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Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations NFHS/MHSAA 2008-09 Hockey Rules Changes Points of Emphasis

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1 Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations NFHS/MHSAA 2008-09 Hockey Rules Changes Points of Emphasis

2 Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations NFHS/MHSAA Hockey 2008 Rules Changes

3 Team Captains (2-2-6) Captain’s Choice Penalties New procedure for all “Captain’s Choice” penalties.  Player selected by captain to serve penalty must have been on ice when infraction occurred.  Change penalizes both player and team.

4 Goalkeeper Equipment (3-3-1) Required Goalkeeper Equipment  Required goalkeeper equipment includes glove, skates, stick, full face mask, throat guard, leg pads, neck guard and helmet with strap properly fastened.  Protective equipment shall not be modified (3-4-1-a).

5 Goalkeeper Equipment (3-3-1) Required Goalkeeper Equipment  New standard for goalie throat guard. Must be “flapper” style protector, separate, commercially manufactured, unaltered and properly attached to helmet/mask.  Change requires “flapper” throat guard for goalkeeper for 2008-09.

6 Goalkeeper Equipment (3-3-1) Required Goalkeeper Equipment  Coaches are reminded that MHSAA regulations require all players, including goalkeepers to wear neck guards. Therefore, goalkeepers must wear “flapper” style throat guard and full neck guard to meet both NF and MHSAA regulations.

7 Goalkeeper Equipment (3-3-1) Required Goalkeeper Equipment  A final reminder regarding goaltender helmets & facemasks. All such equipment must meet HECC certification. Some “cats eye” masks may not meet HECC standards. Check the HECC Website for a list of certified helmets.

8 Teams, Players, Substitutes (2-5-11) Goalie Substitution – New Article  A goalkeeper who has been substituted for by another goalkeeper at a stoppage of play may not re-enter until the next stoppage of play.

9 Teams, Players, Substitutes (2-5-11) Goalie Substitution – New Article  Previously this restriction appeared only under injury replacement in Section 6, Art. 4. Now also appears in change of players in Section 5, Art. 11. Goalkeeper may still leave the ice on the fly when being replaced by an extra attacker.

10 Playing Rules (6-1-9) Abuse of Officials/Conduct  No player shall use obscene language directed at officials or others during the warm-up, game or intermission.  New penalty - Minor & misconduct  (minor added to initial penalty).

11 Playing Rules (6-1-11) Abuse of Officials/Conduct  No player, coach or bench personnel shall use any obscene gestures or racial/ethnic slurs directed at officials or others during the warm-up, game, intermission or after the game.  New penalty - Minor & game misconduct (minor added).

12 Playing Rules (6-12-8-h) Faceoffs  The puck shall be faced off at the place where it was last played, which is where the puck was last fairly in contact with a player on that player’s stick when -  New (b) – the puck leaves the rink for any unnatural reason (under the boards, etc.).

13 Teams, Players, Substitutes (2-3) Players in Uniform  NF rules allow state associations to exceed the maximum of 20 players to dress and play in a game.  The MHSAA has approved an increase to 22 uniformed players allowed on the bench for all games. Warm-ups are also limited to 22 players in uniform.

14 Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations NFHS/MHSAA Hockey 2008-09 Rules Review Points of Emphasis

15 Protective Equipment (MHSAA Adoption) MHSAA Neck guard Requirement All players, including goalies, are required to wear separate neck guards. Must be worn during warm-ups, intermissions and during game. Neck guards are not optional!! Officials must enforce!!!

16 Protective Equipment (3-4-4) Mouth guards  All players, including goaltender, shall wear and have properly inserted in their mouth during the course of play a dental guard.  Mouth guard must be colored & non-clear - not altered - Does not need to be attached to mask

17 Playing Rules (6-27-3) MHSAA Point Differential Rule  A running clock shall be used when a team leads by eight or more goals during the first and second periods. After two periods of play or anytime during the third period, the game will be terminated when a team leads by eight goals.

18 Playing Rules (6-27-3) MHSAA Point Differential Rule  During the first and second periods, when the point differential goes from eight goals to less than eight goals, regular time resumes.

19 Playing Rules (6-27-3) MHSAA Point Differential Rule  The point differential rule is not optional nor shall it be modified. This rule governs regular season and tournament games and is included in the 2008-2009 MHSAA Handbook and Officials Guide.

20 Tied Games (6-38) MHSAA Overtime Procedures  Regular season single games - A maximum of one 8-minute sudden victory OT period is allowed.  By prior mutual agreement, leagues & conferences may elect not to play OT, or play one shorter OT period.  Default - If no prior agreement, one 8 minute OT period shall be played.

21 Tied Games (6-38) MHSAA Overtime Procedures  For regular season tournaments with 4 or more teams (not on days followed by school days) unlimited sudden victory OT’s, 8 minutes maximum may be played.  Tiebreakers such as shootouts, penalty shots, etc. are not allowed.

22 MHSAA Tournament OT Procedures Overtime Procedures  A new MHSAA Tournament OT proposal has been recommended to the Representative Council for consideration in December. Any change in OT policies for MHSAA tournament games will be sent to all coaches, schools & officials in December.

23 Points of Emphasis Obstruction (6-22)  The NF Hockey Committee believes that the rules in place are sufficient to restrict obstruction-like infractions, i.e. holding, hooking & interference. Strict enforcement of obstruction/interference infractions is required to reward speed & skill of participants.

24 Points of Emphasis Checking From Behind (6-7)  Checking from behind is the most dangerous situation in hockey due to the potential for catastrophic injuries. Coaches must instruct their players to pull up from body checks when they see the backs of their opponents, especially near the boards. Enforcement is critical.

25 Points of Emphasis Hits to the Head (6-40-3)  A penalty shall be assessed to any player who intentionally or recklessly contacts a player in the head, including with the stick or by an illegal body check. Officials should use the signal for contact to the head when calling this penalty.

26 Points of Emphasis Sportsmanship – Language (6-1)  No player or coach shall display unsportsmanlike conduct towards officials or opponents. Use of abusive and foul language is not to be tolerated and must be penalized. There is no place in the high school game for profane language!!!!!!!!

27 Supplemental Conduct Rules MHSAA Game Disqualification Rules - Coach & Player First DQ – Miss next 2 games.  Second DQ – Miss next 4 games.  Third DQ – Suspended for remainder of season, including MHSAA tournament games.  MHSAA penalties exceed NF rules.

28 Supplemental Conduct Rules MHSAA Game DQ Rules  MHSAA DQ penalties require better compliance with officials report procedures.  Official must file report with MHSAA and school & contact school within 48 hours. Coach must be clear on DQ’s before leaving rink.

29 Supplemental Conduct Rules MHSAA Game DQ Rules  Score sheets must be reviewed, signed and clearly understood by everyone during, and at the conclusion of the contest.  Coach & school must enforce DQ suspension penalties regardless of officials’ report filing.

30 Final Reminders Enforce playing rules as written.  Do not tolerate post whistle contact, confrontations, altercations.  Do not tolerate use of obscene/profane language.  State clearly at pre-game meeting that illegal contact/unsportsmanlike conduct will be penalized!!!!!!!

31 Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations NFHS/MHSAA Hockey 2008-09 Rules Meetings

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