the Road & Bridge assets with an integrated database for storing attributes of the data feature.  Updation of data is crucial and this is proposed through data updation across the state  The key objective of the proposed ‘RIS’ is to facilitate ‘UPPWD’ for effective decision making in prioritizing their work.  Provision of Network based solutions to general public

8 Requirements  Application of Road Information System  The proposed ‘RIS Application’ shall be based on ‘Geographical Information System’ (GIS).  The ‘RIS Application’ shall provide capabilities for editing and regular updating of ‘GIS’ based digital map database to authorized users across the state.  The ‘GIS Based RIS Application’ shall provide analyzing & searching capabilities to the users and generate reports  Scalability of the system and Quick response to user queries  The ‘RIS Application’ shall be compatible to HDM-4 (Highway Development & Management) software which is proposed to be presently used for road maintenance management.

9 The Solution  Apollo Server Software for web Based Application  Easy to Implement  Easy to Train people to start the work  Easily Scalable  Capability to use wide variety of formats of data  Easily customizable to changing client requirements  Less hungry on Resources

10 Architecture

11 Important Features department/

12 Road Corridor with Landmarks

13 Road Attributes

14 Data management tools

15 Route Analysis

16 Dynamic Queries

17 Google Integration

18 HDM 4 and Integration  HDM4 (Highway Development &Management) assists in: Prioritization of Road works based on conditions, finances etc Preparation of Multi year work programs based on the existing up-to-date data Resource Deployment Project Level Appraisals Long Term Strategic Plans


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