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By  Mosa Mohammed Hasan Al-Barqi 433821409  Mohammed ali ahmed assiri 433821164  Ali saad abdullah assiri 431807573 What is..

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1 By  Mosa Mohammed Hasan Al-Barqi 433821409  Mohammed ali ahmed assiri 433821164  Ali saad abdullah assiri 431807573 What is..

2  Introduction  History  Versions of wordpress  Uses of wordpress  Examples for some web sites desgined with wordpress  Comparison with Joomla and Drupal Magazine  Install Word Press  Themes ( templates )  Plugins  Mobiles  References Index :

3  what is web content management system ?  A web content management system (WCMS) is a software system that provides website authoring, collaboration, and administration tools designed to allow users with little knowledge of web programming languages or markup languages to create and manage website content with relative ease.  Most systems use a content repository or a database to store page content, metadata, and other information assets that might be needed by the system.  A WCMS allows non-technical users to make changes to a website with little training.  A WCMS typically requires a systems administrator and/or a web developer to set up and add features, but it is primarily a website maintenance tool for non-technical staff.  Introduction

4  Advantages of web content management system: 1) Low cost : Some content management systems are free, such as Drupal, Joomla, and WordPress. 2) Easy customization : A universal layout is created, making pages have a similar theme and design without much code. 3)Easy to use : CMSs are designed with non-technical people in mind. 4)Workflow management : CMSs provide the facility to control how content is published, when it is published, and who publishes it. 5)Good For SEO : CMS websites are also good for search engine optimization (SEO).  Good web site always used dynamic web-content

5  Some notable examples of CMS :  WordPress : was the most popular content management system before 2014. It originated as a blogging CMS, but has been adapted into a full-fledged CMS.  Textpattern : is one of the first open source CMS and still one of the leanest and safest to use  Joomla : is a popular content management system that can be used to easily create and edit webpages.  Drupal : is the third[13] most used CMS and originated before WordPress and Joomla.  ExpressionEngine : is in the top 5 most used CMSs. It is a commercial CMS made by EllisLab.  MediaWiki powers : Wikipedia and related projects, and is the most prominent example of a wiki CMS.  Cascade Server : is popular among universities [14] and enterprise scale organizations  eXo Platform : Open Source Social CMS  Liferay : Open Source Portal WCMS

6  WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog.  WordPress has a web template system using a template processor.  WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.  Features include a plugin architecture and a template system.  WordPress was used by more than 22.0% of the top 10 million websites as of August 2013.  WordPress is the most popular blogging system in use on the Web, at more than 60 million websites.  The license under which WordPress software is released is the GPLv2 (or later) from the Free Software Foundation. o what is wordpress ?

7 WordPress first appeared in 2003 as a joint effort between Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little to create a fork of b2. Christine Selleck Tremoulet, a friend of Mullenweg, suggested the name WordPress. In 2004 the licensing terms for the competing Movable Type package were changed by Six Apart and many of its most influential users migrated to WordPress. By October 2009 the 2009 Open Source content management system Market Share Report reached the conclusion that WordPress enjoyed the greatest brand strength of any open-source content-management systems.  History

8 Version Release date 0.7 27 May 2003 1.0 3 January 2004 1.2 22 May 2004 1.5 17 February 2005 2.0 31 December 2005 2.1 22 January 2007 2.2 16 May 2007 2.3 24 September 2007 2.5 29 March 2008 2.6 15 July 2008 2.7 11 December 2008 2.8 10 June 2009 2.9 19 December 2009 Version Release date 3.0 17 June 2010 3.1 23 February 2011 3.2 4 July 2011 3.3 12 December 2011 3.4 13 June 2012 3.5 11 December 2012 3.6 1 August 2013 3.7 24 October 2013 3.8 12 December 2013 3.9 16 April 2014 4.0 4 September 2014 4.1 10 December 2014


