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EMPLOYABILITY FOR ECONOMICS STUDENTS A simple guide to what we will be doing in the School of Economics to help you find the right future employment for.

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Presentation on theme: "EMPLOYABILITY FOR ECONOMICS STUDENTS A simple guide to what we will be doing in the School of Economics to help you find the right future employment for."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMPLOYABILITY FOR ECONOMICS STUDENTS A simple guide to what we will be doing in the School of Economics to help you find the right future employment for you.

2 Employability and Economics – Stage 3 Starting in Week 3 – a short series of talks and workshops covering What can you do with an economics degree? Advice from a graduate recruiter What do you want to do? Employment or further study? How you can improve your profile to get the right job, eg work experience, internships, University initiatives

3 Advice on how the employment selection process works Advice on how to write a good application/CV and CV clinic Help with competency tests, interviews and other parts of the selection process

4 This will be happening 3-4 or 5pm on Tuesday from Week 3 onwards in ELT2 Come and see me – John Peirson, Keynes Cg.07, Maybe that you need to see me earlier than Week 3. Consultation hours: Tues 1-2pm & Thu 3-4pm or try other times Come and see me during consultation hours for the rest of the year or try other times.

5 WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW? Think about what you want to do after your degree. The rest of this year rushes past and the serious employee has to think about the future NOW Consider internships and work experience in the field you wish to work in the summer There are a number of University run initiatives

6 Job Market Forum This is a School of Economics run Moodle module which you can register for, see the right hand button on the School of Economics home page The Job market forum is for past and present Economics students who are in the job market. It is a forum for student discussion about jobs in general and employment advice If wish to receive a reference from a member of the School, we require you to upload your CV onto this site. In the first instance, you should be asking your personal tutor/academic adviser for a reference. You need to use an enrolment key - Networking

7 MyFolio MyFolio is the University of Kent’s student owned e-portfolio and Personal Development It is a personal develop planning (PDP) tool It is designed to help you set and achieve personal and employment related goals Most usefully, it records your achievements It is at

8 Employability Points Scheme This University of Kent scheme provides students with the means to demonstrate activity across a range of activities. The scheme has links with a number of external firms and organisations. Students can get work experience with a number of participating companies. More details at or contact: Christopher Broad, Employability Points Co-ordinator, email:

9 University of Kent Careers Employability Award The University of Kent Careers Employability Award helps students to identify and plan Possible future careers Potential employers The student’s employment skills Present these skills in CVs and job applications The award takes about 12 hours, is free, undertaken online using Moodle and further details can be found at

10 Other Sources of Information The University’s Careers and Employability Service has a large website, friendly staff and a building just by the entrance to Keynes. See They will be giving a talk with a Q&A session on “What can I do with a degree in Economics” on Thursday 1-2pm KLT2 in Week 3 Kent Union run a volunteering scheme that allows students to record and attain awards for a large number of volunteering activities. See Kent Union intend to run other employment related schemes (I am told) but I have no details at the moment

11 School of Economics and Employability The School sees its major objective as to develop your economic knowledge, skills and employability in a very demanding future job market We will help you, but most of the effort will come from you. From Week 3, there will be a series of talks and activities to develop your employability and this carries on through Stage 3 If you have any questions or want some advice get in contact with me John Peirson, email Talk to your Academic Adviser. More specific advice from me or the Careers and Employability Service What would you like us to do?

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