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Web Server Load Balancing/Scheduling Asima Silva Tim Sutherland.

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Presentation on theme: "Web Server Load Balancing/Scheduling Asima Silva Tim Sutherland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Web Server Load Balancing/Scheduling Asima Silva Tim Sutherland

2 Outline Web Server Introduction Information Management Basics Load Sharing Policies –FLEX –WARD –EquiLoad –AdaptLoad SummaryConclusions Future Work

3 Introduction to Web Server Load Balancing Request enters a router Load balancing server determines which web server should serve the request Sends the request to the appropriate web server Internet Router Load-Balancing Server Web Servers Request Response Traditional Web Cluster

4 How do we split up information? Content Server Farm ?

5 Information Strategies Replication Partition

6 Load Balancing Approaches File Distribution Routing Content/Locality Aware DNS Server Size Aware Centralized Router Workload Aware Distributed Dispatcher

7 Issues Efficiently processing requests with optimizations for load balancing –Send and process requests to a web server that has files in cache – Send and process requests to a web server with the least amount of requests – Send and process requests to a web server determined by the size of the request

8 FLEX Locality aware load-balancing strategy based on two factors: –Accessed files, memory requirements –Access rates (working set), load requirements Partitions all servers into equally balanced groups Each server transfers the response to the browser to reduce bottleneck through the router (TCP Handoff) File Distribution Routing Content/Locality Aware DNS Server Size Aware Centralized Router Workload Aware Distributed Dispatcher

9 Flex Diagram DNS Server Requests To Client Browser Forwards Request S1S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 W(S1) ≈ W(S2) ≈ W(S3) ≈ … ≈ W(S6) Ar(S1) ≈ Ar(S2) ≈ Ar(S3) ≈ … ≈ Ar(S6)

10 FLEX Cont. Advantages: –Highly scalable –Reduces bottleneck by the load balancer –No software is required –Reduces number of cache misses

11 FLEX Cont. II Disadvantages: –Not dynamic, routing tale must be recreated –Only compared to RR –Number of access logs required on each server could be tremendous –Responsibility of load-balancing and transferring response is given to web servers – unorganized responsibility –How often to update access rates and working sets? Monitor?

12 WARD Workload-Aware Request Distribution Strategy Server core are essential files that represent majority of expected requests Server core is replicated at every server Ward-analysis computes the nearly optimal core size determined by workload access patterns –Number of nodes –Node RAM –TCP handoff overhead –Disk access overhead File Distribution Routing Content/Locality Aware DNS Server Size Aware Centralized Router Workload Aware Distributed Dispatcher

13 WARD Cont. Three components: dispatcher (load balancer), distributor (router), web server Three progressive architectures: Dispatcher Distributor Front End LAN Server Dispatcher Distributor Front End LAN Server Distributor Switch Dispatcher Distributor Front End LAN Server Distributor Switch Dispatcher Single front-end distributor, centralized dispatcher Co-located distributor and server Co-located distributor, server, and dispatcher LARD CARD WARD

14 WARD Diagram Requests S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Queue: Switch Each computer is a distributor and a dispatcher

15 WARD Cont. II Similar to FLEX, sends response directly to client Minimizes forwarding overhead from handoffs for the most frequent files Optimizes the overall cluster RAM usage “by mapping a small set of most frequent files to be served by multiple number of nodes, we can improve both locality of accesses and the cluster performance significantly”

16 WARD Cont. III Advantages: –No decision making, core files are replicated on every server –Minimizes transfer of requests and disk reads, both are “equally bad” –Outperforms Round Robin –Efficient use of RAM –Performance gain with increased number of nodes

17 WARD Cont. IV Disadvantages: –Core files are created on past day’s data, could decrease performance up to 15% –Distributed dispatcher increases the number of TCP requests transfers –If core files not selected correctly, higher cache miss rate and increased disk accesses

18 WARD Results

19 EquiLoad Determines which server will process a request determined by the size of the requested file Splits the content on each server by file size, forcing the queues sizes to be consistent. File Distribution Routing Content/Locality Aware DNS Server Size Aware Centralized Router Workload Aware Distributed Dispatcher

20 EquiLoad Solves Queue Length Problems This is bad QueueQueue This is better QueueQueue 1k1k1000k 1k1k1k2k2k1k1k2k1k 100k100k 1k1k1k2k100k

21 EquiLoad Diagram Distributor Requests To Client Browser Forwards Request S1S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 1k-2k 2k-3k 3k-10k10k-20k 20k-100k>100kDispatcher (periodically calculates partitions)

22 EquiLoad Advantages –Dynamic repartitioning –Can be implemented at various levels DNSDispatcherServer –Minimum queue buildup –Performs well under variable workload and high system load

23 EquiLoad Disadvantages –Cache affinity is neglected –Requires a front end dispatcher –Distributor must communicate with servers –Thresholds of parameter adjustment

24 EquiLoad  AdaptLoad AdaptLoad improves upon EquiLoad using “fuzzy boundaries” –Allows for multiple servers to process a request –Behaves better in situations where server partitions are very close in size

25 AdaptLoad Diagram Dispatcher Requests To Client Browser Forwards Request S1S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 1k-3k 2k-4k 3k-10k8k-20k 15k-100k>80kDistributor (periodically calculates partitions)

26 AdaptLoad Results

27 Summary File Distribution Routing Content/Locality Aware DNS Server Size Aware Centralized Router Workload Aware Distributed Dispatcher FLEX EquiLoad, AdaptLoad WARD

28 Conclusions There is no “best” way to distribute content among servers. There is no optimal policy for all website applications. Certain strategies are geared towards a particular website application.

29 Future Work Compare and contrast the three policies Figure out how often nodes should be repartitioned Compare each policy to a standard benchmark Figure out which policy works in a particular environment

30 Questions? Anyone have one?

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