10 Uses :  WordPress Wiki  Contact book  E-mail newsletter  Timeline  Google map tagging blog  Questions and answers site  Ticketing system  Collaboration tool  Project management  Invoicing  Online book  Help desk  Gaming portal/site  Pitch your startup  RSS Aggregator  Courses and Schooling  Personal blog  Business website  Landing page/ Sales page  Online magazine  News site  Event blog/site  Gallery  Membership site  CV site  Video blog  Polling site  Clone sites – Twitter  Review site  Web chat  Coupon site  Confession blog  Article library  Online clock, stopwatch site, countdown site  Directory site  Press release site  Job listing site  E-commerce  Social bookmark site  Forum  Classifieds  Web comics  City guide  Podcast  Contest

11  reasons why we use wordpress for a number of our websites. 1)Open Source Software : This basically means the software is free to download and use 2)Easy to Install : Good web hosting companies offer quick one click installation of wordpress and have optimised systems to work seamlessly with the platform. 3)Great Themes : A theme provides the look of your website, there are many good free themes and premium (paid) themes available to give your site the feel you want. 4) Plugins : Plugins add additional features to your website 5)S.E.O : SEO (Search Engine Optimization) this is making your site search engine friendly and getting it to appear high up in the search engine results page. Generally wordpress is very SEO friendly but there are also some excellent SEO plugins to fine tune your website. 6)Simple CMS : CMS (Content Management System) this allows the user to publish and edit their content easily and quickly. 7)Expandable and Adaptable : A wordpress business website can be as big as you want it to be, from a simple blog page to large website with a number of complex features including ecommerce.

12 Examples for some web sites desgined with wordpress :

13 Comparison with Joomla and Drupal Magazine



16 https://ar.wordpress.orgWeb sites for Wordpress

17 How to Install WordPress Manually In order to install WordPress, firstly, you will need to download the latest version of WordPress package from, but before you do it, make sure your host has the the latest version of php and SQL, so you know that they are compatible. If not, you can always contact your host, and ask them to upgrade the php version and SQL to the latest. Now, if you do not have File Transfer Portal or FTP software installed, you need to download one. The most popular one is Filzilla; you need to make sure to download the Client version, not the Server version. After you have installed and have it running, you will notice that it basically requires few pieces of information, such as Host, Username and Password. You can create the account information by accessing to your hosting company’s website. After you have the information, you can simply enter them and then hit Quick connect.

18 How to Install WordPress Manually After you are connected, you might need to browse to your root directory of the domain. It really depends on with host company you are with. Most hosting companies’ root directory is behind public_html, but few hosting companies will be in httpdocs or they simply have a folder created that is named after your domain name. Now, you need to unzip the WordPress package from, and then drag all unzipped files over to the root directory of you domain. After that, you just let it finishing the transfer. In the meanwhile, you can head back to your hosting company’s website, and create a database for your WordPress. On most hosting companies’ dashboard or control panel, they will have a section that is for SQL database, there you can create database name, username and password. One thing that you need to make sure is you need to grant all permission for the database username.

19 How to Install WordPress Manually After the files transfer finished, you can open your browser, and then type in your domain url, if everything is correct, a message will appear that saying you need to create a configuration file. You can go ahead, and click “Create a Configuration File” button. After that, a welcome message board will appear. It basically tells you that you need to have database name, username and password in order to install WordPress.

20 How to Install WordPress Manually You can simply click “Let’s go!” button. After that, a new message board will appear which will require you to fill out all database information.

21 How to Install WordPress Manually So, you just fill out Database name, User Name, and Passowrd. For database host, about 90 percent of time, yours will be localhost, but some host might have different database host. You might be able to find it out in SQL database section or simply contact your host’s support team. Also for Table Prefix, it is best to change it in to something other than the default “wp_”, it can be anything you want. Changing table prefix can actually improve the security of your WordPress site. improve the security of your WordPress site

22 How to Install WordPress Manually After you have entered everything and double checked, you can click “Submit” button. If everything were setup correctly, a username and password creation page will appear. You can fill out the site Title, create username and password for your WordPress dashboard, and your email address. Finally, you can click “Install WordPress”, and you are done.

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